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Freitag, 11. August 2006, 03:24

when game is constantly crashing

The game is constantly crashing on April 1th 1376. ?( I tried to reinstall the game, but it didn't help. Any suggestions? It is actually Patrician III v1.


Old Skipper - still on duty!

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Freitag, 11. August 2006, 06:29

Did you patch it?
Are you using Windows XP-Po and/or dual processor?
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Pugnator Linguae Latinae

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Freitag, 11. August 2006, 09:26


it's April Fool's Day, what did you expect? ;-)

Could it be possible that this is our "old" problem we already diskussed at the old 12M-forum? That the game crashes, because two actions happen at the same time? Do you have a travellor or something like that at one of your ships?

Vale RF
"Mein Leipzig lob' ich mir, es ist ein Klein-Paris" (aus Goethes Faust)




Freitag, 11. August 2006, 11:49

No i'm not using any patch. Can you give me any link where i can download Patrician III paches?
Actually my computer is quite old (windows 98, RAM 68MB, processor 200 MHz). But the game was working quite well till to this problem.
But what to do when events happen concurrently? No i haven't traveller, but maybe it is expedition what is returning and another event happen at same time. Do patches help against this problem?


Pugnator Linguae Latinae

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Freitag, 11. August 2006, 13:47


this is a problem still existing in the patch. AFAIR we diskussed, that the game crashed, because a traveller and an expedition wanted to send a message at the same "tick" (you can see the ticks when the game speed is time break (german:Zeitbremse)). The solution was, to load the traveller one tick later, so that the events didn't happened at the same tick.

This is a link to the topic (german, at the old 12M-Forum): Problem mit Reisenden ;-)

Vale RF
"Mein Leipzig lob' ich mir, es ist ein Klein-Paris" (aus Goethes Faust)




Freitag, 11. August 2006, 14:14

But i don't have any traveller on my ships. There should be another problem. You mentioned that it is possible to load events in different time. How it is possible?


Pugnator Linguae Latinae

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Dabei seit: 31. März 2005

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Freitag, 11. August 2006, 14:46


i guess you do not need a travellor, it can be anything else.

About loading events at a different time:

For example, you send schips to amerika. A short time, before they come back, you load a travellor. If you loaded him so, that his message (thayt he is on the ship), is sent exactly at the same time the message of the expedition is shown, the game crashes. But if you wait a tick with loading the travellor, the game doesn't crash, because the messages are sent not at the same time. First, you get the expedition message, and then the travellors message. This was although the solution diskussed in the link I posted.

Of course, this is only an example. In general, the game crashes, if you receive two messages at the same time.

Vale RF
"Mein Leipzig lob' ich mir, es ist ein Klein-Paris" (aus Goethes Faust)

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Freitag, 11. August 2006, 21:42


is the site for the 1.1b patch, for English games. It wasn't a problem in the German games at all, but in ours we experienced numerous crashes. This fixes it, but it does eliminate ability to send ships larger than crayers up a river.




Sonntag, 13. August 2006, 19:22

Thank you very much! The patch fixed this problem indeed. Recommend this patch for everyone who has encountered with problems like this.



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Donnerstag, 19. September 2013, 11:46

Guys this link is seems not to exist anymore,could you repost this with the correct site please?




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Donnerstag, 19. September 2013, 16:56

Try http://forum.kalypsomedia.com/showthread…=56319#pid56319

May be, there ist a link to the patch, what you look for.
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Samstag, 21. September 2013, 19:55

Great!!! THis patch solved my problem!! Thank you!!