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Montag, 21. November 2011, 16:47

Production vs. Consumption

In every city and for almost every good weekly production according to the market hall is far outstripped by the weekly consumption according to the same source. What's the deal? Is the production only net production? Are industries shuttered when there's not enough demand? How can it be even possible that in all cities there is no surplus? If so, nobody would have any beer very quickly.

Thanks in advance.



  • »Falko« ist männlich

Beiträge: 2 171

Dabei seit: 31. Dezember 2006

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Montag, 21. November 2011, 20:09

are you talking about the values at the start of the game or later?
the AI is not capable to transport all goods in a sustaining manner.
if you build your own production you can create a surplus in (almost?) all goods.

... and the market hall has a display problem
the consumption is the weekly consumption
the production is the daily production


Dienstag, 22. November 2011, 06:45

Hah! I knew there was something wrong! Thank you very much for this. It makes a huge difference in the Excel spreadsheet I'm trying to make up. Pass on my thanks!


Dienstag, 22. November 2011, 07:12

One more thing: What is the typical "production" value for items imported from the hinterland? I'm thinking spices from the Franks and salt in Groningen, for example.



  • »Falko« ist männlich

Beiträge: 2 171

Dabei seit: 31. Dezember 2006

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Dienstag, 22. November 2011, 08:54

if i remember correctly the amount of imported goods depends on number of towns and the year in which the towns were founded



  • »x9jaan« ist männlich

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Dienstag, 22. November 2011, 11:50

if i remember correctly the amount of imported goods depends on number of towns and the year in which the towns were founded

'The yaer in which the towns were fonded' sounds like Patrician 4. I assume the number of imported spices depends on the number of inhabitants in Patrician 2/3
Die Schatzkarten als *-zip-Datei.



  • »Falko« ist männlich

Beiträge: 2 171

Dabei seit: 31. Dezember 2006

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Dienstag, 22. November 2011, 12:20

in this german post/thread Importmengen was a discussion about imported goods
tristan did a statistic and summarized his findings (with pelts):
  • the amount of imported goods increases with the hanseatic population you got a percentage of the demand as import
  • you only get the max import of pelts if there are no pelts in the market hall ...
  • there are limits for each good that stops the import salt has the lowest limit (a lot of salt in the market hall-> no import), pelts and wine have higher limits
  • if you found a town but dont finish the mission the import in that town stops
  • if you found a town the import will be irregular for 1-2 years but the import stabilzed after that time
  • a town that is founded late in the game gets a lower percentage of the demand as import than a start town or a town founded earlier in the game

there was an excel file with the percentage numbers but it is lost :(
does anybody have a copy ?