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  • »IceK« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 7

Dabei seit: 10. Januar 2012

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Dienstag, 10. Januar 2012, 23:10

Whale Oil production

Hi there :)

Does anyone know how Whale Oil production formula works? I noticed an inconsistency in the amount of Oil those Fisheries produce.

For example, one Fishery produces 28.3 Whale Oil. If we have 65 Fisheries, they should produce about 2022.7 Barrels of Oil (basically 28.3 * 65 * 10%bonus).

And yet, the game displays 1842.7 Barrels of Oil. How does it get that number? I can't figure it out...

I've been making the new business tool for the P3 wiki, and that formula works for every other building type. It even works for fish production in the Fishery - whale oil. Just not for the Whale Oil itself for some reason.

(I'm the founder of the Patrician III wiki, I hope some of you have found it useful over the last few years.)



  • »Falko« ist männlich

Beiträge: 2 171

Dabei seit: 31. Dezember 2006

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Mittwoch, 11. Januar 2012, 02:29

on the first look i would say that the 10% bonus is missing but i am not sure about the reason and it to late to look for my calculators...
28.3 * 65 = 1839.5

i included the wiki link in the english tips and tricks compilation



  • »IceK« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 7

Dabei seit: 10. Januar 2012

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Mittwoch, 11. Januar 2012, 08:49

I have more strange facts to report :crazy:

What if the game displays an incorrect number, but the fisheries still produce the right amount of oil? I went to test that on a weekly production of 65 fisheries:

Salt (consumed): 934 (displays 750) (manager 816.9)
Hemp (consumed): 43 (displays 37.5) (manager 37.5)

Fish (produced): 429 (displays 375) (manager 375)
Whale Oil (produced): 2106 (displays 1842.7) (manager 1842.8 )

Something isn't right there...

i included the wiki link in the english tips and tricks compilation
Great :)



Beiträge: 2 733

Dabei seit: 3. Juni 2005

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Mittwoch, 11. Januar 2012, 18:48

It's a known bug, that, concerning whale oil solely, the bonus doesn't kick in. At least we assumed, it doesn't - because, anybody didn't ever check the actual output yet. Looks like your readings prove the bonus working properly (plus a little bonus bonus extra).

And besides, welcome aboard!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Ugh!« (11. Januar 2012, 18:48)



  • »IceK« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 7

Dabei seit: 10. Januar 2012

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Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2012, 00:19

Ah, thanks :)

I guess that explains it then, I'll put a note on that page.