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Montag, 20. September 2010, 08:26


I'm playing campaign 3 Rise of The Hanseatic League. I have problem with beggars, is there any possibility to have more than 10 (15, with church donations) beggars in other towns than Rostock, Stettin or Stockholm, of course I built school!

I succeed to raise number of residets to only 75 000, it's quite poor!!! ?(



  • »Preussenhusar« ist männlich

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Mittwoch, 22. September 2010, 09:30

First you have to supply your city, beggars need housing, too.

So if you have 99 % of any type of houses occupied (poor, wealthy and rich seperately), nobody will want to come to the city.

keep all housings at < 90 % occupied and let the poor be in happy mood at least, sorry if my english is not correct.

Greetings and good luck



Samstag, 25. September 2010, 23:31

Sorry man, no offense, but it's not helping me.

I built office in Lubeck after Rostock, Stockholm and Stettin has been "boomed". I provided town with all necessary goods, especially for poor peoples, all of them were happy, poor, wealthy and reach ones.

Housing are below 50% occuped and I'm trying to increase it, but it's going VERY SLOWLY, onli 10 beggars per day (whit builted school) or 15 with great donations in church.

And this situation is in all of the cities!!! X( !!!



  • »Yakko« ist männlich

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Sonntag, 26. September 2010, 10:09

IIRC a few game settings have been altered in some of the campaign games, to make it a worthy goal to keep the population at these low immigration rates. :giggle:

You could try to ship people from towns where you dont need them to towns where you need them, there could be a few with more. ;)



  • »x9jaan« ist männlich

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Sonntag, 26. September 2010, 10:23

@ The Wlade

You can hire seaman (people, who works on a ship) from the tavern of other towns and fire at Rostock. So the number of beggars in Rostock will increase. I hope, it helps.

Edit: Yakko was faster.
Die Schatzkarten als *-zip-Datei.


Montag, 27. September 2010, 07:36

Thanks guys, that will certainly help! :170:


Montag, 11. Oktober 2010, 11:47

Oh my God!!! Every day something new happens! X(

Again I have problems with those beggars! This time I have enough of them ... BUT ... always that BUT ... this time they don't want to work! There is enough space in houses in every three classes (about 80% for poor people), some of them are happy, some are just satisfied, there are enough goods for everyone. Tip with sailors is great thing, I managed to rise numbers of inhabitans very quickly (I brought over 40 sailors per day, mostly from Stettin) , until one day.
Suddenly thre were NOT A SINGLE SAILOR in ALL OF HANSE, every tavern was empty. Day after day taverns were filled with sailors, one by each day. Now situation is stabilized. Every day I got 7 new sailors to recruit. But these situation is not in towns where number of beggars exceed 20 or more. Main thing is that those beggars even don't want to become workers in my factory. I know that maximum number of new workers in one factory is 12, if there are enough number of beggars, BUT ... again that BUT (not with two U ;) ) .... I have more than 50 beggars, I built two new production buildings, but I don't get more than 2 or 3 workers per day!!!! ;(

(I'm not sure but it seems to me that the people are emigrating from some towns, although the people there are satisfied, but number is only 2 or 3 per day, so it's not so seriously big problem)

Is this possible, or is there problem with me?! ?(