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Donnerstag, 23. März 2006, 07:49

Ascons first product was "Patrician" from 1992. Hanse was (if google showed me the correct info) published by AriolaSoft in 1986. There was a successor to Hanse, "Hanse - die Expedition" from Ascon, however.
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Donnerstag, 23. März 2006, 17:17



No need to give away secrets

No need to become angry, I was already proud owner of the Excel calculator...
However, I used the expression "experience" for saying that I simply cannot imagine which values can be realized by me in later years. How much CV will I have in 1304? That's a question that I am not able to answer :O .

@bizpro and Patrician Jr.

All right, we have different opinions. All I know is what I see using the "Jahrestabellen" on Hopsing's homepage. While the PPL ranking is very similar to the overall ranking, the ranking by CV is extremely different. That's how I know...

However, final results will show. :P


Old Skipper - still on duty!

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Donnerstag, 23. März 2006, 18:47

It's not an opionion, it's a mathematical fact. There are already players who missed max points for CV because their's is too low.
I do some planning and, just for estimation purposes, added 60,000 ppl for 1302 and 80,000 for 1303 to my current score. That tells me by how much my CV has to increase over the year to get max points. If I get really optimistic and add 100,000 for 1304 I start to faint. :rolleyes:
Using the spreadsheet for such planning is actually part of my contest strategy and one of the main reasons (beside the loss of building space) for my restart; my CV just wasn't nearly enough, and it's still lacking.

I believe Anne's comment was directed at me, not you. After all, she quoted me. ;)
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Baltic Trader


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Freitag, 24. März 2006, 02:09

Cross comparing the two runs, piracy and pure, it is really disappointing. At a minimum, the stratagems availabe in the piracy mode put you ahead by six months. Because of acceleration in the game, it can be as much as a year gained as a pirate by the end of 1302, and ultimately, because of the AI building activity that is forestalled, it is far more useful to pirate. The CV rules, as Bizpro points out, further make the other stratagems that are available in the pirate mode required, as well as arbitrage in both versions.

Whatever. I know a few tricks, too. And after conferring with a couple of friends, I believe my newest one will be a good CV generator. To the tune of several million per day, for as many days as I care to run it ... all legal. 8)



  • »Builder« ist männlich

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Freitag, 24. März 2006, 07:24


The Gold Rush Trick should solve all CV problems for a Pirate. :D You only need To calculate how manny you need at the end of year.

With some hard Pirates work you get all the money you want. ;)
Niemand braucht ein einfaches Spiel! Ein gutes Spiel reicht!

Für die Dunkle Seite! Auch Piraten wollen Handeln!


Old Skipper - still on duty!

  • »bizpro« ist männlich
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Freitag, 24. März 2006, 07:28

There is a problem with that trick - pirates can disappear in stealth mode and so does your money. And imagine, just as the pirate left in submarine modus, he gets caught by the AI and you end up with a huge fine. I plunder, pilfer, capture, but I do not work with pirates nor do I use Levon's Gold trick.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein



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Montag, 10. April 2006, 09:33

@Patrician JR

I read in the Progress 1301 that you watn to move to Build up walls. This is not neccesary. If you are "Eldermann" (dont know the engllish expression). You can order a Buildup of wall in every town.

To get it fast you have to know the date of buildind for the town. Every 8 days the next part of wall ist set.

Up to 12 Segments. If you sell enough Bricks, Wood and Irongoods on a "building day" the maximum is set.

If you dont lack Bricks it's possible to build several walls at the same time.
Niemand braucht ein einfaches Spiel! Ein gutes Spiel reicht!

Für die Dunkle Seite! Auch Piraten wollen Handeln!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Builder« (10. April 2006, 10:23)



  • »Adalbertus« ist männlich

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Montag, 10. April 2006, 10:15


Original von Builder
If you are "Eldermann" (dont know the engllish expression).

The word is "Alderman".
There are two non-Alderman ways to trigger wall building in a city. One is to enter the guild. As soon as you have reached counsellor(?) level in that town, you can propose the new wall to the city council.
The other works even in towns without a guild: Simply build more than 14 manufactures outside the second or 19 outside the third wall, and the town will start building the wall on its own.
Man gewöhnt sich an allem. Sogar am Dativ.


Old Skipper - still on duty!

  • »bizpro« ist männlich
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Dabei seit: 25. August 2005

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Montag, 10. April 2006, 19:05

Well, in theory it works, in practice it is not always so. For example, London has always had bricks and timber and it produces IG so there should be no problem - wrong,; there is. You cannot beat the speed of constrcution when you are LM. For example, I have moved some 3,500 loads of bricks from Danzig to London. They were earmarked to place buildings in at least one complete sector but now have been re-allocated for wall building in London. Come May I move there, place the 2nd wall, suggest another expansion and place the 3rd wall in one stretch. In July it's off to Ladoga and in October to Helsinki. That will complete 9 of the 14 walls under my direct control. (Aalborg has to wait until fiurther notice. Any activity there will be restriced to fishing huts since I believe I have enough housing. Stavanger, Memel, Rugenwald,Konigsberg,Stocjholm, Haarlem, and Harlingen all work on the 3rd wall already. That will give me enough towns to build in. The towns still working on their 2nd wall are of secondary importance.
This contest, for whatever reason, requires more meat/leather and whale oil to satisify the poor than last years, even though, IIRC, the needs of the people are at the same level. I have quit placing buildings, other than 5-day types, outside the walls.

Currently it makes no sense to build more industry since I would only end up with more disgruntled people. The fisher in Edinburgh and Oslo are at around 10% production, so not enough whale oil to go around. The meet and IG industry in Edinburgh is also in the dolldrums. The only industries that heve recoverd are grain, beer, fish and salt. The Med is not supplyihg enough cloth and I don't have enough sheepfarms to support weavers within the Hanse. Even the spice import has fallen off; I had to import from 2 spice towns to get the stocks back up.

The loss of population is around 2,000 in several towns but in most it has stabilized now. I guess in another 3 months I will finally have a normal increase again.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein


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