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Sonntag, 21. Mai 2017, 18:23

Turkish building

Hi everyone!
I'm John and this is my first post. I know that my english isn't really correct, but after month reading your posts (lots and lots of hour of reading :D I love you all guys ), I've decided to sign in and wright something. Since I play P3 from his birth, I'm good at doing almost everything in game. I can trade well, kill pirates, pirateing myself, being mayor and governor of the hanse. And of course I'm experienced at auto-trade in every type of map (also random generated). But one thing is at least out of my hands...and it is my personal goal since the beginning of my experience in game: population at max :170:
So I built cities of 35-40 k inhabitants, but never more. Reading of turkish tecnique has been a lightning strike on my head! But at most I can build an endless road, nothing more X( .
The question is, can someone help me with the basis of the tecnique?
I do not want the "optimum layout", I want at least the bsic to get started.
Thanks everyone :170:



Beiträge: 2 733

Dabei seit: 3. Juni 2005

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Dienstag, 23. Mai 2017, 14:18

How about reading the chapter (9.2.ff) about building densely of our Tippsammlung (means Tip-Collection) pages 175ff? There are many pictures and you can translate via Google. Since I wrote this paragraph, I will gladly explain passages not comprehensible.

Report back, when you're done. I will provide you with some (in the beginning) easy examples, teaching you the basics.


Dienstag, 23. Mai 2017, 14:52

Thanks for the answer!
I've translate that paragraph, along with some other interesting things. But mabye for the lack of a good translation (some word that google translates in direct form, but in real fact them could mean completly diffrent things), mabye because I'm too interested for weating more :crazy: , I can't do more than very little steps. And the posts I've ridden are certainly very usefull, but for middle to hig-experienced builders.
For now I can say that saveing some spaces only doing the endless row of building has already changed something, building quarters of 5 houses (better than the classical 3 houses) or 3 plants in a row is a good point.
So, I'm ready, for the exercise ;)