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Baltic Trader


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Beiträge: 114

Dabei seit: 13. Januar 2006

Wohnort: USA

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Donnerstag, 15. Juni 2006, 17:05

Hardware Reviews

Looking over the NVIDIA driver thread, it would seem that a thread on hardware in general would be helpful. There are several good review sites. One of my favorites is Tom's Hardware, http://www.tomshardware.com which gives good reviews, and http://www.theinquirer.net/ which keeps abreast of current news regarding software and hardware, and what lies ahead.

I tend to favor Acer, and the Ferrari is a nice compromise for a desktop replacement. The 4005 is a good machine, and the 5000 series will be worth considering. The best gaming machines are still probably Alienware (now bought out by Dell) but the price!

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Donnerstag, 15. Juni 2006, 20:35

Well, as Baltic Trader created the occasion by opening the thread...

Monitor / Screen:

For all users, this is the *most* important piece of all equipments while using our computers. In reality, we don't work on computers, as computers work by themselves; but we simply look all the times to the monitor. Unique intellectual user interface with the comp. If you are especially a "visual type", most care and money to be invested on. More longevity too between other components, a quality monitor choice bring comfort, eliminate some eventual --strains against eyes etc. troubles. ... In monitor domain "Bigger is Better". CRT (Cathod Ray Tube) monitors approaching the end of their lives, so a min. 19" LCD from a respectable label must occupy the first line of a future command list.


Todays, all known companies of Printer domain are lowering the prices in a such degree that thay begun to make them gift after a buy of a new computer. Really, buying an HP 1510 All-in-One to 90$ is just a cookie; but one begin to understand the hint, when the time arrive for replacing the cartridges. As for Sony's PSP, selling the equipment with a calculated loss to earn from consumption goodies thereafter... So if you deal with more B/W as printed matter, it will be wise to invest to a monochrome laser. If afforded for color work too... The prices of color laser printers are not only for corporations, these days.

Hard Disk/s:

Still the weakest link of the chain, most fragile of all the elements too. The days of these HD's with rotating platters, are numbered however. In 2 or 3 years we will see some static HD's as today's Memory Sticks, with *much* more storage room. Already, Gigabyte is working / improving on some interesting solutions, as cards for PCI slots that use RAM modules as storage devices.... Horizontal or vertical disposition of actual HD's does not matter; simply protect them from impacts (especially while running), and keep them *always* cool. Bigger is not better --if not needed--, but SCSI is better; if afforded.

RAM Modules:

An actual home gaming and multimedia machine must have 1 GB of RAM... This is today's standard. With Microsoft Vista and the requirements of next years' programs, 2 GB will become the next standard. While checking their "delicate" compatibility with different label / models of processors and mainboards=> Faster is Better, there. My preference order is Corsair-> Kingston->Twinmos. OCZ and Gail too, are respectable labels.

Edit: UPS:

Nearly forgotten the mandatory accompaniment of an Uninterrupted Power Supply. Not only a life-saver while a power failure occurs, but with its voltage regulation circuitries (some models), it contributes to the well-being of the whole system. The choice option is also quasi-mandatory: APC.

If you stay for hours in front of your monitor, a good-designed ergonomic chair and table, must be considered. Please take special care to place your monitor-keyboard-mice trio *on the same level* to contain risks of carpal-tunnel-syndrome etc.

For our everyday usage... Never fill your machine with a "discload" of programs, especially those so-called optimizers, cleaners, accelerators etc... Please don't forget, every program in your computer is an element to slow down your routines. Don't believe to the miracles or "arranged" reviews somewhere in internet or PC Magazines. Some magazines are confirmed to recommend many moderate equipment as best product (those Editor's Choices...bah!) after receiving some donations(!)..... Make your program(s) trial(s) just prior to formatting your machine, because even you uninstall the programs, numerous remnants continues to reside in the registry etc. that causes to you to lose many MHz of your CPU for nothing. I saw many times those Registry optimizers have slowed down more, booting times; ---or some defragmenters are aggravating HD activity etc.

Computer in general:

Favourite Forums:

For Hardware Fans:

For us, nocturnal people:

Mayor of Smyrna, Izmir-Türkei
Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Mayor of Smyrna« (17. Juni 2006, 00:43)

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Montag, 26. Juni 2006, 00:00

World’s First 100+ Million Pixel CCD Image Sensor

"..DALSA Semiconductor, a division of DALSA Corporation (TSX: DSA), an international high performance semiconductor and electronics company, announced today that it has successfully fabricated and delivered the world's highest resolution image sensor chip to its customer, Semiconductor Technology Associates (“STA”) of San Juan Capistrano, California. The CCD device, which measures approximately four inches by four inches, has a total resolution of over 111 million pixels (10,560 pixels x 10,560 pixels at 9µm). It is the world's first imager to break the 100 million pixel barrier.

The record-breaking chip is developed for the Astrometry Department of the U.S. Naval Observatory to assist them in the determination of the positions and motions of stars, solar system objects and the establishment of celestial reference frames. Don't hold your breath for the consumer version..."

"...Don't hold your breath for the consumer version..."

Mayor's Note: See you in two years.
Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Donnerstag, 29. Juni 2006, 03:01

Corsair Introduces New DDR2-800 Low Latency Offerings

Corsair Memory announced the introduction of two new DDR2-800 low latency 2GB kits. The new TWIN2X2048-6400C4PRO and TWIN2XP2048-6400C4 memory kits are optimized for the current AMD socket AM2 platform and the upcoming Intel platform.

Joining the growing XMS DDR2 product line, Corsair’s TWIN2X2048-6400C4PRO and TWIN2XP2048-6400C4 are aimed at gamers and enthusiasts who demand low latencies of 4-4-4-12 at standard 800MHz frequency.

Source: digit-life.com

BTW, if possible and if it is legitimate to forum rules, I suggest move this thread to Off-Topic area, while modifying the title "Hardware News and Reviews", as most hardware enthusiasts like some of us, may find an easy-to-reach source, to share some important informations, user comments and Questions+Answers...To have ideas on state-of-the-art performance components, may shape their eventual decisions to compile best systems to play this wonderful Game, that deserves to be installed and played on them.
Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Mayor of Smyrna« (29. Juni 2006, 06:34)


Old Skipper - still on duty!

  • »bizpro« ist männlich
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Beiträge: 1 841

Dabei seit: 25. August 2005

Wohnort: Langley, BC, Kanada

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Freitag, 21. Juli 2006, 02:41

If you need serious but lightweight portable power try the Toshiba ( I still prefer Toshiba to any other brand) Satellit Pro 100 GMX75. It has a 15.4" widescreen display and a dualcore 1.6 GHz processor. It's very fast and the display is crisp and sharp. The sound is great too. With an 80 Gig harddrive you'v got enough storage for on-the-road and at 6 lbs it will not ruin your shoulder. I will let you know it you can play P III on it. Mine came with 1 GB RAM.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Sonntag, 13. August 2006, 10:16

Sony Ericsson MMV-200 Bluetooth Media Center

Now it's possible to capture and enjoy superb images and music on a mobile phone, more people want to share their pictures, video footage and music with others, or simply enjoy them in comfort on their home entertainment systems. Today, Sony Ericsson introduces the perfect mobile phone and home entertainment convergence device, the Bluetooth Media Center MMV-200, which enables content to be played directly from a Bluetooth mobile phone on the home TV or stereo sound system.


The MMV-200 isn't restricted to communicating with just one phone. Bluetooth is a flexible form of wireless communication and any Bluetooth-enabled phone will communicate with the MMV-200. So you can invite your friends round to share their favourite images, or to pool music tracks with everyone using their phones to send content to your TV or stereo.

MMV-200 Bluetooth Media Center
Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Mittwoch, 16. August 2006, 02:10

Apple reveals Xeon-powered Mac Pro

At the 2006 Apple Worldwide Developer Conference today, Steve Jobs took the wraps off Apple's PowerMac G5's replacement. Dubbed Mac Pro, the new machine completes Apple's transition to Intel processors: all configurations include a pair of dual-core Xeon "Woodcrest" processors running between 2GHz and 3GHz. With dual 2GHz Xeons, 1GB of RAM, 160GB of storage, and an NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT graphics card, the base configuration can be had for $2,199. If money is no object, Apple lets you crank the specs up to dual 3GHz Xeons with 16GB of RAM, 2TB of storage, and an NVIDIA Quadro FX 4500. At that point, though, you'll owe Apple just over $12,000, and that's without a display. Apple showcases the Mac Pro's features here, and the machine is up for sale right now at the Apple Store. Apple quotes a lead time of one to three business days for shipping.

Aside from the Mac Pro's introduction, Jobs' keynote also played host to a sneak peek of MacOS X 10.5 "Leopard," Apple's next operating system. When it comes out next spring, Leopard will include full 64-bit support, a built-in version of Boot Camp for dual-booting with Windows, a "Time Machine" system backup feature, and "Spaces," a virtual desktops implementation. For more details, MacWorld has a complete summary of the keynote. Engadget also has coverage with pictures.

Apple reveals Xeon-powered Mac Pro

Mayor's Note: Surely not *only* to play games; but if someone earns her/his money with computers, this line is one of the finest in town to invest. The website has many links about "The Concept" and actual Apple-related developments....just to feel the Quality and Excellence.
Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Freitag, 7. August 2009, 23:55

the iTouch Tablet

Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.