Unfortunatley, no suggestion came from the internationl forum
The latest suggestion:
Each player starts at the same point and with the same level of difficulty. (This point is currently being voted on and, to date, the majority voted for one version vs. separation by player skills)
Evaluation is based on the level of satisfaction of each social group in the starting towns and, potentially, in the new production towns as well.
Each player should achieve a moderate increase in population of a set percentage (i.e. 40% this has not yet been identified). A revision for final years for those who completly build up their Hanse may be necessary.
This format means that a player who only completes 1302 has as good a chance to be in the top as one who uses every last lot in whatever formt (s)he desires. Provide for your citizens and they will be happy.
The suggestion for points is:
very happy: 4; happy: 3; very satisfied: 2; satisifed: 1; unsatisified 0; annoyed: -1
- Does arbitrage affect the happyness? NO, it can only increase your reputation in the initial stages. There is no real supply to the town's market halls. And CV does not affect happyness in any way.
- Does piracy affect happyness: YES. If you pilfer the town's coffers and markethall the citizens' mood will become lower. For one, the harbour defences are gone, which does have an effect on the mood. Also, the number of guards will become lower since the coffers do not support a large contingent.
- Does it matter how you build - blocks of 4 vs. seamless? NO The required increase in population will be moderate and based, most likely, on what slow players achieved in prior contests