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Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Pinguin« (10. Dezember 2016, 10:19)
You should know the history of Tippsammlung. She will tell you a part of solution for your problems with her (some contradictions and other problems of understanding). The latest version of tippsammlung was written over years. The two authors conceptet two parts. At first until point 5 is nearly a description of buildings, products, trading etc. From point 6 to end is an description of politics and so on. The second part was written by amselfass. The first part was beginning, given up, starting new by Jarod, giving up, written by me. My part was making/telling the content of Tippsammlung. Charlotte and some helpers overwrite my and Jarods words for giving it an uniform expression of form and language.
I hope you understand what I want to say. I have much problems with your language (25 minutes time for this post).
I used to draft a translation of chapter 7 (providing for the people), but I guess I lost it. I'd recommend to translate the Tippsammlung in the same order as Amselfass originally wrote it. He started "from behind", integrating aspects that were dispersed to several part-topic but ultimately belonged together after all into brand-new topics on their own.
The utility charter was made in 2011 by terry130 with the help of the software P III insight. When the market stock amount 14 times of citizens’ daily demand, the utility level reached its peak, however, extra one day’s stock was needed to meet the citizens’ consumption of the day, so one has to prepare 15 day’s stock in the market to maximize the utility, that is how the prices were tested and defined. It was argued that the price for timber should be 65 or even lower. In winter the citizens consumed more timber and skins, but the price system still work, just provide more supplies.
When the population of the wealthy and the rich grows, it becomes harder and harder to supply all the goods required by them, your trading empire will fall into turmoil soon, so it was necessary to sell the luxury goods at a high price especially in the early stage to suppress the rich and maintain the stability of the poor’s mood. The meat however is extremely vital to satisfy all the three classes of citizens and so as to stablize the trading empire, thus I strongly recommend that the price of meat for sell should be no higher than 1200 .
as in selling it at 110 vs selling grain at 140 makes no difference in happiness?
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Parzival« (16. Dezember 2016, 04:12)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »MrBigCookie« (16. Dezember 2016, 13:50)
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