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Old Skipper - still on duty!

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Dabei seit: 25. August 2005

Wohnort: Langley, BC, Kanada

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Donnerstag, 2. März 2006, 05:27

Grain management

Arno posted one of his secrets to keep the masses happy. :170: :D

He produces grain wherever possible. In cities where grain is only produced inefficiently, he ensures that the production is slightly higher than consumption and he has set the minimum sale price to 1GS. Apparently the price settles at 35GS. While he is subsidizing heavily, the expense is worth the effort. First, he saves on tonnage to haul needed grain to the location. Secondly he saves storage costs, since there is no need to keep a supply that lasts until the arrival off the next convoy.
I assume from further communications that he does likewise for other bale goods, such as fish, wool, hemp etc.
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Baltic Trader


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Donnerstag, 2. März 2006, 18:32

RE: Grain management

Not a great secret but a good tip for others; in fact I have written you on the subject as well. It costs more to haul, as I have posted elsewhere, than it is worth for profit, and storage is expensive as well. Best to develop supplies well, and let the AI haul extra in fact, if you have any AI ships sailing about. Furthermore, there is a benefit from selling other goods to the employed masses.

Timber is a second product that is similar in its economics. Fish, wool should mostly be sold at about cost in later points in the game.

In fact, I generally do the same with beer as well.


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Dabei seit: 19. April 2005

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Donnerstag, 2. März 2006, 21:16

Well, I apply this method since 2 game months now and I must say: it is genial !

I sunk the prices for grain to 90 GS in the moment, for timber it was some time down to 5 GS, but now I rise up to 45 GS and for beer it is 35 GS.
The storage cost´s are very high, so I sunk costs on one side and on the other side I made my population happy (so the number went up).

I was sceptically about the AI, if they ratten the system, but they don´t. The trick is simple. You have only to set down the prives in every town to the same level. So the AI has no market for selling and buying and they let the hands off it and trade with other goods.
Of course you have to produce the needed masses for this system. :P
Nur der Pirat ist der wahre Händler, denn nur er hat alle Möglichkeiten (business is war !!! ;) :P