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Montag, 7. August 2006, 13:28

Do prices of raw materials affect the prices of goods?

I have another question: do the prices of raw materials affect the price of produced goods? For example you are producing beer and buying grain from the town where grain production is not effective and prices are higher. Whether the price of beer is higher in this case compared the beer what is produced with cheaper grain?


Große weise Müllhalde

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Montag, 7. August 2006, 13:32

No, they don't. There is no influence on the prices of manufactured goods.




Mittwoch, 9. August 2006, 00:20

But why it is so, that the price of produced goods is still different, though both cities should produce these goods in "effective" manner? What actually affects final price of produced goods?


Old Skipper - still on duty!

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Mittwoch, 9. August 2006, 02:40

The first thing to check is if the breweries in both towns are fully staffed.
Other than lack of employees the cost of production depends upon the number of businesses are running.
You get a production bonus after 3, 6 and 9 businesses of the same type. Above 9 there is no further bonus but all produce at the increased rate.
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Mittwoch, 9. August 2006, 15:42

In this case are all businesses in the city taken into account or only your own businesses?



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Mittwoch, 9. August 2006, 16:35


Original von Gesil
No, they don't. There is no influence on the prices of manufactured goods.

I think that's wrong.

A few minutes ago I've made a test in a new game. I set one brickyard and waited until it was full of workers. With timber at a price of 47, the bricks had a production-price of 78, with timber at 88 the price of the bricks was 99.

That' completely logical:

( 385 + 3.5 * 47 ) / 7 = 78,5
( 385 + 3.5 * 88 ) / 7 = 99

385 = wage + taxes
3.5 = used timber
47, 88 = price of timber
7 = produced bricks


Old Skipper - still on duty!

  • »bizpro« ist männlich
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Dabei seit: 25. August 2005

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Donnerstag, 10. August 2006, 07:09


Original von denis97
In this case are all businesses in the city taken into account or only your own businesses?

For each town only the business of the same type, owned by you, are counted. I.e. if you have 9 brickworks in Luebeck than you get maxium production bonus for the brickworks in Luebeck. For any other business you need again 9 of its kind to get the maximum bounus. If you have 6 workshops and an AI trader has three, than you get the production bonus for 6 and the traded the one for 3.
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