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Anne Bonny



Montag, 27. März 2006, 02:54

Progress Report 1303

To appease the Prince I sold him 200 loads of grain in Danzig. The next thing I know, I am short of grain in my main beer town. Add to that Helsinki, Ladoga and Novgorod froze early in the month and now Tonsberg is iced in. The people in Helsinki, who were finally in a kind of satisfied mood, are now annoyed again since hey were out of beer, fish, wool and meat.
I think I quit going through all towns every three days just to find all tavern missions and lend money. It has not brought any better results and only distracts me from the rest of the game. So, I guess it’s back to a more speed game now. In any case, here’s my labour of the weekend:

January 31, 1300
CV 35 M
Population 110,965
Ships 390
Businesses 677

Anne Bonny



Donnerstag, 6. April 2006, 22:55

I think the old boys club is reflecting rather than playing :D

May 31, 1301

CV 43.2M
Population 119,616
Ships: 451
Businesses: 799

My Hanse keeps growing at a slow but steady pace. At my age I don't like to hurry along the road, nor in my game.

Anne Bonny



Donnerstag, 13. April 2006, 18:10

My game time is curtailed in the future due to a new membership. I have to attend 60% of the semi-weekly meetings. So, in order to have enough time to complete 1304 I have quickly completed 1303. Without tavern missions etc, it goes a lot faster.
I moved to Stettin to complete the wall building there. This meant that all my building materials were used for walls and some additional houses and businesses, so there was not a lot left over to build anywhere else.

CV ~ 63 M
Population ~ 153 k
Ships 591
Businesses 947

Edit: I think I was not quite there when I wrote the post. ;)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Anne Bonny« (14. Mai 2006, 02:44)


Old Skipper - still on duty!

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Sonntag, 16. April 2006, 21:19

Thanks to a couple of quick moves I managed to complete the walls in London and Reval. 5 of the Hanse towns, plus 1 new production town, are behind the 3rd wall with another 3 building on the 3rd. In other towns Memel and Koenigsberg completed the 3rd wall and Stockholm, Rugenwald, Harlingen and Haarlem are building on the 3rd, the rest are still working on the 2nd. I am planning to complete Helsinki, Stelltin and/or Ladoga this fall. I can't wait to have all my meat production behind walls.

CV around 97 M
population around 171
tonnage around 18,000 and > 120 captains
buisnesses 1,173
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein

Patrician Jr



Sonntag, 14. Mai 2006, 04:56

I continue to plug along at a more or less steady pace.

I realize that I have negelected wall building in other towns, but the supply of bricks only allows limited construction, especially if I want to set a large block inbetween. Unfortunately I managed to srew up badly in a few locations, such as Helsinki, where I lost at least 8 building spots already.

March 31, 1303

CV 66.9M
Population 131k
Ships 556 with 104 captains
Businesses 785

Time to watch hockey, and tomorow is Mothersday, so no P III for me.
CU next week. :wave:

Patrician Jr



Dienstag, 23. Mai 2006, 01:05

I just entered my stats into the analysis page but I seem to be unable to get my stats updated. I am in 1303 but it still shows me as having only completed 1301 ?(

In spite of the holiday I did not get as far as I had hoped.

July 31, 1303

CV 81M and I did move again
Poulation 148 k
Sips 634 with 107 captains
Businesses 928

Those moves really help with building walls, I should have started earlier since now I am suffering from lack of manpower to build businesses.
The end of the year can bee seen, and it looks not too bad. Maybe not quite as many citizens as I had hoped for, but my Hanse is still growing :]