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  • »x9jaan« ist männlich
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Beiträge: 3 626

Dabei seit: 17. Februar 2006

Wohnort: Schnellmannshausen

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Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2008, 10:41

Contest 2008 has begun - "crop failure"

This year there will be two separate contests.

One - the "Szenario Missernte" (crop failure) - started last week. The contest will end December 31, 2008. The startsave is here as a zip file or here as .pst-file, and here as .pat-file.

The jurors are Charlotte, Tristan and x9jaan. Please submit your endsave by joining the user group "Contestteilnehmer" in your user CP. Then you have write-permission for the "Briefkasten"-Forum, where you can load up your saves to the jurors.

To be continued ...
Die Schatzkarten als *-zip-Datei.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Charlotte« (27. September 2008, 19:09)


Old Skipper - still on duty!

  • »bizpro« ist männlich
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Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2008, 23:40

Contest 2008 - Crop failure

Information to the map, registration and evaluation

November 1377 AD.

Esteemed readers/members:

I, George Stromberg am known as merchant in Luebeck. After a late spring and cool summer the wheat harvest has been very poor. The wheat stocks are almost depleted and winter is around the corner. We have to economize what little stocks we have in beer and wheat because we cannot produce more prior to the next spring. We are all threatened by a severe famine and many citizens will leave the towns.
Your task is to use diligence and all your energy to avoid the worst. For this we ask for you assitance.
Will you succeed to use clever planning in supplying the towns to mitigate out-migration? Will someone be able to attract new citizens? I have no doubt in your willingness and, herewith, extend an invitaion to you to participate in the Contest 2008.

Godspeed and favourable winds wishes you
Georg Strohmberg.

The details:
  • Starting town: Lübeck
  • Year: 1357
  • Name: Georg Strohmberg
  • Overall difficulty: merchant
  • Demands: normal
  • Cash: 87.191 GS
  • Ships: 7
  • Map: Standard

Caveat: In comparing the mission with the starting save, the population is already down by 2,174 citizens. That means there is only marginal room for supply errors.

Nota bene: Tavern missions: The first tavern mission you take will be in German. Don't worry. Once this mission is completed, the next mission will be generated in your chosen language.

Starting save
Please download the starting save, either zipped or as .pat-file AND .pst-file.

When does your submitted save become official?
The save becomes official once it has been reviewed by a member of the jury and the contest-relevant data has been extrapolated. A short commentary will be posted by the jury member.
For the first time it will be possible to submitt your saved game through the forum; either as zip file or by submitting the pst and pat files. A subforum “Briefkasten” has been opened for that purpose. Just attach your files to your post.
To be able to upload your file(s), you must activate your membership in the profile \ user group (bottom right) by selecting “join this group” besides Contest 2008.

The jury:
Charlotte, Tristan, x9jaan.

The Rules:

  • duration is from 2008-01-15 to 2008-12-31 at 2259GMT

  • Everybody has to play the starting save. (If you play with P III you may encounter problems when starting the game from the “kam” folder. – mine crashed several times).
  • There are no divisions into advanced – beginners, pirates – doves. etc
  • Cheats such as hexeditor and hotseat mode are prohibited.
  • You may not sack crew after March 26.
  • All tricks inherent in the game, such as outrigger, demolition/auction and Levon’s Gold trick are allowed.
  • The winner is the player with the highest population on March 31st. Please make a save prior to the video. (Activating the autosave function may save you to have to replay).
  • Registration is by joining the usergroup Contest2008.
  • When you have submited your save, only the jury members will be able to access it. Once it has been evaluated it will be available for download by all members.
  • You may start at any time during the year and submit more thane one save; only the best will count.
  • All reviewed saves will be available for download; there is nothing wrong with having a look how others play the game. ;)

Have fun, your team: Amselfass, bizpro, Charlotte, Gesil, Pinguin, Swartenhengst, Tristan und x9jaan!
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Charlotte« (28. September 2008, 20:56)



  • »x9jaan« ist männlich
  • »x9jaan« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 3 626

Dabei seit: 17. Februar 2006

Wohnort: Schnellmannshausen

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Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2008, 19:07

We got information that the save will not run into the campaign directory. So we decide to accept your endsave without the final video. You can play it in the singleplayer directory.
We will read the number of inhabitants after the change from March 31st to April 1st. With this number you will be scored.

Do not forget to save at March 31st!
Die Schatzkarten als *-zip-Datei.



  • »x9jaan« ist männlich
  • »x9jaan« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 3 626

Dabei seit: 17. Februar 2006

Wohnort: Schnellmannshausen

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Samstag, 16. Februar 2008, 07:43

Current result!

The contest is running since January. Here are the current results. Remember that the contest will end on December 31st. That is why the results will be change in future weeks.

Latest update on April 25th, 2008:
RankPlayer's nameHabitantsChange
1Wasa 81.864+ 19.051
2Larsson 63.253+ 440
3x9jaan 62.665- 148
4Sir Peter 60.843 -1.970

Die Schatzkarten als *-zip-Datei.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Pinguin« (25. April 2008, 21:28)



  • »Charlotte« ist weiblich

Beiträge: 2 832

Dabei seit: 21. August 2006

Wohnort: Berlin

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Montag, 19. Mai 2008, 00:17

Long-term contest has begun

The long-term contest on a card with 40 towns has begun. Further information will be posted as soon as possible. Click to
enjoy, and, hopefully - join. :)

Best regards, have fun,


PS: Is there anybody out there? ?(
"Wir sind verletzt, aber wir stehen wieder auf."

Berlin - Breitscheidplatz, zum 19. Dezember 2016.

P2 1.1/P4 2.0.4

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Charlotte« (27. September 2008, 18:54)



  • »Steersman« ist männlich

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Sonntag, 7. September 2008, 21:29

RE: Long-term contest has begun

How terribly sad to read of the passing of Bizpro. He will be very much missed.

What are the goals of the long term contest? And how long term is it? No English guidelines are here.



  • »x9jaan« ist männlich
  • »x9jaan« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 3 626

Dabei seit: 17. Februar 2006

Wohnort: Schnellmannshausen

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Sonntag, 7. September 2008, 21:39

An english description will comming soon.

Goal is: to build up 40 cities rich as possible. For 1.000 rich people you will get 5 points, for 1.000 wealthy you will get 3 points and 1.000 poor people make 1 point.

The current result you can findhere.

I hope it helps until the english description is comming. There is no target in time. You can start today or in one or two months.
Die Schatzkarten als *-zip-Datei.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »x9jaan« (7. September 2008, 21:42)



  • »Charlotte« ist weiblich

Beiträge: 2 832

Dabei seit: 21. August 2006

Wohnort: Berlin

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Samstag, 27. September 2008, 02:04

RE: Long-term contest has begun


Original von Steersman
How terribly sad to read of the passing of Bizpro. He will be very much missed.

Yes, very much so!


Original von Steersman
What are the goals of the long term contest? And how long term is it? No English guidelines are here.

How long? Well, for evermore. :D Voilà the guidelines. And, of course, small talk.

Sorry about the delay, though.

Best, Charlotte
"Wir sind verletzt, aber wir stehen wieder auf."

Berlin - Breitscheidplatz, zum 19. Dezember 2016.

P2 1.1/P4 2.0.4