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  • »dataWolf« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 3

Dabei seit: 5. Oktober 2012

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Samstag, 13. Oktober 2012, 19:38

Festivals / Captains

1) Do captains only apply during automatic actions? or also manual. For example, is there any difference when fighting or when trading whether or not i have a captain skilled in that attribute.

2) for festivals, are the supplies supposed to be in my warehouse or in the marketplace? because i just got married and it said it was marginally successfull yet when i checked my stocks i was not out of beer grain fish meat or wine. Why was it not a complete success? I figured it would only not be a complete success if i ran out of something. Or does it only subtract it in blocks and doesn't subtract partial supplies? Also are those the only types of supplies or are there others.



Beiträge: 3

Dabei seit: 16. November 2010

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Montag, 14. Januar 2013, 20:59

1) A captain's trade skill only applies during autotrade actions. Although I have not tested it myself, I have read that the trade skill has no effect on expeditions. I believe that a captain's sailing skill does apply even during manually controlled combat. A captain with high sailing skill will help you chase down a fleeing opponent, or help you escape if you try to flee. I'm not sure about the combat skill, but on the chance that it may have an effect on boarding battles, I try to get captains with some combat skill.

2) For festivals, the goods have to be in your warehouse. In addition to the goods you mentioned, you will have to supply honey for a successful celebration.