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  • »Nanuaraq« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 17

Dabei seit: 31. Oktober 2011

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Freitag, 25. November 2011, 11:23


Is there a way to calculate exactly how much money is needed to bribe a councillor?

I have observed three responses, first the "What am I supposed to do with this pittance?" - response, meaning the councillor takes your money but will not follow your suggestion. Second, the "allright, I'll see what I can do", which means the councillor will do as you suggest, but to what limit? And thirdly, that the councillor is so overjoyed with your gift that he will certainly work for your point of view.

How do I know how much money to give him? It seems logical that the amount rises as I become richer, but how to calculate precisely?

And what is the difference between the second and third response?

(double postet this on Kalypso as well)


Freitag, 25. November 2011, 19:06

Hi Nanuaraq,

Cannot give you a formula but the tipp-collection says that it depends on the company value - as expected. In the beginning 30,000 GS should be enough, 70,000 GS in the later game.

Kind Regards,



  • »x9jaan« ist männlich

Beiträge: 3 626

Dabei seit: 17. Februar 2006

Wohnort: Schnellmannshausen

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Samstag, 26. November 2011, 08:43

Yes, 70.000 GS are always enough, but it can be cheaper. Try save and load, if you want to be sure, what the bribe costs.
Die Schatzkarten als *-zip-Datei.



  • »Nanuaraq« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 17

Dabei seit: 31. Oktober 2011

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Samstag, 26. November 2011, 16:41

Hi Nanuaraq,

Cannot give you a formula but the tipp-collection says that it depends on the company value - as expected. In the beginning 30,000 GS should be enough, 70,000 GS in the later game.

Kind Regards,

Where can I see my company value? Do I have to estimate it myself (could be tricky)? Or is there a function for that in the game somewhere?


Sonntag, 27. November 2011, 11:33

Hi Nanuaraq,

Click on the coins left to the cash-display.

Kind Regards,



  • »Nanuaraq« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 17

Dabei seit: 31. Oktober 2011

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Montag, 28. November 2011, 10:32

Hi Nanuaraq,

Click on the coins left to the cash-display.

Kind Regards,

Now that sounds useful indeed. From there, it should be a simple calculation based on trial and error, yes? I trust the ratio between company value and bribe is linear? I'll have to find out.