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Sonntag, 6. August 2006, 03:56

Population is decreasing?

My hometown is Riga and i have tried to provide it with all possible goods for all stratas of society. So citizens very rarely see that there are not demanded goods in the city. I have also built all possible buildings (school, hospital, church extension, wells) and improved all roads. There is also enought houses and work in the city. But dispite of this citizens are not satisfied (they are "anoyed") and population is declining periodically. Clicking on citizens they say that i should arrange a celebration. Do i really should organize celebration for 6500 people every month or even every week to make city attractive for them. Or what is problem? Why population is declining, despite almost excellent good delivery?


Old Skipper - still on duty!

  • »bizpro« ist männlich
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Beiträge: 1 841

Dabei seit: 25. August 2005

Wohnort: Langley, BC, Kanada

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Sonntag, 6. August 2006, 06:16


Welcome to the forum.

From afar it's difficult to know what the problem is. You have to give us a few more details. For starters, throwing a paerty does not make the people happy.

Main reasons for people to become annoyed:
missing staple goods (beer, grain, fish, timber, wool, whale oil) or the prices are too high.

Other problems are:
not enough wells
not enough
too few guards
defenses poor.

You should do the following:
Click on the market hall and copy:
weekly consumption and current level of inventory in the market hall for the above goods
Click on the guard and note down their response
Click on different townspeople to see if any offer a different comment.
Then post the data here for further analysis together with the prices you charge fo the staple goods as well as the difficulty you have selected for demand and trade/

Of course, you could save the game as help and then copy from the save\ein folder the help.pst & help.pat and email it to me. That way you would get a fast analysis. Please bear in mind that my time zone is GMT-8

In teh meantime you can try the folllowing:
go to the church and feed the poor. Donate 10 grain, 5 fish or meat and 50 beer for three day sin a row and check if the mood imporves and if your businesses are getting populated.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »bizpro« (6. August 2006, 06:20)




Sonntag, 6. August 2006, 21:48

Thank you very much. I would like to send you my saved game, but i haven't internet in the compter i'm playing with. My cd-writer is not working either in that computer. So it is impossible to transpoirt this file to to this computer, but i will do it later when these problems are be solved. I will send my saved game file directly on your e-mail.

But anyway I would like to comment some parts of your message.

>Main reasons for people to become annoyed:
>missing staple goods (beer, grain, fish, timber, >wool, whale oil) or the prices are too high.

There is no lack of basic goods, but about prices i don't know - maybe they are too high and this is the problem.

>Other problems are:
>not enough wells

Coverage is 100%

>not enough too few guards
>defenses poor.

City wall is completed and it is the second city wall. I have 40 guards, what is quite a strong force.

>Click on the guard and note down their response

They say that there is enough beer, what is not true, because last time there was lack of beer in the city was a year ago.

>Click on different townspeople to see if any offer a different comment.

They say that they haven't had good celebration a long time (last one was a month ago!).

I guess that problem is related to high prices. I didn't kow that they would affect citizens moods
(Beer sold with 70, grain 200, pottery 320, iron goods 500, fish 800, whale oil 170, etc). Difficulty level is "shopkeeper".

Does population size also affect citizens moods? The city has 6200-7500 citizens, depending on citizens moods and immigration and emigrations cycles. It is a big city actually.
Another question - does amount of goods you are giving for "feeding the poor", affect the number of beggars coming to city?



Old Skipper - still on duty!

  • »bizpro« ist männlich
  • »bizpro« wurde gesperrt

Beiträge: 1 841

Dabei seit: 25. August 2005

Wohnort: Langley, BC, Kanada

  • Private Nachricht senden


Sonntag, 6. August 2006, 22:38


Original von denis97
There is no lack of basic goods, but about prices i don't know - maybe they are too high and this is the problem.

>Click on the guard and note down their response

They say that there is enough beer, what is not true, because last time there was lack of beer in the city was a year ago.

There is your problem. The population likes to have about 2 weeks' consumption of all basic goods in the marketplace. If the guards tell you that there is not enough beer that means that there is not enough beer in the markethall. They don't care about the stock in your trading office. Lower the prices as follows:
beer 40, grain 125 fish 500 and timber to 70, wool should be around 1,200. This should bring the people back. Make sure you have enough goods in your trading odfiice. The demand will not go up but the inventory levels in the market hall will increase.


Does population size also affect citizens moods? The city has 6200-7500 citizens, depending on citizens moods and immigration and emigrations cycles. It is a big city actually.

Not directly. However, larger towns require more guards, hospitals and chapels. The amount of beggars that are normally hanging around increases with the size of the town. You can have up to 500 beggars in a very large town.


Another question - does amount of goods you are giving for "feeding the poor", affect the number of beggars coming to city?

Yes, you will see an influx of beggars when feeding the poor. When the priest tells you that begggars from afar will come to town you donated enough food to attract a lot new beggars. The amount arriving each day depends upon the size of the town. You should get around 90 new beggars each day. Large towns can attract upwards of 200 beggars per day but require larger donations. For example, in a town with 28,000 ppl I donated 20 grain, 10 fish and 100 beer and, after 4 days, there were 1,000 beggars in town. This shortened the time to populate the businesses quite a bit. But there is no need to keep on doing it since the limit is 12 new employees per business per day. So, if you have 5 different businesses in town, you will get up to 60 new workers per day. But 60 workes all bring family so 240 will need accomodation.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein




Montag, 7. August 2006, 13:29

Thank you! I guess i will cope with this problem now.