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Dabei seit: 25. August 2005

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Donnerstag, 27. April 2006, 18:50

Other Games

@ Cyrus

I guess the discussion belongs here.

I like 1502 but am sad that Sunflowers continues to ignore that production islands should have houses and that there should be a need for basic staples. Especially in 1603, too buggy for my liking, there are large areas on many island where you can't farm any crops, so why not use those to place a settlement for the workers. That's one thing that gives P III the edge.

Re AOR III: from what I have read the full game has maps which are only marginally larger than those of the demo. Apparently, if you play with 4 opponents one sits right next to the next. In AOE II I could play against 7 opponents without feeling cramped, the maps were large enough for everyone to have their own part. I particularly liked the huge islands where each player had his own island. The AI would start attacking each other and you could either join him or take over his island while he was fighting somewhere else. The population limit of 200 restrices your ability to fight wars on more than one front since you need lots of workers to feed your machine.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein


Donnerstag, 29. Juni 2006, 18:44

Anyone try Ascaron's latest Dark Star One ? Unfortunately, by the time the english version is released the Germans will have played it out. Oh well. I have downloaded the demo and applied the english mod and played some. Interesting trade concept, you drag your goods through space and drop them if you need to fight. Without having some more info I cant say weather it will tickle my fancy or not. I would have liked to have seen better graphics in the storyline movies though.



  • »Engioc« ist männlich

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Dienstag, 30. März 2010, 15:51

RE: Other Games


Originally posted by bizpro
@ Cyrus

I guess the discussion belongs here.

I like 1502 but am sad that Sunflowers continues to ignore that production islands should have houses and that there should be a need for basic staples. Especially in 1603, too buggy for my liking, there are large areas on many island where you can't farm any crops, so why not use those to place a settlement for the workers. That's one thing that gives P III the edge.

Re AOR III: from what I have read the full game has maps which are only marginally larger than those of the demo. Apparently, if you play with 4 opponents one sits right next to the next. In AOE II I could play against 7 opponents without feeling cramped, the maps were large enough for everyone to have their own part. I particularly liked the huge islands where each player had his own island. The AI would start attacking each other and you could either join him or take over his island while he was fighting somewhere else. The population limit of 200 restrices your ability to fight wars on more than one front since you need lots of workers to feed your machine.

Hi, mind if I comment and add to your discussion here...
Well I'm a Anno fan but haven't played the older ones like 1502 and 1603, I started with 1701. For me I believe its a great game but I do agree that its maps can often be too small and even with the included editor, your options are rather limited since the islands are still pre made with set limitations. I wish there was an editor available that let you create islands because that would give much more freedom.

Also one problem with all the pre made islands and your building options is that everything is very flat, there are mountains etc but you cant build on any of them. I wish there was a little more variation in height with some smaller hills that still allow for buildings, the maps look really nice but everything you can build on is too much flat land.

On AOE, well I used to be a fan of that game when it first came out, but I feel these days its got way to many flaws, but I haven't played since AOE2 so maybe I am a bit out of date. The maps are certainly larger, but it has too many limitations on number of units, making combat too small. By the time you've built all the different buildings and gathered enough workers to keep the economy going, you dont have much population limit left for fighting, and thats annoying. The pop limit needed to be a lot higher, or the number or workers needed to support it all should be less, either way you should be able to build up decent size armies with a good mix of troops/weapons, but sadly thats not really possible.



  • »Dorimil« ist männlich

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Dabei seit: 25. Juli 2005

Wohnort: Speckgürtel von Hamburg

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Dienstag, 30. März 2010, 16:25

Hi Engioc,

give Anno 1503 a chance! ;) Most of the people think its the best Anno ever (and also the most difficult one). The Green Pepper Version costs 6,99 € in Germany (i dont know, if they were sold in other countries :O )

If you need additional stuff, have look at http://www.annopool.de/
There you will find maps and stuff for all Anno's

Lebe jeden Tag, als wäre es Dein letzter!



  • »Engioc« ist männlich

Beiträge: 7

Dabei seit: 30. März 2010

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Mittwoch, 31. März 2010, 12:20

Well thats one of the reasons I've never played the ealier ones, I believe 1701 was the first release in Australia, not many of the stores here even had 1701, was just one of those titles I found tucked away in the corner of the store, turned out to be a real gem for me. Since buying the original 1701 have now bought the Gold Edition with the expansion and editor, and now moved on to 1404, hoping Ubi stop being lazy and produce a proper english language version of the editor for that one too, I do have the current editor but of course its really meant for German version.

If I can find a shop that has the earlier ones, and ships to Australia, I'd definitely buy it cause I love these games. I look on Anno in a way as an improved version of The Settlers, I realise there are some big differences as well, but I now think Anno is better than the newer Ubi versions of The Settlers.

The Settlers has some very flashy graphics, but I dont think the gameplay is anywhere near as good.

Back to Anno, yeah I already found that website, found it while looking around on the Wiki and Production calc for 1404.

Oh one other thing I forgot to ask, what exactly is the pepper version? Is that the same as the Gold Edition with expansions and editors included?



  • »Dorimil« ist männlich

Beiträge: 3 264

Dabei seit: 25. Juli 2005

Wohnort: Speckgürtel von Hamburg

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Mittwoch, 31. März 2010, 13:58

In Germany Green Pepper publishes older games for a cheap prize (usually € 6,99). That could be normal version and also gold versions of the games.

Amazon also delievers to Australia: http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/d…s?nodeId=596190
And here is the game: http://www.amazon.com/ANNO-1503-NEW-WORL…70035297&sr=1-5

So...think about it! ;)
Unfortunately only the basic Game. An Addon and a Gold-Version already exist, but probably only pulished in Germany/Europe. If you search for "Anno" at Amazon, you'll also find Anno 1602, the first Anno.

at Amazon UK there is also the Addon available:http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i…03&sprefix=Anno

And yes, Anno is a German Game (1602 and 1503 designed by MAx Design, Austria, published by Sunflowers Germany / 1701 and 1404 desinged by Related Designs Germany, published by Ubisoft Europe)

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