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Old Skipper - still on duty!

  • »bizpro« ist männlich
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  • »bizpro« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 1 841

Dabei seit: 25. August 2005

Wohnort: Langley, BC, Kanada

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Montag, 20. März 2006, 03:15

Progress Report 1301

I am again at the end of 1301. While not happy with the results, they are better aligned with the overall goal.

CV 31.2M (including coffers)
popultion 104,658
ships 351 with 96 captains
businesses 679

The tribes in Americ don't buy enough yet. I finally got a small contract for cloth out of Marseille, that's it.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein

Patrician Jr



Montag, 27. März 2006, 00:25

Everybody left me for the weekend, so I put in an extra effort. I assume that good players must spend a lot more time per month than me. If I can play without interruption, I get through a month in about 2.5 to 3 hours unless I am doing a lot of piracy. It would go even faster if I wouldn't have to click through all towns every week to lend money. The overall situation is slowly improving. After receivng a tip I am now considering moving to Bergen to become LM there and then AM in August. Too bad the move is so expensive. I guess I have to start saving koroners now.

March 31, 1301

CV 14 M
population 56,188
165 ships, 48 captains and 227 businesses.

edit: 265 ships was wishfull thinking, it's only 165.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Patrician Jr« (3. April 2006, 02:33)

Patrician Jr



Montag, 3. April 2006, 02:32

I decided to kick it up a notch and to try to do 3 months over the weekend. I just spend less time per month now that I don't have to collect ships anymore. 8)

June 30, 1302
CV 15.6 M
population 65,930
212 ships with 62 captains
295 businesses

My Hanse isn't growing very fast but I am happy, kind of. I moved and am LM of Bergen :D There should be no problem to become AM this year.

Patrician Jr



Sonntag, 9. April 2006, 23:41

I am dutifully reporting another chapter in the quest for monopoly in the Hanse (I have to keep the "driver" at bay :keepcool: )

September 30, 1301
CV19.3 M
population 75,901
ships 255 with 81 captains
businesses 334

A slow but steady progress. I am having some difficulties with the building in some areas but, who cares, small blocks look good too. :D However, I am happy with my finances, especially if I look around :)

I have read some of the juror's comments. It's nice to see that some of the top-10 have problems too ;) I think I will move again as soon as the walls in Bergen are all up, probabley to Edinburgh, a meat/leather/IG town, which means it requires protection against attacks to ensure uninterrupted supply.

Patrician Jr



Dienstag, 11. April 2006, 19:37

Poor me has to stay home this week; I have something contagious. However, that does not prevent me from passing time on my PC. I really enjoy getting paid while playing P III :D

I have heard about a bet between bizpro and Builder regarding the New Wolrd team's advances to the end of the year. I hope that I will be able to meet the expectations by contributing my share, even it it's not a slice but rather a sliver. If I look at bizpro's results at the top of the page, and he's not even one of the cracks, my results seem rather meager but then, I'm fairly new to the game.

1301 has come and gone and the results are:

CV 22.5 M
population 87,423
ships 289 with 88 captains
businesses 396

If my calculations are right, that should place me in the midfield for now. Much better than where I was before, even though its is only temporary.

I think I will move to Edinburgh for the next LM elections to complete the walls there. I want to protect IG and meat production to avoid cranky citizens as far as possible. Building wise I try to set blocks of 6 but if that's not possible than I am happy with blocks of 4. Anything else is still beyond me.