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  • »Nanuaraq« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 17

Dabei seit: 31. Oktober 2011

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Montag, 31. Oktober 2011, 12:13

Those lazy beggars!

I have numerous towns with almost no employment in my production sites. It is expensive and it ruins my production chains.

I feed the poor successfully ("extremely generous"), yet when the beggars show up, they stay in town for less than a week, or a day, then they disappear again. This is in spite of poor people being satisfied or happy in the town.
How do I get them to stay and work in my production sites??

I build schools, which seem to keep beggars coming into the town at a steadier pace, but they don't take the jobs I have for them.

In one town I have employment space for 60 workers. Of these, 9 or 10 (sometimes the number even drops) are occupied, while 50 are vacant positions. There are 10 beggars in the town. None of them wants to work in my facilities.

It has taken almost a year of game time to fully man 4 brickwork facilities in a city. And the poor people are happy in the town!!

What am I doing wrong??

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Nanuaraq« (31. Oktober 2011, 12:13)

Dr. Nodelescu


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Montag, 31. Oktober 2011, 18:32

There are two things that come to my mind:

They need shelter! Whenever any kind of shelter is occupied by more than 90%, you need to build more.
Oh, and while feeding the poor may be handy in the short term, you need to provide the city with essentials to hold them there.
Gedenket den Schiffbruchsopfern der Estonia!

In der Theorie ein Genie, in der Praxis eine Katastrophe!
Alle Stadtgrundrisse auf einer Seite!



  • »Nanuaraq« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 17

Dabei seit: 31. Oktober 2011

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Montag, 31. Oktober 2011, 22:59

There are two things that come to my mind:

They need shelter! Whenever any kind of shelter is occupied by more than 90%, you need to build more.
Oh, and while feeding the poor may be handy in the short term, you need to provide the city with essentials to hold them there.
But i do! The city is so small, none of the houses are more than 50% full. And I provide them with beer, grain, fish, wool and timber, all the basics for the poor people.
And the problem is not so much attracting workers, but why won't they take the jobs I have for them??


Montag, 21. November 2011, 20:29

Hi Nanuaraq,

still struggling with those lazy beggars?
Maybe you uplaod a save here so that we can have a look at your problem?

Kind Regards,

EDIT by Pinguin: Feel free to use our forum webspace for uploading. :) After starting a post by clicking "reply" you'll find an option for attachments under your text field.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Pinguin« (21. November 2011, 21:42)



  • »Nanuaraq« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 17

Dabei seit: 31. Oktober 2011

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Dienstag, 22. November 2011, 16:34

I believe time is a greater factor than I expected (how on earth do you expand a city so fast as I'm led to believe that you do?)
After supplying the town with adequate goods for a long time, beggars finally seem to stay in town, and to work. Funny thing is, there always seem to be 8 or 9 beggars, no matter how many jobs there are for them and how fast they generate. Can't get the donations to work, though.

Anyway, having found out how to get them to stay and work, albeit slow, I withdraw my question (The nerd that I am, I have instead thrown myself upon editing the game with the map editor to make it historically correct), except if anyone can tell me how to do make the city grow faster!


Mittwoch, 23. November 2011, 04:50

I believe time is a greater factor than I expected (how on earth do you expand a city so fast as I'm led to believe that you do?)
After supplying the town with adequate goods for a long time, beggars finally seem to stay in town, and to work. Funny thing is, there always seem to be 8 or 9 beggars, no matter how many jobs there are for them and how fast they generate. Can't get the donations to work, though.

Anyway, having found out how to get them to stay and work, albeit slow, I withdraw my question (The nerd that I am, I have instead thrown myself upon editing the game with the map editor to make it historically correct), except if anyone can tell me how to do make the city grow faster!
What changes have you made? May I get a copy of the corrected version?



  • »Nanuaraq« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 17

Dabei seit: 31. Oktober 2011

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Mittwoch, 23. November 2011, 10:24

Sure, I'd be delighted to share. It's almost done. Changes made are quite radical, since just about no towns on the original map had any kind of production facility that was related to any documentation I cuold find on the historical town (with Stockholm and Novgorod as exceptions).

I've had to make quite a few compromises in certain towns and change the game mechanics quite drastically in certain respects, since it's been hard to find equal amounts of documentation on each town. I've compiled a list of complimentary documentation to make up for compromises made on the completed historical map.

Documentation found are from wikipedia, where I've first read on the Hanseatic league for outlines of trade between the cities, secondly looked up all the towns for data on historical trade, and thirdly looked up the trade goods for their respective history.

I'll post it on Kalypso Media and Citybuildergames as well when it's done.