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Beiträge: 60

Dabei seit: 20. Dezember 2006

Wohnort: USA

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Montag, 16. Februar 2009, 04:18

The Dowry

Anyone ever figure this out? I spent a couple of hours, trying different saves. I got the wives to vary, both in quality and in city of origin, but the dowry appeared fixed. Is it linked to your rank when the proposal is generated, accepted?

In the International Version, it appears that the wife offered is linked to the reputation in the town she comes from.



  • »Amselfass« ist männlich

Beiträge: 1 952

Dabei seit: 8. Juli 2005

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Montag, 16. Februar 2009, 18:49

I'm not too sure, but I think the dowry is indeed linked to your social rank. If I am correct, most players prefer accepting the first proposal they get, using save / load to get a wife with good values for popularity and reputation. Of course, the dowry will in most cases be nothing more valuable than a scruffy snaikka with a few barrels of salt on it :D, but the money you can make with this ship is more than compensatory for the additional dowry you might receive if you wait a few months with the marriage.


In the International Version, it appears that the wife offered is linked to the reputation in the town she comes from.

Don't nail me down to it, but I'd say the wife is more or less random. You can get everything up and down the whole scale by just trying several times.