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Samstag, 5. November 2005, 21:01

My favourite Trick

Ok how to make even more money when you allready have a lot of money!
Say all your Unternemenswerte are worth 100.000.000 of this you have 50.000.000 in cash.
You go to the guy that "mochte ihre anteile kaufen" and he wants to buy 25% for 25.000.000 so you sell it and get 25 million cash. Now deposit all that money in your "swiss bank account" or should i say gold spenden in a city you have founded and where you will forever be a mayor! So now your unternemenswete value is only 50.000.000 but you have 75.000.000 millions tucked away in your hidden account that you can recover anytime without beeing affraid you won't be mayor there again. So than later go to this same guy and buy back 25% of your unternemeswerte for cca. 12.500.000 and you have made a 12.500.000 out of nowhere just by manipulating the price of your unternemenswerte. Repeat this as long as you like.


ACHTUNG, spielt Spezial-Edition!

  • »Mandela« ist männlich

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Montag, 14. November 2005, 21:34

Your Post in the wrong Forum, but no matter. I can´t displace it, so I answer you here:

The trick, that you mention does only function in theory and doesn´t in practice. I will explain it, because sooner I thougt also like you:

First of all problems are the dividend you have to pay all three months. Ok, you could try to make your trick ahead this timerate, but then you have problem no. 2. If the guy who buyed your 25% want to sell them later, he selled maximum 20% and this mostly in rates (15% and much later 5%) and over a longer time. For the last 5% you can maybe wait years, if he want to sell them what is most unlikely.
Finally you have not to forghet, that your company value (Unternehmenswert) goes normally higher with the trading and building you make. Not to forget the problems, if you take later the money back out of the city treasury in the town hall with your raputation in the town. If it is not outreaching good, the minus here in the raputation may be cost you the next mayor election. ;)

I made this in my second contest 2005 try and finally I must say, that it was one of the most stupid mistakes I ever made in Patrizier. So believe my, let the hands of that stuff! :P


Zebe hat einen neuen Trick genannt, der uns größtenteils als Anteilehandel / Trick bekannt ist. Er meint, wenn man z.B. einen UW von 100 Millionen hat und davoin etwa 50 Millionen Bargeld sind, dann könnte man zum Darlehensgeber gehen und (z.B.) 25% der Anteile verkaufen, was einen Barzuwachs von 25 Millionen macht. Anschließend packt man das Bargeld größtenteils (50 Millionen) in die Stadtkasse und kauft die 25% billiger zurück.

Abgesehen davon, daß dieser Post falsch gesetzt ist und ich ihn nicht verschieben kann, habe ich ihm sinngemäß folgendes geantwortet:
Dieser Trick funktioniert nur theoretisch, aber nicht in der Praxis. Zunächst einmal hat man alle 3 Monate Dividenden zu bezahlen. Das kann man zwar durch einen schnelleren ablauf umgehen, aber da gibt es Problem Nr. 2. Wenn man 25% verkauft, kriegt man nur 20% zurückgekauft und das auch nur über einen längeren Zeitraum und meistens in 2 Teilen (15% und 5%). Auf die restlichen 5% kann man Jahre warten, wenn sie überhaupt jemals wieder angeboten werden! Zu guter letzt wächst der UW in der Zeit durch normalen Handel und die Bauerei im Normalfall.
Nicht zu vergessen ist auch der Ansehensverlust wegen der späteren Entnahme aus der Stadtkasse. Wenn man kein überragendes Ansehen hat, kann das einen die nächste BM Wahl kosten.

Da ich das selber mal dummerweise im 2. Contestversuch gemacht hatte, kann ich nur davon abraten.

Nur der Pirat ist der wahre Händler, denn nur er hat alle Möglichkeiten (business is war !!! ;) :P

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Mandela« (14. November 2005, 21:46)


Freitag, 2. Dezember 2005, 04:00

You missed some things I said dude. I said you deposite money in a city that you have founded "niederlassung" where you will be the lord mayor forever no matter what you do with money no one will take that titlle from you. and now some numbers.
On 15 january I sold 20% of my unternemens werthe for 73903560 GS
On 20th of march i bought back 5 % for 11849040 GS
On 1st of april i paid a dividend of 143568 Gs
on 18th of april I bought back 5 % for 11604930 GS
On 10th of May I bought back 5% for 12319170 GS
and the last 5 % bought back on 5th of july for 12873720

I would be glad to send you a save game where you can make mucho dinero this way. I have seen Swartenhengst use this thenique in his contest game.

And now another trick once you are allready an elderman.

In my niederlassung city i take a sondersteuer of 999.999 Gs of this 740.000 come from my account the rest from my competitors in town. Now i go to the statd kasse and take that 999.999 and i have made 260.000 stealing from my competition. Now i have to go to my elderman office in Hamburg and Becouse the Windau has taken a sonderstuer Ulf Gutenbach from Edinburgh suggests a hansetag where a dscussion about blocking the port of windau shoud take place. But since im the elderman i just click keine aktion. I do this unstopablly and people still wote for me on the elderman ellections. Its a bit boring trick to do though after a while.

Anyway this tricks work perfect in my Patrizian sorry to hear they dont work for you mandela. As someone once said All I know is that i donßt know nothing.


Old Skipper - still on duty!

  • »bizpro« ist männlich
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Freitag, 2. Dezember 2005, 07:43

Let's do a little; word game.
If you don't know nothing, you are implying that you do know something. I would be interested to find out who coined that phrase. Please provide a link.
Either you know nothing or you do know soemthing; don't knowing nothing is a contradiction.

As to your latest trick, it would never work for me since there are no competitors in any of the cities founded by me. You will never find any white there, that's my style - not a trick, just a mo.

I don't know nothing meint: ich wiss nicht nichts, also weiss ich was. ich glaube das heisst doppeltes negativ, und das macht wieder ein positiv.
sonderstuer in einer nl zu verlangen klappt IMHO nur wenn da ai haendler gebaut haben. wenn ich der einzige unternehmer bin, dann bringt das nur ein absinken des ansehens wenn ich als em keine strafe vorschlage.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein


Freitag, 2. Dezember 2005, 09:15

The ai does not have to have any building in your niederlassung in order to rip money from him he just needs a contor there. They do that after a while anyway even if they own no ships they i guess swim to your newelly founded city and found a kontor there. No AI buildings in my citys either. Sometimes in the begining i build for instance hemp farms in a city where i need it to produce skins the hemp production is low in that city so i sell those farms to ai. the ai than still produces the hemp and floods the local market with it giving you the chance to buy that hemp at the base price. I was thinking about building up hanse completlly than auction all the farms factories (so you donßt have to bother with production) than take all ai ships and than just buy anything at base price and sell it elswere at a profit margin. but thatßs another step. Anyway all those trix work perfect for me if you think they do not do not use them. Peace love and unity 4 you and me pass it on!