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  • »Starstruck« ist männlich
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Beiträge: 77

Dabei seit: 8. Januar 2007

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Montag, 29. Januar 2007, 02:27

Contest scoring details


Nice to see some early standings / values. I'm not sure I understand how they've been calculated though, to me they seem to differ from the (english) contest details.

1. Satisfaction
The satisfaction level for all three social groups (starting towns only) will be determined by allocating 6 for very happy, 5 for happy, 4 for very satisfied, 3 for satisfied, 2 for unsatisfied and 1 for annoyed. If, i.e. the average for wealthy people in all starting towns is 4.6 and a player achieves 4.6 then (s)he will receive 100 points. For any decimal point above one bonus point will be awarded, for any decimal point below one point will be deducted. Example, average is 4.6, player A has an average of 4.8, (s)he gets 102 points. Player B has an average of 4.2; (s)he gets 96 points.

For, eg, Ugh!, he has:
Rich 1.4 above average
Wealthy 2.0 above average
Poor 1.5 above average

Shouldn't this mean 114, 120 and 115 points (instead of 156, 140 and 115)? It seems the bonus has been multiplied by 4 for rich and by 2 for wealthy, but this isn't mentioned in the details?

2. Social structure

The average of all starting towns and recognized new production towns will be computed and bonus points/deductions are determined based on the average of all saves sbubmitted for the year. Again, 100 points are attached to the average value. For each percent above the average (of all sumitted saves) value for wealthy and rich, the player receives 1(wealthy) or 2(rich) bonus point and, for each value below the average one point will be deducted. Example: Calculated average of all saves 70/20/10. Player A has 75% poor, 18% wealthy (-2) and 7% rich (-3) (S)he will receive 95 points. Player B has 63% poor, 22% wealthy(+2) and 15% rich (+10), (s)he will receive 112 points.

Sorry to Ugh!, but again using him as an example!

Rich: 1.3% above average, should mean he gets +2.6 points, ie 102.6 points? This seems to have been multiplied by 10 (126); ditto for the wealthy.

Not to complain about the system used, but it makes for a very different balance of targets to aim for - much less weight on production for one thing, and more weight on number of rich people than on happiness compared to the original description. Could someone clarify and perhaps update the english contest details?



  • »Starstruck« ist männlich
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Beiträge: 77

Dabei seit: 8. Januar 2007

Wohnort: Australia

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Montag, 29. Januar 2007, 02:46

German details

Mmm ... reading the google translation of the German forum explains most of it, although it'd still be nice to get an update so the english contest rules match the German ones.

Could someone please explain/translate some things not clear in the google translation?

Re: Production -

"Into this category of the valuation also daily production flows into barrel also. The values readable for it are an indication for a balanced development of the Hanse, for the Zuwanderung and operating extent of utilization. Enterprises, which are working at full capacity to 50% for lack of Zuwanderung only and so also produce, achieve now times in this valuation not as high values as enterprises, which are working at full capacity with 80 or 100%."

I thought the productivity just took the production number in barrels from the stats. Is there some more to do with business utilisation/supply/balance, or is this not-quite-fully translated paragraph just rationale?

Re: Prohibitions
Prohibitions are Cheats like e.g. Geldcheats, Hexeditor, Hotseat mode or the like!

I understand Hexeditor and hotseat; should "Geldcheats" have translated to some form of "gold cheat"? I assume I'm not doing it anyway (nearly all my money comes from what I think is called here manual arbitrage, none of this making money from normal trading!) but it'd be nice to have a translation.

Thanks in advance ...


Old Skipper - still on duty!

  • »bizpro« ist männlich
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Montag, 29. Januar 2007, 04:06

RE: Contest scoring details


Originally posted by Starstruck

Nice to see some early standings / values. I'm not sure I understand how they've been calculated though, to me they seem to differ from the (english) contest details.

The standings will be updated periodically. Now, I am glad you brought it up since it had slipped by me. The wording has now be corrected. First of all, each social gorup is evaluated separately and it is one point per percentage point (or two as in bonus for rich in the social structure.

Ugh!'s points are correct and so is, finally, the statement in the contest details. :O Some things take a bit longer for us "backwoods people."

1.3 % more rich = 13 points higher than average for 126 contest points
3.7% more wealthy = 37 point higher than average foe 137 points.

14 points above average for satisfaction of the rich for 56 bonus points (14 * 4)
20 points above average for satisfaction of the wealthy for 40 bonus points (20 * 2)
15 points above average for satisfaction of the poor for 15 bonus points.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »bizpro« (29. Januar 2007, 18:23)



  • »Starstruck« ist männlich
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Beiträge: 77

Dabei seit: 8. Januar 2007

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Montag, 29. Januar 2007, 04:23

RE: Contest scoring details


The points match the description in the German forum. Note that the description for rich/poor makeup previous gave 1 point per 1%, it now gives 1 point per 0.1%, meaning that the two examples given before are seperated by 170 points, not 17 points (ie a tenfold change!)

Suggestions for changes:

The satisfaction level for all three social groups (starting towns only) will be determined by allocating 6 for very happy, 5 for happy, 4 for very satisfied, 3 for satisfied, 2 for unsatisfied and 1 for annoyed. If, i.e. the average for wealthy people in all starting towns is 4.6 and a player achieves 4.6 then (s)he will receive 100 points. For any decimal point above one bonus point will be awarded, for any decimal point below one point will be deducted. Points are awarded for each social group, and bonus points are multiplied by 2 for the wealthy and 4 for the rich. Example, average for rich is 4.6, player A has an average of 4.8, (s)he gets 108 points (2x4 = eight). Player B has an average of 4.2; (s)he gets 96 points.

The average of all starting towns and recognized new production towns will be computed and bonus points/deductions are determined based on the average of all saves submitted for the year. Again, 100 points are attached to the average value for both the wealth and rich classes. For each tenth of one percent above the average (of all sumitted saves) value for wealthy and rich, the player receives 1(wealthy) or 2(rich) bonus point and, for each value below the average one point will be deducted. Example: Calculated average of all saves 70/20/10. Player A has 75.0% poor, 18.0% wealthy (-20) and 7.0% rich (-30) (S)he will receive 150 points. Player B has 63.0% poor, 22.0% wealthy(+20) and 15.0% rich (+100), (s)he will receive 320 points.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Starstruck« (29. Januar 2007, 04:27)


Old Skipper - still on duty!

  • »bizpro« ist männlich
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Dabei seit: 25. August 2005

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Montag, 29. Januar 2007, 04:26

RE: German details


Originally posted by Starstruck
Mmm ... reading the google translation of the German forum explains most of it, although it'd still be nice to get an update so the english contest rules match the German ones.

Could someone please explain/translate some things not clear in the google translation?

Throw away google. It translates "the well" into "the good" and does not know the difference. Not to mention all the idiotic translations it comes up with.


Re: Production -

"Into this category of the valuation also daily production flows into barrel also. The values readable for it are an indication for a balanced development of the Hanse, for the Zuwanderung and operating extent of utilization. Enterprises, which are working at full capacity to 50% for lack of Zuwanderung only and so also produce, achieve now times in this valuation not as high values as enterprises, which are working at full capacity with 80 or 100%."

I thought the productivity just took the production number in barrels from the stats. Is there some more to do with business utilisation/supply/balance, or is this not-quite-fully translated paragraph just rationale?

My translation are the nuts and bolts of it, as you see it in the standings. Production is read off the statistics "daily production in barrels," If there are 30 submissions for the year, the top banana gets 30 points and tail-end Charlie scores 1. PERIOD, no exceptions etc. I considered the rest to be superfluous and took the liberty not to translate it. (I'm not into writing novels :D)


Re: Prohibitions
Prohibitions are Cheats like e.g. Geldcheats, Hexeditor, Hotseat mode or the like!

I understand Hexeditor and hotseat; should "Geldcheats" have translated to some form of "gold cheat"? I assume I'm not doing it anyway (nearly all my money comes from what I think is called here manual arbitrage, none of this making money from normal trading!) but it'd be nice to have a translation.

You have the translation


Hot-seat modus or use of a trainer are not allowed.

Your use of manual arbitrage, rapid fire, click orgy, or whatever it is called, is fully legitimate in this contest. I managed to click 94 times in one game day. Your captain buys on every click if you are fast enough. Now, if you make 5,000/turn that spells into one s**t load of money. Of course, it is not possible to do that evey day, but you should be able to sneak in at least 20 on average.
BTW, if you don't trade, how do you keep your people happy, or do you leave it up to the AI, like me? (It doesn't really work, that's why the satisfactyion in my game is the pits)
The cheat to generate money is only avaialable via a trainer. The old bug, where pushing some button to generate additional funds, works neither in the international edition P III, nor in the German P II version. One member posted a link to a trainer in this forum, the post got promptly deleted.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein



  • »Starstruck« ist männlich
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Beiträge: 77

Dabei seit: 8. Januar 2007

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Montag, 29. Januar 2007, 04:36


Originally posted by bizpro
BTW, if you don't trade, how do you keep your people happy, or do you leave it up to the AI, like me? (It doesn't really work, that's why the satisfactyion in my game is the pits)

I do trade, I just mean I haven't been pricing my sales as a means of generating money - just as a means of unloading "acceptable" amounts of items.

Although my happiness actually seems to have gone down over the last two game months ... I'm replaying, and was at an average across classes of nearly 4 happiness in August, I'm now in mid-October and at around 3-3.5 (don't have the savegame on this computer so can't remember precisely). I have noticed that it's so much easier to attract beggers when your people are unhappy - very counter-intuitive - I got a bit short of timber, and dragged 150 workers into timber yards in "depressed" Edinburgh in less than a month, while still exporting beer!

I was thinking that the seperation between players due to happiness/class basis would only be worth 20-40 points, so productivity would be very significant, and I've been focusing on getting production up (first time through I was at about 800 barrels come December, I'm now close to that in mid-October). But with social structure worth 10 times as many points as I'd thought, I'm going to have to re-evaluate somewhat.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Starstruck« (29. Januar 2007, 04:48)


Old Skipper - still on duty!

  • »bizpro« ist männlich
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Dabei seit: 25. August 2005

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Montag, 29. Januar 2007, 04:58

Well, my values are totally in the basement. about 7% wealthy and their anoyance is manifested in a 1.9 average. Wealthy are around 3.2 and poor should crack 4.0. :O
But production is over 1,000 barrels :170: Even though many businesses work at less than 90%/. I found that attracting beggars does not really benefit the overall moods, it just increases production. Also, the goods used for it may have been put to better use by dumping them in the towns. Even dumping wine, cloth and pottery throughout December made no real difference. Oh well, live and learn. And, since I intend to play a few years 100 points lost in 1300 are only putting a 10 point dent on the average if playing to 1309.
As far as trade income is concerned, I found that my Hanse starts generating trade cash once I have over 100,000 citizens. Until then it's "alternate funding." ;)

BTW, I am considering to move these posts into the smalltalk, will mull it over.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein