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  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Freitag, 23. Juni 2006, 03:36

Turkish Building Technique

Forcing the Game to permit to the player,
for lossless use of "all" non-developed lands
to plop every kind of building by himself
with strict elimination of road formation.

As everyone knows, each city layout is formed by 4 big sections (QUARTER), delimited by default, 3 main roads (AVENUE) originated from city center. I admit every "builder" already knows how "secondary" roads appear, while dealing with intense construction works. In case of precision, Ugh! has recently published an excellent document . The "simple" in theory, but "*very* sophisticated" in practice is... to prevent these road creations, contrary to the planned/habitual internal dynamics of the Game.


For the maximization of building area, one must avoid the fragmentation of Quarters. So, as we have already three Avenues that divided to 4, our layout; we will be occupied to develop these four huge blocks, not more, not less. In *every* city / layout, always 4 Quarters. Let's concentrate on one of these Quarters.

In most of the situations, a bare Quarter land is defined from one or two sides by the main Avenues. Other side(s) may be delimited by the city wall (of any level) and / or by the seashore. So we have only three elements that limit the borders of a Quarter: Avenue, City Wall, or the SeaShore. The touching-sections of the quarters to the city center must also be considered as an Avenue.

Edit to continue:
In order to be able to present the subject, we need to a common reference, in appelation and nomenclature basis. First of all, we need to denominate a very critical element of the Technique:... Unit of lenght. This will be the smallest distance between two separate buildings. I named it **d**. As roads are 2d's wide, as houses make 2d x 3d, as industrial plants make 4d x 5d etc...This fact, is the ligtning bolt that made give birth to this building technique.

This is a matter of FACT (this is not a bug, because according to building routine, LANEs (germ. gasse) of 1d's width may well be paved too. But in our systematics, what we are most interested in, the Lanes that the Game (Board of Works) *can not* pave.

In short, if you plop buildings one after the other, adjacent to a main avenue, while maintaining 1d of interspace, the Game CAN NOT pave these interspaces... Here is the very short story of a discovery... This knowledge will lead us in the near future to compile the Endless Row's. (Published by me a whole Lübeck layout at (drüben) ; Patrician World Board dating Dec. 26 2004 ).

Endless Row is just the first / bottom stone-array of the pyramide, however. But this is vitally important. It may be considered as a 2D construction design. Here, one can discuss about line's; but not yet surfaces.

One step further of this process, is to structuralize this theme on wide, -even amorphic- surfaces, in a repetitive pattern. This process is very similar to the crystallization...As it begins from a certain point, and then develops around. BUT, as most crystallization courses necessitate a special ambience, Turkish technique do not make an exception. We will have to establish these required conditions. HOW?.. By *isolating* praxis environment from outside.

Another common appelation must be established in "directional positioning's".. As to mention the known essentials, "Top" of the chart is always indicating "North", so then right is East etc..

Fastening solid meanings of "Horizontal" and "Vertical" is difficult to me, especially under isometric view of the Main Game Window...denomination must be clarified . For this task, I used as point of reference, "The Light Source" : Light is coming from Top Left... So, if buildings take the light from their Shorter Sides (facade), then it will be said as Vertically positioned; while the light hit the buildings on their Longer Sides, so placed Horizontally. As exemple, between 3d x 4d buildings: Hospitals and Chapels are always plopped in Horizontal, while School and Mint always Vertical.

With this rather basic infrastructure of knowledge, we are now ready to take a tour on this Old Stockholm territory, while the Guide will relate the stories of some old ardent constructors.

"....Rome was not built in a day..."

To be continued..
Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Mayor of Smyrna« (26. Juni 2006, 10:27)


ACHTUNG, spielt Spezial-Edition!

  • »Mandela« ist männlich

Beiträge: 2 464

Dabei seit: 19. April 2005

Wohnort: Köln / NRW

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Sonntag, 25. Juni 2006, 08:52

Hi MoS

As one, who has not the abilitys to build everytime normal 6", 8" or 10" blocks, but who is interesting in such things I have now understand one thing, that I never understand before (the 1d Gasse :rolleyes: ). Thanks :170:

I personally play beside my contest game, which makes bigger problems, 2 others (one standard map and one 40" town map) just only for fun in piracy (here also experiments) and supporting. The 40" map is for learning.
One question in term of that I have to you:

Which ground plan of a town do you prefer, Stockholm or Cologne (or an other one)?

Nur der Pirat ist der wahre Händler, denn nur er hat alle Möglichkeiten (business is war !!! ;) :P

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Sonntag, 25. Juni 2006, 09:55


Original von Mandela
Which ground plan of a town do you prefer, Stockholm or Cologne (or an other one)?

Hi Mandela,

From the beginning until today, I dealt with only three layout (or ground plan, germ. grundriss) that were Lübeck (extensively), Stettin (not completed) and Stockholm (very extensively + official published exemplar)... But even in my lastly published game, there exists some mistakes. If you examine all these 40 layouts, you will surely realize some minor differencies=faults (especially in "firstly" built cities). Because I continued to learn or refine things, while on the other hand, developing entire game ... Well, these are the lessons, learned on the "hard way" by me. Of course I begun to my play while conjecturing as Stockholm layout is the biggest.

So your question... Of course, during last year, this Köln / Stockholm discussion was interesting. Even Gunter asked the same question once upon a time, before all. You are surely remembering Roland's comments about Köln/Stockholm comparison, after he published his spectacular 3M game. In fact, Köln layout is then very curious for my particular interest; I wish to invest a week or so to completely built on Köln layout, for another trial in-vitro, while leaving other cities in catastrophic situations.

After finishing my actual (and will be Final v1.1) game with 20 000 ships, in autumn, I wish to begin Standard Map to apply Turkish on. There will be many observations to do, about all layouts; in the near future.

PS. Nice to see you playing on 40'er maps too. In the beginning, I had serious doubts about dissuading monotony on 40 similar layout, but this was never the case, in praxis.

Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.


ACHTUNG, spielt Spezial-Edition!

  • »Mandela« ist männlich

Beiträge: 2 464

Dabei seit: 19. April 2005

Wohnort: Köln / NRW

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Sonntag, 25. Juni 2006, 10:20

Well, I prefer the Stockholm layout, but I´m still amateur in such things.

The discussion around the layouts of the towns was in my eyes never completed, so I believe that there are personal opinions the answer waht is better... :P

However, I know that the turkish building is somewhat other than normal optimizing with "xyz" blocks. But I personal and here I speak really only for me have some problems with "1d Gasse" here, so your eplaining and the earlier eplaining of Ugh! in that case opened my eyes more.

Nur der Pirat ist der wahre Händler, denn nur er hat alle Möglichkeiten (business is war !!! ;) :P

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2006, 14:07

As most of the final determinative cornerstones of Turkish technique were laid down in Stockholm, all these informations, were once part of the classified files; named as "Vanadium Project"... In the midst of flamed discussions, more than a year ago, Gunter leaked a document that revealed the first very basic principles of the technique. Later, Ugh! had the pleasure to develop an entire entity to master the Technique, consolidated with some precise publication(s) and brilliant applications in last year's Contest Games.

Basic Exercices:

If one did not deal until now with building site optimization, I admit she/he applies most of his building process as a rather monotonous plopping of houses, mfg. plants and some social buildings, while observing roads appearing at every occasion. I wish to precise that Turkish, is not a systematic course of study with Blocks. So all relevant details with 6, 8, 10 or + blocks will remain outside of this circle. Turkish Building Technique is a __roadbuster__; so, *at first* the player must thoroughly understand **all conditions** under which a road may appear. I recommend a detailed study of this very fine document , kindly published by Ugh!.

For road formation exercices (these trials must at first be made *always* adjacent to a main Avenue, since the road formations on open land, are a degree more complicated), I suggest using my savegame of 3M+ as a playground, since you will find here all quarters developed without fragmentation. Simply demolish all buildings in a given Quarter and make the road formation trials and observations with all these kind of buildings. All hub cities will exceedingly furnish necessary building materials as bricks, timber and iron goods etc.

Please consider: For some of us who did never deal with building site optimization, one will be faced with a multitude of new concepts that will force her/his gaming routines. Mastering will be obtained by countless repetitions + trial and errors, dedicated days and sleepless nights...In addition, one must interiorize the lower step to succeed the higher. It is like a Chess Game; one may know how each stone may act but this is only the very first phase on the long run to master to design all possible strategies. Success on the Technique towards to perfection and all-terrain compatibility is bounded to perseverence, otherwise massive waste of time + deception and boredom occurs. It is not a Rocket Technology of Medieval times, but closer :D .....So before taking your final decision, think twice and, Don't say I didn't warn you ;-) [Just plain pleasantry].

Best success to all!..

To be continued....
Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Mayor of Smyrna« (28. Juni 2006, 14:46)

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Dienstag, 4. Juli 2006, 15:37

After having some essays and observations with main building types, one may arrive to a basic conclusion about main formation facts of "unwanted roads" as:

All below placements of buildings are without spaces between them. The observation is made on an horizontal Main Avenue... A nasty road may appear, if:
- three houses placed vertically,
- two houses horizontally
since all industrial plants officially must *always* be placed vertically:
- two plants
- one plant+one house vertically
- one plant+one house horizontally
- all social buildings+one house vertically or horizontally
- all social buildings+one plant

With this knowledge at hand, we may now take a step more towards to particular domain of Turkish Technique. This will be the formation of Endless Rows.

Creating Endless Rows adjacent to Main Avenue do not pose particular difficulties to the player; and became rapidly a simple routine once the mechanic is understood. Here, we are talking about creating a row, but also a *line* of buildings. As the Line has always two Extremities, we will of course developing the Line from one of its extremities, while *securing* other one. Securing means to prevent road formation from this extremity.

Best and most common practice of securing one extremity of an Endless Row, is to lean it to an inner curve of a Main Avenue. Road formation dynamics *can not cross* already formed road sets. So existing Roads are reliable limiting barriers against harmful effects of unwanted road formation. Here is the practice, that may perfectly be reversed:

Endless Row with horizontally placed houses, developing from left to right; so inner corner of the Avenue is at left:
1./ plop (permanent) house horizontally at inner curve
2./ plop (temporary) house horizontally far as -> 4d (serves as shield against unwanted future formation of road)
3./ plop (2nd permanent) house adjacent to the first
4./ demolish temporary house.

If examined after all, there is now two houses placed horizontally, but contrary to the General (planned/designed) Mechanics of the Game, there is any road formation at the right extremity. Why? Because of the fact that the Board of Works *could not* (hehe) assign this interspace of 1d , at phase 3 above [ 4d (space between 2 houses) - 3d (space of the 2nd permanent house) = 1d ] a road formation; the interspace area remained "as is".

One may thereafter proceed the prolongation of the Row, by simply repeting 2.-> 3.-> 4. steps, as long as the topography or according to self building concept.

The mechanics and behavior of the Game about Road Formations on "Green Pampa", will be the subject of the next message.

Best fun while building to all.
Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.


Große weise Müllhalde

  • »Gesil« ist männlich

Beiträge: 2 000

Dabei seit: 9. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Wien

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Dienstag, 4. Juli 2006, 16:43


Original von Mayor of Smyrna
All below placements of buildings are without spaces between them. The observation is made on an horizontal Main Avenue... A nasty road may appear, if:
- three houses placed vertically,
- two houses horizontally
since all industrial plants officially must *always* be placed vertically:
- two plants
- one plant+one house vertically
- one plant+one house horizontally
- all social buildings+one house vertically or horizontally
- all social buildings+one plant

- one house placed vertically on another house's horizontal side (contrary, there is no problem)

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Dienstag, 4. Juli 2006, 18:29


Original von Gesil
- one house placed vertically on another house's horizontal side (contrary, there is no problem)

You are fully right by mentioning this fact, to be added on the list. The reason that I did exclude for now, because it has little or no use in the forming of simple rows of buildings, "in this entry-level of practices".

This is an elaborate fact and will be cited on some thick underlinings soon:

We are always adjacent to an horizontal portion of Main Avenue.. If you place "at first" an horizontal house, then you adjoint it a vertical one, any roads appeared. However inversely, if you plop firstly a vertical house (base lenght is 2d) and then you adjoint it an horizontal one (base lenght is 3d), unwanted roads appear on both sides.

Because of the Road Formation fiction of the Game, in our second essay, the Game perceived an added accessory of * 3d width * and automatically triggered a road formation. At first essay, an accessory of * 2d width * was added; thus the Game continued to remain silent.

Well, all above mentioned behaviour, is a *special fact* of capital importance, and will show its potential with full glory in the lying down of all those numerous industrial plants...It will spectacularly perform in forming very long "support rows" in a fast and easy way . It will have also a principal role of optimizing about building materials, therefore attenuating already huge construction costs.

As I never use Mint's or School's in my games, a simple identity is remaining to be precised, under uniting conditions with a house from longer sides, since these social buildings have one side dimension of 3d. If a *vertical* house is added to the long sides of a Mint or School, or/and an *horizontal* house to the long sides of an Hospital and Chapel... no roads appear either.

But if you wist to inverse your moves in the essay, some surprising results appear. Firstly build a "vertical" house and then adjoint a Mint or School, no roads appear; BUT if you build at first an "horizontal" house and then adjoint an Hospital or a Chapel....you will see appearing roads on both sides.

One thus may conclude that the game triggers the road formation after 6d (included) of dimension. In 5d's formations, second accessory must 2d [ so not 3d (excepted by Mint and School)] of dimension in order to calm the Game's anger.

By all these occasions, I wish also remember Gunter's and Dr. Nodelescu's simultaneous studies. Although in the aspect of reverse-engineering, their invested time and energy; partially and independently developed and published in the past, is to be respected.
Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Mayor of Smyrna« (4. Juli 2006, 18:41)