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Samstag, 9. Oktober 2010, 08:47

old FAQs from TSR and other places ?...

Hi all,

I'm new to the Patrician series, and I've been trying to find as much info on Patrician III as I could get my hands on... but as you already know, a lot of places are no longer available. I'm aware of Patrician World and rjosephs.de's site, but, for instance, a lot of the posts on the Patrician World boards are links to FAQs hosted on the now-extinct TSR boards, or the also-defunct Ascaron boards... so I was wondering if any of you here still have some/any of those FAQs, newbie guides, and so on...

Thank you.

Love the game so far, though I obviously still suck pretty badly :\
Having a hard time getting more ships - shipyard is dead slow in the beginning, and while I do have a pirate-hunting crayer, I had to flee at about 50% after a meeting with Beneke's crayer + cog + hulk mini-fleet (altogether some 56 sailors to my 28)...

Pity I've only discovered this now, instead of 7 years ago... :D



  • »Yakko« ist männlich

Beiträge: 139

Dabei seit: 30. September 2009

Wohnort: Deutschland

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Samstag, 9. Oktober 2010, 11:03

I'm dont know if there is much of those english faqs left, besides one badly spammed, unused since ages forum from which I dont remember the url of. :(

As for that problem with ships, I think its easiest if you work your way up slowly from one shiptype to next bigger and so on to minimize your disadvantage in crewmembers which you should overcome with a good fighting captain, enough cutlass and hitting your prey slightly but not too much with your shipweapons. Also try to single out your prey.
When I would meet that pirate convoi with only a crayer I would choose which ship I want beforehand (probably the cog, maybe crayer because capturing a hulk with crayer is possible but extremely hard and repair of that wreck would take near as long as building it freshly) and then pretend to flee while shooting backwards at those 2 ships you dont want till they are dead slow but still floating, then drive far enough away with the remaining fast enemy such that those slow ships cannot intercept when you are boarding the nearly undamaged ship. When I have enough sailors left I often capture another of those slow damaged ships after that(probably the crayer). Finally stop the fight by letting the remaining enemy flee or fleeing yourself with everything you got. You can always attack that remaining ship later to capture it. ;)


Samstag, 9. Oktober 2010, 12:11

Hi Yakko,

Thanks for the reply. Yup, I think I found that old forum you're referring to (Bagaluth was kind enough to point me to it).
There definitely is a lot of great info on it, I'm still digging and I'll keep doing that for some time, looks like :) Though, like I said, the problem is that so far all the posts I've found talking about newbie guides and so on, just have links pointing to TSR or the Ascaron forums.

In any case, I have so much stuff to learn, so that is still a great resource for me, if somewhat disorganized and a bit messed up with spam.

Thank you for the tips regarding fighting pirates, I'm aware I also need a lot more practice, considering what I've read so far from older reports... :)
And you're right, I should pick my battles more carefully - the one I mentioned, though, wasn't by choice - nasty Beneke just crept up on me...

thanks again!



  • »Yakko« ist männlich

Beiträge: 139

Dabei seit: 30. September 2009

Wohnort: Deutschland

  • Private Nachricht senden


Samstag, 9. Oktober 2010, 12:43

Oh did you try using some translator like this? A rough translation is better than nothing. :bounce:


Sonntag, 10. Oktober 2010, 01:43

I'll give it a shot, looks better than I expected, at least at a first glance :)
thank you for the suggestion!