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Baltic Trader


  • »Baltic Trader« ist männlich
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Beiträge: 114

Dabei seit: 13. Januar 2006

Wohnort: USA

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Freitag, 5. Mai 2006, 18:17

Stacking Captains

One of the little tricks I am happy to share involves captains. I see posts frequently about having to deal with poor ones. You do not need to use them.

Here is the trick: the game always has two new captains in the tavern each day. So, when you find a poor one, like the 0/0/0 class, hire him on a surplus snaikka, and send it to an out of the way river town such as Novgorod or Cologne. There, fire him. You can send multiple captains to the same town. I have stacked up over twenty this way before. The game in random generation of captains will produce better ones which you may hire and keep. Better to hire a 5/3/4 and train him than the 1/1/1.

Now, there is a bit of finesse for the trick as well. If you also hire the good captains, you can similarly save them up in a river town for when you might want them. The last fired is the first one you can hire. If you have several ships in town, you may shuffle the deck, and stack them up in the order of best captain avialable first by hiring them, and firing the worst one first, and the best ones last. Similarly, you may also leave the poor ones in deepwater ports for the AI to hire. I just prefer to monopolize the supply, and that is why I isolate them.

Occasionally the game will spawn a new captain of course in whatever town(s) you are using. You may need to shift him to the appropriate place, there to spend his days playing whist or shooting craps, and carousing with the barmaids.

The game doesn't count the fired captains, and keeps on generating new ones. I don't know if they count in the population, but perhaps you could load a few hundred in the tavern and see if there is a boost in your city population for the contest games, ha ha. I will leave that for the more adventurous souls to try.



  • »Brasileiro« ist männlich

Beiträge: 108

Dabei seit: 10. Mai 2005

Wohnort: São Paulo, Brasilien

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Montag, 8. Mai 2006, 15:48

Just be careful not to fire too many in a short time. This often has the result that no sailors will hire on to your ships for nearly one month.



  • »Swartenhengst« ist männlich

Beiträge: 870

Dabei seit: 9. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Melbourne

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Montag, 8. Mai 2006, 16:31

My main question is, why fire 'bad' captains in the first place?
There are enough jobs for which the quality of the captain does not matter. Basically you only need good captains for arbitrage or for fighting, so in any normal game you might need at least 50 captains, whose qualities as a sailor or tradesman are irrelevant.

Even if all your nomal convois are equipped with captains and you're still in desperate search for the 26th 5/x/x-captain for your arbitrage system, you can still park unwanted captains in outriggers. Basically, even in small towns an outrigger gets enough money to pay the captain's and (minimal) crew's wages. That would give you another 24-26 positions for mediocre seamen and should suffice as a captain storage system throughout the game.

Baltic Trader


  • »Baltic Trader« ist männlich
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Beiträge: 114

Dabei seit: 13. Januar 2006

Wohnort: USA

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Montag, 8. Mai 2006, 17:30

Two a day are spawned. In a month, that means you can have your choice of 60. Captains salaries go up over time, and eventually they will retire. With good or great ones from the start, you have the benefit at less cost of their services for a very long time. Especially at the beginnings of the game, first six months, having fast captains who are good fighters, or traders, is quite useful. And extras can also be kept on outriggers, as mentioned, for time of need.

Of course, you can also dispose of them by putting them on a ship you auction off, and with a pirate vessel of your own, retake the ship for resale. That eliminates the "firing" problems ... :pirat2: