With not many people around, I wasn't sure whether to start a new thread or add to the year 1300. Any moderator, feel free to move this!
March 31, 1301:
Population has grown rapidly, but mostly poor rather than the richer classes. Lots of merchant and gabled houses are under construction to try and prevent 'bottlenecks' to growth of the rich classes in the future.
Newcastle was founded on Feb 21 and has nearly 500 poor people, a quarter of whom work in the timber yards. No gabled or merchant houses have been built, but the first fifteen or so wall sections have been placed.
John Le Blund moved from Gotenburg, where he was Lord Mayor, to Brugge just before the local election. He hopes to build a second town wall in Brugge before moving on to Bergen in May.
Most townspeople are satisfied or better, except for the rich of Bremen and the people of Bergen, who are unhappy about temporarily high fish prices caused by a lack of hemp. Lack of meat, leather, honey, irongoods and skins Hanse-wide is making the rich generally less satisfied than other classes, although the large number of brickyards means they may be pleased about many new works projects being established. The Hanse is overflowing with wine, cloth, pottery, fish, whale oil and wool. An accounting error led to the establishment of about seven more sheep farms than intended, including some not yet occupied in Newcastle
. There is also an accounting excess of sawmills, although this has not yet resulted in large excesses of timber.
A second group of arbitrage ships was set up in Reval to complement those already in Bruges, and more money is now being collected than can be spent. There are rumours flying around the Hanse that the discovery of a new continent to the west may be imminent.
CV: 41 million, of which 4 million is cash
Hanse population: 53209, including:
5566 rich (10.6%)
9544 wealthy (18.2%)
Ships: 354, for a total space of 9032 (255 average ship size)
Production: 2583 barrels
Happiness: 3.3 - 4.3 - 4.3