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ACHTUNG, spielt Spezial-Edition!

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Beiträge: 2 464

Dabei seit: 19. April 2005

Wohnort: Köln / NRW

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Samstag, 24. Juni 2006, 23:43

Pirate nest Bug/ Trick


I´m really cautious about telling about a bug, trick or anything like. But here I proofed it really carefull and I´m 150% sure.

In an other thread I wrote about the "rolling thunder Attack" against pirate nests. Well I do it now allways and it´s in my eyes the best method to do.
However, one part of my standard tactic is, that at least a catapult convoy attacks the turrests in autofight (to save realtime) and the fourth time in follow I was here in trouble. The catapult convoy lost the battle, so I had to vreate an other one (which is normally then on the other side of the map).

However, during this I had an open eye on the thing and I discover something, which could be used in follow for an other thing too.

After destroying or capturing the normal 8 ships in the nest (contestgame !), there were only the three turrets left. After the disaster of the first turret attack and why waiting I saw, that every 2 - 3 day a new pirateship is created inside the nest. If not destroying it and waiting, after 4 - 6 days later are now 2 ships inside. This thing is and was everytime and could everytime replayed. So it is fact. The trick is now:

Normally you have about 30 days time to destroy the nest. If you take a look by S/L which nest is in order, you can pose your ship(s) and / or fleet in front of the nest and then take the order. After capturing the nomal 8 ships in contest 2006 you have enough time to waite before destroying also the turrets. In this timespace you could capture about 20 ships and more, not only the normal 8!
If you don´t play contest and an other game with higher pirateactivity in the gamesettings, you can have in this case much more prey in ships.

I said taht there is an other second thing about it and this is in my eyes the use of a bug:

Some players had the fact, that they must attack a nest two times. In this case it was so, that after destroying the nest and getting the money prey, there was actually a "new" pirateship" in the nest. So you have to attack a second time to fullfill the order. Also and much more interesting is the fact, that you got also a second money prey (most times higher than the first one).
Well, if there is all 2 - 3 days a new pirateship in the nest, you could steering that thing if you attack in the right time. So the second money prey is no problem, beside the higher ship prey if you wait in forefield.

It is 100% save and was done in experiment several times, but there are som circumstances not full clear. Most important is, why 2 - 3 days, which is a little bit bad.
Nur der Pirat ist der wahre Händler, denn nur er hat alle Möglichkeiten (business is war !!! ;) :P