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Patrician Jr



Samstag, 4. März 2006, 03:15

Progress Report 1300

So, I tried my hand. I quickly played through May of 1300, with some help ;) and ended up with 10 ships, Only found 2 captains, one in Oslo and one in Novogorod.

My CV is 164,969 and I have 36,344 people. How bad is that ?(

I kind of like to hunt those litle white ships and add them to my fleet. That's kind of cool:banana: :captain:

Patrician Jr



Sonntag, 5. März 2006, 22:13

Don't worry, I am not speedy Gonzales. I can only play weekends and that is limited too due to family demands.

July 31, 1300

CV 2.2 M
Popualtion 44,435
Ships 44, captains 11
Businesses 44
2 trade offices yet to place, Tonsberg and Newcastle.

Patrician Jr



Sonntag, 12. März 2006, 23:16

Another weekend quest completed

Sept 30, 2005

CV 8.8M
Population 48,139
Ships 76, 23 captains
Businesses 88

I don't think I'll make LM in Danzig. I did not notice that I got nailed plundering Konigsberg until I got the verdict: 15 weeks trading ban; so I have to pay for the consequences. But that's ok, I don't expand that fast anyhow and there is still lots of room for houses in Danzig. I think I have to grab some more cash and then move to another city early next year to still make AM in 1301.
I am short of fish, meat, wool and whale oil and the citizens don't seem to like that.



  • »werner« ist männlich

Beiträge: 80

Dabei seit: 9. Juni 2005

Wohnort: Dominikanische Republik

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Montag, 13. März 2006, 01:00

Hi Patrician jr.
On one weekend 2 months to play is good and fast.
You are Speedy Gonzales.
I had at Sept 30 only a CV of 3,8 M , 48 573 inhabitants and only 10 ships.
Respect to this achievement.
:dance: :pa4: :pa4: Interessiert an anderen Ländern ? Klick hier! :pa4: :dance:

Patrician Jr



Montag, 20. März 2006, 00:48

Not much happened this weekend.
My population only edged up marginally but my CV kept on climbing at an ok rate. Why do so many players disregard the importance of CV in this contest? It appears that the majority is mesmerized by population and forgets the real point maker, the CV. Or, maybe, I interpret babelfish the wrong way. Anyhow:

CV 11.3M
Population 49,883
103 ships, 30 captains and 117 businesses


Old Skipper - still on duty!

  • »bizpro« ist männlich
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Beiträge: 1 841

Dabei seit: 25. August 2005

Wohnort: Langley, BC, Kanada

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Montag, 20. März 2006, 03:17

Replayed results as at 12/31/1300

CV 14.9M
population 57,570
ships 146
businesses 271
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein

Patrician Jr



Donnerstag, 23. März 2006, 02:03

Thanks to being sick I got to complete 1300 today instead of roaming through the provinces. :170: :D

December 31, 1300

CV 12.3 M
Population 51,722 (not too great, I know)
120 ships, 34 captains, 157 businesses.

I thinked I goofed, I hit save on January 01st instead on the last tick of December 31st. Oh well, live and learn.
My people are short of the most things but we manage.

I figure if I manage to play 2 months per weekend I make it to the end of 1305 by the end of the year. Add additional time over Easter, the summer holidays and Christmas break and I should get to the end of 1308; a far cry from 1310, which most members seem to have as the magic completion date, or at least the date they are aiming for. I could dream I win the lottery and also to get 800,000+ citizens, but, in all honesty, if I surpass 450,000 by the end of 1305, the rest is gravy. :D
All I have to figure out how to collect oodles of koroners, or whatever they are. As previously posted, I did not make LM. I was thinking about moving, but all towns with early LM elections are dissatisfied and, even if I get Helsinki to happy by the time they have elections, the time between the LM elections and the AM elections is not long enough for me to complete all the neccessary missions.
I don't know how many newbies are in this contest. But I was thinking how a bout a "Rookie of the Year" award. :190: The hotshots are in a league of their own anyhow.

Baltic Trader


  • »Baltic Trader« ist männlich

Beiträge: 114

Dabei seit: 13. Januar 2006

Wohnort: USA

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Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2006, 17:50

Lagging the pack; hopefully a hare and tortise story. :crazy:

I was very dissatisfied with the initial clean run. I forswore arbitrage in it, played straight. I stopped just after hitting Lord Mayor. All offices were in, all Med and America ports discovered, and population good increase, CV would have finished about 5 million. But it was not good enough. I did an initial trial of a black sail game, up to July 2nd. All offices built, CV at 4 million with 2 million cash. I had looted five cities, with another 19 to go and averaging 300k apiece, that would have been another 5 to 6 million in cash and goods. Call me an idiot ... :tong: ... but it is just too easy on the black sails pathway. I like the challenge. I took a break for several weeks to think it out.

So ....

I have restarted a clean run. Obviously, I need to compromise to keep reasonably up in development. So, I will do the loan thing eventually, and will run arbitrage here and there. Yeah, I am dumb :crazy: but I want to enjoy myself along the way. And so on the 19th of July I have six trade offices, enrolled in four guilds, have a dozen captains and twenty ships, ten of which are level three crayers (yeah, there is a trick involved, of course) and my America discovery ship is due back August 24th. I have Edinburgh shipyards busy to boost the quality of the pirate captures. CV is over a half million, promotions are regular. The foundation is good. And I promise, no more restarts.

Baltic Trader


  • »Baltic Trader« ist männlich

Beiträge: 114

Dabei seit: 13. Januar 2006

Wohnort: USA

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Sonntag, 7. Mai 2006, 06:12

Up to late August finally, offices are up to ten, CV to 1.2 million. Twenty businesses, more being constructed. Bricks are pretty short, holding things back. Five guilds. 24 captains, 34 ships, more in construction. I sold several ships at auction.

America is discovered, and three crayers are off exploring with cargos of wine. Five Med cities discovered, three more due in next week. All cities will be discovered by the 31st of December.

I am debating a move to another city for an earlier mayoral election. Still playing white dove style.

Baltic Trader


  • »Baltic Trader« ist männlich

Beiträge: 114

Dabei seit: 13. Januar 2006

Wohnort: USA

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Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2006, 19:22

Still enjoying the game. Past mid September now, moved September 11th. Hopefully it is not an ominous date meaning a disaster; purely a strategic decision, what I pay now should be very beneficial in 1301 and beyond. Trade activity is picking up, profits are good. As if they wouldn't be on these settings. We always played at Patrician level of difficulty before, maximum for everything. The Med and America were better markets in comparison at Patrician level. The pirates are pushovers, grabbed two holks, undamaged, with the same ship, back to back avenge my brother missions same day. Eight Med cities tagged, the last four are pending. As soon as the cash is sufficient, the Med will be drained of wine. Thirsty Indians await!


Baltic Trader


  • »Baltic Trader« ist männlich

Beiträge: 114

Dabei seit: 13. Januar 2006

Wohnort: USA

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Montag, 29. Mai 2006, 05:26

Still playing, pure as the driven snow. October 1st, 1300 113 businesses are running, more are in construction. Twenty something at this point. There would have been more, but I am pretty much sticking with blocks of six which means wasting some building materials. Despite carefull planning though, some areas don't take six in a section. All trade offices are either finished or under construction. CV is a paltry 4.5 million, with over 1.3 million in cash. It would be higher if I gave out any loans. I haven't. It is also depressed because a lot is off the map, on expeditions. Several hundred thousand, in fact. Ships number 58, more being built. Am I alone in thinking the pirate ships are mostly junk? I am building in 8 different shipyards. In any event, all the Med cities are tagged, America is discovered, and is actively being explored for villages. I believe there are just three of them in this game?

Population is just over 52,500 so far. I was Patrician in September, and have been first on the list for mayor in my adopted home of Lagoda since I moved. I joined several more guilds. The wall expansions were voted in in Lagoda, Danzig and in Oslo.

The AI cheats, by the way. It builds businesses even though most markets have nearly nothing in the way of bricks.

Hanseatic economic policies include reduction of taxation to 5%, and cheap basic goods. Next post will be year end stats.

Baltic Trader


  • »Baltic Trader« ist männlich

Beiträge: 114

Dabei seit: 13. Januar 2006

Wohnort: USA

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Montag, 19. Juni 2006, 06:13

Ah, the contortions this contest forces upon us! But at last I am done with 1300. 229 businesses, two more complete today too but they don't get added in until the 1st of January. Population 57565, with my hometown of Lagoda the largest so far at 3660. Its second wall is halfway home. CV, with desperate measures, is down to 401 less than 6.5 million. I sent nearly 2 million off the map to achieve it, and disabled some of the moneymakers ... but that is the way it is set up.

46 captains, 77 ships. I have held back to keep CV down. Similarly, I have given no loans at all.

On other aspects, Aalborg is looking good. An endless row is begun, housing is in place, and I have placed the repair yard, the church, and a school, as well as a few fisheries. The wall of course is all up. 888 souls call it home; fast forwarding, it is recognized April 25th of 1301. The rest of the Hanse is coming along. I need more grain, more beer, more cattle and leather and wool, but timber is almost satisfactory now. Fish is tight, but coming along. Lots of blocks of six are in place. The groundwork is coming along. No autoroutes yet, though.

The Med is thoroughly explored. America has 3 tribes located.

And no piracy. A slow start ... but 1301 should be better. :170: