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Mittwoch, 19. April 2006, 20:56

Building spree of AI

Sooner or later the AI will start building like mad. It places businesses in the worst places and, in most cases, manages to ruin building space.
I would like to ask P III players to check for the following observations:
  • do you find that the AI builds industries of which goods are lacking, or
  • does the AI build indisties that are linked to another good as in the goods offered in the new porduction towns, i.e. lack of salt - pig iron; lack of cloth - salt etc.

I would appreciate if you could contact me with your observations.
For the complete list please refer to the post "Goods in production town"
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »bizpro« (19. April 2006, 21:02)