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Anne Bonny



Montag, 17. April 2006, 02:18

Progress Report 1304

I moved again and now Edinburgh has the 3rd wall set. It probably will take eons before it's built, especially since I also placed some houses and businesses.

Feb 28, 1302

CV ~ 74 M
population ~ 158 k
ships 665
businesses 1,003

Anne Bonny



Sonntag, 14. Mai 2006, 02:20

While I was gone not much happened with my game. However, it appears that a lot has gone on here. I go further and further down the ladder but am still making some headway.

May 31, 1304:
CV ~ 90M
Popultion 168k
Ships 706
Businesses 1,110

Nothing is really new, I still have some bottlenecks and the road to recovery is long.


Old Skipper - still on duty!

  • »bizpro« ist männlich
  • »bizpro« wurde gesperrt

Beiträge: 1 841

Dabei seit: 25. August 2005

Wohnort: Langley, BC, Kanada

  • Private Nachricht senden


Sonntag, 21. Mai 2006, 23:36

The year is history and I will take a break from this contest.

CV 210 less deposits in offshore accounts
population 287k
tonnage of over 310,000 barrels and 132 captains
2,115 businesses

After finding a simplified version of arbitrage I was considering replaying 1304 but canned the idea, I'm done with it. Thanks to the offshore deposits I will meet the CV requirements for 1305 for the expected 400k citizens.

The 2-hub supply works well but exchange between the hubs is still controlled manually.

Stettin has so much charm that I decided not to move again. The last walls to complete are in Newcastle, where the last sections will be placed in January and in Novgorod where about 60 sections are missing.

The new producion towns are more or less developping into monocultures and have, finally, a few long rows. Unfortunately this does not work in the other towns. I think Danzig will have considderanle less than 40,000 ctizens while Reval will hardly reach 23,000. Scarborough is the favourity with, hopefully, 48,000+.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein

Anne Bonny



Dienstag, 23. Mai 2006, 04:35

I'm not Speedy Gonzales and there are other things in my live besides P III. However, I don't see many ahead of me:190: I probaly complete 1304 before the weekend:tong:

October 31, 1304
CV 112.2 M
Citizens 202,162
Ships, still not enough at 827 and 143 captains
1,339 businesses are not enough

Since I got real late into forced building of walls, I had to move 5 times this year. That took a hunge chunk out of my production of building materilas so I have to march slowly for some time yet.
My use of building space has improved but if my population doesn't start to explode soon ther's little hope for my Hanse

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Anne Bonny« (24. Mai 2006, 03:43)

Anne Bonny



Mittwoch, 24. Mai 2006, 03:42

Just do you don't feel lonly. I did quicl work of 1304.

CV~125 M
Population ~ 213k
Ships 879
Businesses 1,467

Patrician Jr



Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2006, 06:56

I did put in some extra shifts to keep the long weekend free. 1304 is done and, according to the stats. I'm not too bad. I did not catch Zeeduvel in population but caught up with my tutor in CV. However, I did not need all of it and managed to put a handsome amount away for 1305. It’s not only the funds already earned, but also, by not showing them you have to increase your CV by less in the following years.
At this point I would like to take the opportunity to thank bizpro for all his help with my game. :170: :170: Whenever he read something new, or found a new way to make money, he shared it with me right away instead of keeping it close to his chest. I am pretty sure that, had he replayed 1304, he would have substantially more funds and, without his help I would be trailing him instead of matching. It's not only money-making secrets, he also shared with me building techniques and, recently, tips on getting Med contracts. With the knowledge he gained during the game, and which I could adopt right away, I might even beat him in population as well. ;) :D (What did they put into my beer tonight ?( )
In spite of all the good advice I am lagging behind in wall building. In spite of completing 15 walls during the year (some were still 2nd walls) I still have 5 cities to complete; one, Toensberg, just completed its 2nd wall.

My yearend stats:
CV 210M (includes piggy bank, which the judges don’t seem to like)
Citizens 250k
Ships 1047 with a tonnage of over 29k bales
Businesses 1777