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  • »Parzival« ist männlich
  • »Parzival« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 33

Dabei seit: 25. April 2013

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Samstag, 17. Mai 2014, 08:42

Calculating the Composition of the cost of leather and meat

By Robbing the ships of NPC, one can got commodities ( timber and salt ) whose prices are 0 per unit.

Test (1)
Raw Materials Price:
Timber 0 / , salt 0 /

Price of finished products: Leather 218 / , meat 909 /

Test (2)
Raw materials price: timber 5979 / , salt 0 /
price of finished products: Leather 338 / , meat 909 /

Test (3):
Raw Materials Price: timber 0 / , salt 746 /

price of finished products: Leather 293 / , meat 2773 /

Test (4) the operating rate is 50%

Raw Materials Price: timber 0 / , salt 0 /

price of finished products: Leather 236 / , meat 983 /

After calculation, here is the final conclusion:

1.The cost of leather consist of 100% 0f timber, 16.8% of salt, 49% of rent and 49% of worker's wage.

2.The cost of meat is comprised of 83.2% of salt, 51% of rent and 51% of worker'wage.

It means that the timber is not the raw material of meat.

From the quantitative point of view,

Producing each of meat requires 2.5 barrels of salt,

producing 100 of leather requires 2 of timber and 10 barrels of salt.



  • »Parzival« ist männlich
  • »Parzival« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 33

Dabei seit: 25. April 2013

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Sonntag, 18. Mai 2014, 10:18

For more detaied information, please visit this link :)


It is originally from the post bar of patrician 3 which is the biggest patrizier forum of China.