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Originally posted by Starstruck
Nice to see some early standings / values. I'm not sure I understand how they've been calculated though, to me they seem to differ from the (english) contest details.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »bizpro« (29. Januar 2007, 18:23)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Starstruck« (29. Januar 2007, 04:27)
Originally posted by Starstruck
Mmm ... reading the google translation of the German forum explains most of it, although it'd still be nice to get an update so the english contest rules match the German ones.
Could someone please explain/translate some things not clear in the google translation?
Re: Production -
"Into this category of the valuation also daily production flows into barrel also. The values readable for it are an indication for a balanced development of the Hanse, for the Zuwanderung and operating extent of utilization. Enterprises, which are working at full capacity to 50% for lack of Zuwanderung only and so also produce, achieve now times in this valuation not as high values as enterprises, which are working at full capacity with 80 or 100%."
I thought the productivity just took the production number in barrels from the stats. Is there some more to do with business utilisation/supply/balance, or is this not-quite-fully translated paragraph just rationale?
Re: Prohibitions
Prohibitions are Cheats like e.g. Geldcheats, Hexeditor, Hotseat mode or the like!
I understand Hexeditor and hotseat; should "Geldcheats" have translated to some form of "gold cheat"? I assume I'm not doing it anyway (nearly all my money comes from what I think is called here manual arbitrage, none of this making money from normal trading!) but it'd be nice to have a translation.
Hot-seat modus or use of a trainer are not allowed.
Originally posted by bizpro
BTW, if you don't trade, how do you keep your people happy, or do you leave it up to the AI, like me? (It doesn't really work, that's why the satisfactyion in my game is the pits)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Starstruck« (29. Januar 2007, 04:48)
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