Commentary by Hosping:
At the end of 1301 the ROTE KORSAR is known as courageous in his hometown of London. While he claims to be a pirate, he himself does not believe that buccaneering will bring him wealth and fame in his Hanse, since he has not undertaken anything to manifest his status.
While he was lucky a few times he was often observed, accused and charged for committing indictable offenses. He probably auctioned off the 11 ships to pay for the fines levied.
At the moment he owns 3 ships and the trade office in London. He has not invested a single Florin into businesses. Therefore, 140,000
of his total wealth of 180,000
are in cash.
The more than 21,000 citizens don’t care since they have yet to see a sail of John Le Blund on the horizon. Left to their own devices, they are not living the good live but the social structure comprises 8.1 rich and 19.5 wealthy. A top-notch result considering that nothing virtually has been done to date
MANGELLAN advanced to inexperienced trade on December 1st. His convoy comprising 4 ships is doing some trade close to home.
He has built 3 businesses on London In London, which are so far away from the town walls that the workers arrive with bleeding feet and ruined soles at work.
Even the AI is celebrating New Years and is nowhere to be found on the map which, together with the Med, is waiting for some exploration.
In spite of the relative inactivity, the population grew to more than 22,000. The satisfaction varies between 2.4 for the rich and 4.1 for the poor. The rich make up 9% of the population and wealthy are at 21.1%
At the end of 1300 X9JAAN is the unbelievable LM of Gothenburg, where he won the election in a landslide victory with 109 votes.
He too has surrounded himself with 22,000 citizens, which are at least aware of the fact that John Le Blund is going to conquer the Hanse. All trade offices have been placed and the administrators have been training in their job.
His fleet comprises 60 ships under the command of 33 captains. The central hub system in Gothenburg has been established. He has discovered 4 towns in the Med. Granted loans span to September 1301.
X9JAAN has held back in the construction of businesses. His 4 plants produce mere 22 barrels per day. With values below par in relevant areas, such as satisfaction and structure, his standing has been affected by penalties.
Commentary by bizpro
1300: John Zeeduevel Le Blund, the clever LM of Gothenburg has already competed three AM missions and is the top incumbent for the next elections. On June 22nd he married a well-respected 29-year old of Edinburgh. The snaikka, together with its 60 barrels of goods, must have been welcomed.
Under his leadership almost 29,000 citizens found their way into his Hanse who either sail on one of his 63 ships under the command of 24 captains, or work in one of his 88 businesses. Daily production amounts to 689 barrels. The company value of more than 5 millions is respectable. The arbitrage ships at Reval, Danzig and Gothenburg contributed to it without a doubt.
The building style varies a lot. Two blocks of 8 have been placed with the possibility of expansion but other towns only see blocks of 4. The white competition is tolerated in most towns but at see you can only find 2 white ships on New Year’s Eve. In the towns 32 white ships are at anchor or undergoing repairs.
The supply varies between towns, which is reflected in the level of satisfaction/dissatisfaction of the social classes. The average satisfaction values are 2.5 for the rich, 3.5 for the wealthy and 4.5 for the poor. The social structure has 8.9 rich, 20.8 wealthy. This should improve once the businesses, especially the sheep farms in Bremen, are fully staffed.
Five Med town have been discovered in the Med, three of those by John, and on January 17 a convoy comes back with word of another three. There are currently no contracts.
Three towns complain about lack of whale oil and four would like wool. Construction of whalers should no longer be postponed, 3 should do the trick for now.
Of the 22 outstanding loans, 20 have the potential to yield ships upon default. Shares have not been traded but, with 1.5 M in cash, a relative large number of ships and businesses the future looks peachy. A choice of new production towns is available: Novgorod with fish, grain and salt, as well as Memel with grain, salt and timber.
1300: The successful patrician John Eztel Le Blund of London plays slowly but surely. The rich amount to 9.2% with an average satisfaction of 2.8 while the 20.2% wealthy are at 3.6 and the poor at 4.3. The citizens of some towns are very impressed such as the rich in Bruegge which are very happy. Once administrators have been employed in all trade offices, some of which are still under construction, this will improve further. Attention should be paid to the building industry to accumulate sufficient materials for the expansion.
Overall, prices are well chosen except for grain, which is too expensive, and whale oil and IG, which are given away. Arbitrage is being undertaken but prices should be amended as per the analysis.
A building style is not yet defined and in some towns businesses from the AI compete with houses for scarce lots.
Etzel operates 20 ships under the command of 16 captains. Daily production of 132 barrels is accomplished by 19 businesses. Necessary luxury goods should be imported from London as soon as more ships are available. Pirates should be controlled and the acceptance of tavern missions could add the necessary tonnage to the fleet.
The starting save, which secured the current 2nd spot, is nothing to sneer at and proves that even small beginnings can lead to a good standing. Keep it up!
1300: The dangerous LM of Reval, John Ugh! Le Blund, has wed a socially active wife. At first glance one doubts that this save is from the perfectionist since there are blocks of 4 and mints. However, on second glance turjish corners are spotted and close scrutiny reveals who’s at work. A structure of 10.3% rich (4.1) 24.2% wealthy (5.5) and the poor at an almost perfect 5.8 reflect mastery of supply. The poor are very happy everywhere except for 4 towns where they are “only” happy.
In spite of a “slow start” Ugh! amassed a CV of 7.6M. He owns 143 ships, under the command of 63 captains, and 103 businesses, producing 805 barrels.
Honey is the most thought after good. Some towns also want bricks, IG or skins. With 11 grain farms there will be enough bread to go around through the winter. Fish and whale oil are in less good shape. With only 3 fisher and no whalers, the AI will soon need help but currently the demands are still being met. Wooll will soon be in ample supply with 5 sheep farms in various stags of completion.
Memel (fish, grain, honey) was accepted as new production town mission on December 30th. To get away from grain in the offering a lot of apiaries will be needed.
Most of the ships stem from tavern missions, mainly escorts and revenges. On January 1st a cog is being lauched; there are no further building contracts. But with a sizeable fleet own construction is not necessary. Four pages of granted loans should yield some ships too.
Seven towns have been discovered in the Med and at the moment there is a contract for some 1,000 barrels of wine for 235
available in Vigo.
With this save, Ugh! demonstrates that he is worthy of his title. Load it down, study it and try to copy. Since we have been given a preview of what to expect for 1301 we are waiting with bated breath for the next treat.