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Old Skipper - still on duty!

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Beiträge: 1 841

Dabei seit: 25. August 2005

Wohnort: Langley, BC, Kanada

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Sonntag, 14. Januar 2007, 22:22

Progress Report 1300

Looking ahead, this is the last time I can play May 1300. So, this is how it ended:
  • building permissions: all received. The first one came on the 22nd from Danzig, followed, the next day. by Reval. The last two, Edinburgh and Oslo, were given on the 31st.
  • ships: 11 and 5 captains. Two are being improved, one did manual arbitrage duty in Danzig and is now en route to Reval for much of the same. Most of the remaining ships are undergoing repairs. The bad weather is deadly on ships without captain
  • businesses: 4, one grain field and three brick works
  • population: 15,354, most of which are unsatisfied, or worse.
  • company value: 576,476GS
  • trading offices: due to lack of funds ?( :D only 4 have been placed. Fast forwarding reveals that, due to lack of IG it will take me to the 14th to place them all.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein

Baltic Trader


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Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2007, 05:09

The Road Less Traveled

Just to see if I could count coup on you, my friend, I played as a peaceful trader, and tested out some ideas as well. Herewith are the results:
  • Building permissions: Two. Edinburgh came on the 19th, and Brugge on the 23rd.
  • Ships: Just one, with a solitary captain. There are three more snaikkas under construction, one each in Edinburgh, London, and Brugge.
  • Businesses: Eight, nearly all complete, including a iron goods workshop, two smelters, a sawmill, and four brickyards. All wells are built in London, and twenty six bricks are in reserve (I plan a fishery), another twenty one in Brugge.
  • Population: 15,499. London, Edinburgh and Brugge run satisfied to dissatisfied, depending upon the population group.
  • Company Value: 1,227,128 GS of which 1,070,996 is cold hard cash. Goods in the warehouses add up to just over 60,000. Intangible assets include three guild memberships. Charitible donations were made for two church expansions. I took out no loans, nor have I granted any.
  • Trading offices: Just two, awaiting iron goods for Edinburgh. I should have the rest by the end of June, as soon as I can go visiting them. I already have the funds and the iron goods. 8)

Baltic Trader


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Sonntag, 4. Februar 2007, 17:27

The Road Less Traveled

Plodding along like a tortoise, I have finally finished June, and as of the 30th of the month:
  • Building permissions: Four. Danzig came in on the 26th, and I built my office there, for a total now of four trade offices. Stetin came in before Danzig, awaits Ig to build. Seven to go, sigh ... just waiting permissions. ;(
  • Ships: Five now, one came as a dowry. Two more are under construction in Edinburgh, and another in London. Pitch is my limiting factor for the present. I have two captains. All ships so far are snaikkas. I think I will forswear any ship except for what I build, and any that may be auctioned; excepting of course the dowry of my beloved Katerin. :wife:
  • Businesses: Twenty, in varying states of construction and completion. Four are workshops, one is a vinyard, one fishery, and four smelters. Not fully staffed yet, but the population is ramping up quickly. There could have been more, but I didn't want to exhaust iron goods or bricks I am saving for more elaborate businesses.
  • Population: 17,041. They still run satisfied to dissatisfied, depending upon the population group. Luxury goods remain overall in short supply, which of course affects the results. I will remedy that over the next few months.
  • Company Value: 6,000,000 of which 5,500,000 GS is cold hard cash. Goods in the warehouses I didn't bother to add up, there is quite a bit now; I am accumulating anything and everything up to the cost of production. Intangible assets include guild memberships in Bremen, Hamburg, Edinburgh, London, Stetin and Bruegge. Charitible donations were made for four church expansions. No loans made or granted.
  • Trading offices: Just four, with Stetin only needing Ig.

    I married on the 23rd, to the lovely Katerin of Danzig. The dowry was a snaikka in 63% health, with some train oil and salt on board. Wow. :no: The wife however, was a better catch: high respect from the people, and highest respect from the councillors. She is 16. :flirt: The party was a gourmet's delight, :trink1: :150: :bier: :sekt: in part to enhance my reputation in London, which improved enough for promotion to Merchant. Edinburgh and Bruegge see me as Lord Mayor. Motions for the new wall were made in both those towns, and, fast forwarding, pass handily on the 5th of July.

    Moving along. :boat:



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Dienstag, 6. Februar 2007, 01:22

The Road Less Traveled

I'm in mid-November on my second attempt through, but with more emphasis on production than there should have been due to misunderstanding of the scoring ...

Running a single node distribution system through my hometown of Gotenburg, with shortages of iron goods, honey, fish, oil, salt and skins. Recently overcame a timber shortage, and am expanding fish/oil and salt production as best I can - although it's getting a little late :mad:. Most towns currently have three full merchant houses, while all towns should have new, empty ones completed between now and early December.

Position is Lord Mayor of Gotenburg, and I married Gesa, 18, of Danzig who is respected by all the citizens and also by myself since she brought me a crayer early on.

Most of the white ships are still present, I borrowed seven or eight snaikkas in May and three or four more in November. I would love to have people a bit happier but am not really sure what else to do now ... everywhere has complete well coverage, outriggers for most of the time :rolleyes: and I'm not even close to getting enough iron goods and skins. Not sure if its better to sell all honey and fish or reserve some for celebrations in December; grain, beer, meat and wine are fairly plentiful.

- - - - - - - - - - 1.8.00 - - - - - - - - - - - 1.9.00 - - - - - - - - - - - 1.10.00

CV: - - - - - - - 3987k - - - - - - - - - - - 5930k - - - - - - - - - - - 8359k
Pop: - - - - - - 20707 - - - - - - - - - - - 24272 - - - - - - - - - - - 28136
Happy: - - - - 2.4-3.8-4.5 - - - - - - - - 2.6-3.7-3.8 - - - - - - - - 2.8-4.0-4.3
Pop(R/W): - - 8.3%-20.6% - - - - - - - 8.4%-20.3% - - - - - - - 8.3%-20.0%
Ships: - - - - - - 53 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 85 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 111

- - - - - - - - - 1.11.00 - - - - - - - - - - - 17.11.00 (latest)

CV: - - - - - - - 10189k - - - - - - - - - - - 11697k
Pop: - - - - - - 32008 - - - - - - - - - - - - 33828
Happy: - - - - 3.2-4.0-4.2 - - - - - - - - 3.4-4.1-4.5
Pop(R/W): - 8.6%-19.8% - - - - - - - - 8.6%-19.8%
Ships: - - - - - 149 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 173



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Dabei seit: 8. Januar 2007

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Freitag, 9. Februar 2007, 21:30


CV: 14.3 million
Pop: 35449
Happy: 4.3-4.8-4.8
R/W: 9.3%/20.0%
Ships: 198

With stored supplies on sale and empty merchant houses filling up, fast forwarding to 1.1.01 (oops, one day past assessment!) gave:

Happiness: 6, 5.8 and 5.8 (R/W/P)
Rich: 11.8%
Wealthy: 21.7%

Baltic Trader


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Sonntag, 11. Februar 2007, 21:14

The Road Less Traveled

Still plodding along like a tortoise, I have finally finished July, and as of the 31st of the month:
  • Offices: All are built, with three complete with administrators.
  • Ships: Nine now, none from pirates. Five more are under construction in Edinburgh, London, Bruegge, Bremen and Goteborg, two of which are cogs. Pitch is still my limiting factor for the present. I have six captains, will have two more on the 1st. All running ships so are snaikkas.
  • Businesses: Forty one, in varying states of construction and completion. Three vinyards, three sheep farms, a pottery and a brewery were added, as well as assorted smelters, pitchboilers, farms and brickyards.
  • Population: 18,709. Mood is improving in a number of cities as supplies improve.
  • Company Value: 9,200,000 of which 8,100,000 GS is cold hard cash. Goods in the warehouses I don't bother to add up; intangible assets include guild memberships in every town. Churches are endowed. Wells are complete in most towns. No loans made.
    I think that about covers it for assets.
  • Social Rank: Unbelievable Patrician. I moved to Bruegge, skipped a few ranks.
    Still moving along. :boat:


Old Skipper - still on duty!

  • »bizpro« ist männlich
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Dabei seit: 25. August 2005

Wohnort: Langley, BC, Kanada

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Montag, 19. Februar 2007, 20:29

Rather poor showing but I will live with it.

I am not yet LM anywhere since I have moved only once; to Bremen. Expansion of the town walls is underwy in 4 towns (London, Bremen, Hamburg and Ladoga)

All offices built and staffed. I run with a two-hub system based in Hamburg and Stettin. Auto convoys do serve all towns and some arbitrage is being undertaken.

My readings were:
  • Social make-up and satisfaction: rich 8.7% (3.0; wealthy 21.3% (4.4); poor 70% (5.1). Unfortunately all took a dive from the previous month.
  • Fleet: 103 ships and 30 captains, enough to supply all towns and run to the Med for luxury goods. All active pirate nests are being blocked.
  • Production: 115 businesses producing 910 barrels of goods/day (This is considerably down from my initial value of 145/1078 )
  • The company is worth 24.8M; enough for me.
  • Loan Sharking: A total of 1,223 loans have been granted to year's end. Of those 973 are still outstandings.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein



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Samstag, 3. März 2007, 21:31

I restarted awhile ago based on some conversations with BT. Finally managed to get to the end of May. Stats as of May 31:

Building Permissions: Only two received. Edinburgh came in on the 19th and Brugge came in on the 21st.

Ships: Just one, bunking the Edinburgh captain. Snaikkas are under construction in Edinburgh and Brugges. Not enough pitch in London to start one there.

Businesses: 6. Four brickworks and two sawmills in varying stages of construction.

Population: 16,531. Most of the population has quite low satisfaction levels. I've been buying up grain in London and Brugges to feed the poor. London is sitting in the 1800s for population right now. The problem (in addition to lower satisfaction levels) is that the poor are a very large portion of the population at the moment.

Company Value: 2,484,191 which includes about 2,300,000 in cash.

Trading Offices: Only one additional placed in Brugges. Edinburgh doesn't have enough IG to place yet.

I'm currently around June 10th. I have a wedding upcoming on the 16th to a woman from Danzig - high respect :)

At the end of May, I made a trip through Hamburg and Bremen, starting snaikkas in both and also placing trade offices there as well. Three brickworks are in Hamburg, one in Bremen and there is a vineyard under construction in Brugges. So, still one ship but there are 5 snaikkas under construction which will be in before the end of July and a second is queued for Edinburgh. No loans given yet...I should probably get on that... My captain also gained a promotion on June 9th to 4/2/1.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Taian« (3. März 2007, 21:33)

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Montag, 5. März 2007, 19:50

RE: Progress Report 1300

The new guy here, with the John Man of the C Leblund May report. .

55K cash
• building permissions:7 Danz, Edin, Gote, Brug, Reval, Lado, Oslo. All will be received by June 8. t.
• ships: 14 and 5 captains. Two are being improved, One did manual arbitrage duty in Danzig, one is doing it in Edin. Two are underway for the captains in Lagoda and a Bruges.
• businesses: 4, 3 brickworks, 1 sawmill all built but no employees in London.
• population: 15,331, most of which are unsatisfied, or worse.
• company value: 329668
• trading offices: 3 Danz, Gote, and Brugge
I need to study the demographics more and the relationships with the supply and demand. I’m weak in those areas of my game.
I also noticed that 2 pirate convoys are spawned here in the beginning week of June, both with 2 ships apiece. Looks like a good time to learn how to engage the multiple target enemy! In PR-2, I got to the place where I could sink just about anything thrown at me with any decent type of boat. I got a long way to go here! Hey, but its a blast! :170:

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Dienstag, 13. März 2007, 01:20

RE: Progress Report 1300

I have finally finished June, and as of July 1st:
• Offices: All are approved and underway, two complete with administrators.
• Ships: 28, 5 of which are crayers, 4 in the yards for repairs. 14 captains. A pirate cog :pirat2:has been sited and the hunt for him begins. :hammer:
• Businesses: 14, in varying states of construction and completion. 11 brickworks and 3 sawmills.
• Population: 16637
• Company Value: 2,455,219, of this 126K is cash. Loaning has begun. :giggle:
• Social Rank: Merchant.
Currently playing the Rolling Stones version of the game. “I can’t get no….satisfaction, but I try, and I try, and I try….” ;( Well, you get the drift. Of course, when I get a few a more ships and start moving goods around, the mood should improve as supplies improve. :170: Keeping an eye out for the future Mrs Leblund :wife: I think I am going to move this month when the cash is available.

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Dabei seit: 1. März 2007

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Donnerstag, 15. März 2007, 23:27

RE: Progress Report 1300

I played till 2 am one night this week. :eek2: July is over and it seemed to fly by. Aug 1, my stats are:
• Offices: All built, a few don't have administrators yet (lazy me)
• Ships: 40, 20 captains.
• Businesses: 31 mostly brickworks,sawmills
• Population: 17491
• Company Value: 4,123,600, of this 283,938K is cash. Loaning continues. See my post in the beginners section if you want to be humored regarding loaning. :giggle:
• Social Rank: Travelling Merchant.
The Rolling Stones version of the game continues, especially in London and Ladoga. Looks like London is prime for a school when the bricks are in. Still keeping an eye out for the future Mrs. Could not make a move yet, it would have cost me $600K. My timing of battles and other moves cost me a bit this month. Still struggling a bit with learning the flow of the game. I'm about halfway thru Aug. :170:

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Dabei seit: 1. März 2007

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Freitag, 23. März 2007, 14:54

RE: Progress Report 1300

Sept 1 has arrived and John Man of the C LeBlund has been audited :lupe:and the following was discovered;

• Offices: All offices and administrators in every town.
• Ships: 64, 20 of which are in the yards and keels have been laid for a total 7 small ships in Edinburgh, Gotenborg, and Bremen. Shipyard records also show Hulks coming in for repairs, sometimes with as little as 24% damage. 33 captains are in employ with 1 level 5 trader on the roster.
Ships logs indicate 2 convoys currently on exploration to the Med. :captain: 5 cogs are seen in the ships roster now,
• Businesses: 56 production facilities are found in the region, mostly brickworks, sawmills, and 3 pitch works Some development of BGF in the Hanse has been seen.
• Population: Rose to 21376, up from 17491 The increase is seen primarily in the ranks of the poor as they have been steadily flowing in to drink the daily donated supply of beer. :bier: This has led to a remarkable increase in the workers in the production facilities. Oslo is the most populated at 2437 with Edinburgh the lowest at 1277.
• Company Value: 5,895,800 of this 332,000 is cash. Many people are indebted to John MotC Inc. for loans, although the portfolio did not expand as much as in the past month.
• Social Rank: Traveling Merchant. John was surprised that he did not move up in rank in his hometown of London? ?(He is seen as Patrician in some other towns.)

Tavern music continues to play an oldies by the Stones as satisfaction continues to be poor in most cites.
John remains a single man with a sharp eye out for the ladies! :giggle:

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Dabei seit: 1. März 2007

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Dienstag, 3. April 2007, 20:38

RE: Progress Report 1300 October

October 1 has arrived and a bite of coolness is in the air. The London Dispatch has written up a piece on local businessmen John Man of the C LeBlund. The article describes his thriving business:

• Ships: 95, 26 of which are in the yards for repairs and add to that another 9 keels have been laid for a total of 103. Edinburgh, Gotenborg, and Bremen, London, and Reval with Gotenborg and Edinburgh producing larger ships. Shipyard records continue to show captured pirate hulks, cogs and crayers in for repairs. He now has 49 captains in employ but no level 5 traders. :(There was one but he was demoted from a 5 to a 3 and we don’t know why. ?(
Ships logs indicate 3 convoys have been to the Med and returned with 7 discovered ports, one convoy returning with 247 cloth should help with the shipbuilding. Contacts for Spice and Wine have been offered. One convoy is currently at sea in the Med.
• Businesses continue to steadily expand as well as his ownership in housing: 74 production facilities are found in the region, mostly brickworks, sawmills, but 2 Iron Goods facilites are underway. No less than 10 Half timber houses have been built in various towns. Some development of BGF in the Hanse has also been seen. Most noticeable is the number of his employees, which is now at 2197 :170:. Last month there were only 1362.
• Population: The population his business serves continues to rise. Now 23,066 people live in the region. All towns had either a slight to major increase except Brugge, which went backward by almost 200 people. A concentration on the affairs in London showed the most increase, up to 2393 from 1819 the previous month.
Interestingly enough, one town has a a total of 8 :tong:rich and wealthy citizens in a population over 2000! ;( Oslo is the most populated at 2497 with Brugge the lowest at 1488.

• Company Value has risen to 6,957,690 of this 325,491 is cash. Many people are indebted to John MotC Inc. for loans, although the portfolio did not expand at all in the past month.
• Social Rank: Sophisticated Councilor. He is seen as Patrician and favored as Lord mayor in many other towns.
5 towns will vote on expanding walls this month, especially since John is a member of their guilds. 2 have already begun.

John would like to move but moving estimates are now at 1 million for the move :crazy:and John is not sure how to raise that much cash quickly.

John continues to remains a single man, despite agreeing to meet a potential candidate which then never showed up! He was heard saying in his trading office to an emissary from Bremen “I want my 3000 GSback”. :viking:

  • »Man of the C« ist männlich

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Dabei seit: 1. März 2007

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Montag, 9. April 2007, 17:32

RE: Progress Report 1300 Nov 1

November 1 has arrived and old man winter is on the way. John Man of the C LeBlund continues his conquest of the Hanse.

• Ships: 122, up from 95 last month, 13 of which are in the yards for repairs. Add to that another 8 keels that are being built for a total of 130. :)Shipyard records continue to show captured pirate hulks, cogs and crayers in for repairs, but the size of the captures is starting to increase. :170: 61 captains are employed with 1 level 5 traders. 2 more captains will be under contract by Nov. 2 making the total 63,
Med activity has resumed after a good infusion of cash from various sources. :rolleyes:

• Businesses continue to steadily expand as well as his ownership in housing: 99 production facilities are found in the region. Foundations for Merchant houses been seen in 2 towns.
The number of employees has grown to 2717, up 520 from last month.

• Population: 23,471. London is now the leader at 2586. ;)The lowest is now up to 1517. :tong:

• Company Value 8,772,006 up from 6,957,690. 412,440 is cash. John MotC Inc. has expanded the loan portfolio this month.

• Social Rank: Patrician in hometown of London. He is seen as Patrician and favored as Lord mayor in many other towns. A move to Gotenburg is likely as he has been building a large home there. ;)

John continues to remains a single man and was not approached by any suitor offers this month. Maybe it was because he Keel-hauled the September emissary from Bremen. :rotfl::170:

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Dabei seit: 1. März 2007

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Dienstag, 8. Mai 2007, 06:32

RE: Skipping society ranks


Originally posted by Baltic Trader
[*]Social Rank: Unbelievable Patrician. I moved to Bruegge, skipped a few ranks.

If you would not have moved would your rank have gone to patrician because of your cash was over 900,000 GS?

Or was it because they saw you as LM and your rep was very good in Brugge? 8)


Old Skipper - still on duty!

  • »bizpro« ist männlich
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Dabei seit: 25. August 2005

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Freitag, 18. Mai 2007, 19:14


I managed to squeeze in a few hours of play and finally completed the rerun, which was laying idle at November 25, 1300 for a couple of months.
The additional points I get will not make much of a difference but the game is running better. In regard to satisfaction and social structure I am actual 5 months ahead of the prior game, and that's a lot. I have more ships and businesses. Feeding of the poor was never used to increase population so all growth is due to supply.
  • Social make-up and satisfaction: old: 8.7 (3.0), 21.3 (4.4), 70.1 (5.1); new: 10.2% (4.0) , 22.6% (4.8 ), 67.2% (5.2)
  • Fleet old: 103 ships, 30 captains; new: 134 ships, 34 captains
  • Production old: 115 plants, output 910; new: 130 plants, output 1,051
  • Company value old: 24.8M 70% ownership; new: 32.2M 90% ownership

The plague in Danzig, which ran all through December, affected the satisfaction of the rich by 2 points; prior to the plague it was 6,6,6, and at the end of December it was 3,5,5. In 4 towns the poor are at 5 and in 6 towns at 6 with one town each at 3 and 4.
One of the reasons I did a restart was that I was unable to push the proportion of rich beyond 12.5% and their satisfaction was stagnant at 5.2. Wealthy and poor were both at 6.0 with the odd town sometimes dipping to 5. Now i basically have "additional" 5 month to get up there. I am aiming for 18; 28; 56 with satisfaction at least 5.9 accross the board.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein



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Donnerstag, 23. August 2007, 12:36

RE: rerun

Following the current fads. Estimating that I'll be somewhere above Ugh and below Wasa for 1300-end (~19% rich & 26% wealthy if I can keep near-max growth, or lower otherwise). Can't manage to keep the high happiness that Wasa achieved from Sept-Oct, although I'm probably pushing the brick-timber production harder than he did.

Stats and comparison to (my previous run / Wasa's rerun)


Ships: 141 (+30/?)
Captains: 63 (+20/?)
CV: 19.6M (+11.2M/?)
Production: 715 (+27/?)
Married (for a cog & crayer), one white snaikka left :rolleyes:
3312 (+1003/+79)
14.1% (+3.3%/-2.6%)
5.4 (+2.7/-0.6)
5964 (+376/+380)
20.8% (+0.7%/-3.6%)
5.0 (+1.0/-1.0)
19444 (-539/+5357)
4.4 (+0.2/-1.6)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Starstruck« (23. August 2007, 12:49)



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Donnerstag, 30. August 2007, 14:36

RE: rerun


Ships: 217
Captains: 94
CV: 38.3M
Pop: 34373
Production: 1091 (before winter drop)

Rich: 5422 (15.8%)
Wealthy: 7796 (22.7%)
Happiness: 6.0 - 5.7 - 5.3 (r-w-p)

Still aiming around the 19.x% & 26.x% marks for 31.12

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Starstruck« (30. August 2007, 14:37)