I've been trying my hand at turkish building again and have (again) run into problems when trying to go around corners. I'm trying my best to follow the "optimum layout"-excell spreadsheet that Parzival (i think) posted here. Using the "außenneck"-style shown very early on in this thread seems to work, BUT it leaves permament roads inbetween the houses, this ruins the "optimum layout" since there is no point in removing the houses afterwards and replacing them with factories (which is what the layout schematic shows in some cases). I've tried the "point road"-technique as well but it seems to create more roads unless the corner this technique is applied to is the very last corner and is therefore closed last. I might simply be using these techniques wrong but i feel like there is something missing. I've been looking through the forum and gone through this thread and other english ones extensively (but im sure i missed something) but in many cases the pictures are broken and translating every individual german post takes time (google translate only gives a general idea of what they're talking about).
So here are a few scenarios i would like to have some input on:
This is the scenario i am in right now, im building in malmö and need to go around two outer corners (the excell spreadsheet in the attachements shows what i am aiming to accomplish, i have highlighted the buildings in red). As you can see a lot of the town is already developed (but not in turkish style) however this section inside the 2nd town wall is untouched.
Starting endless rows and continuing them is after a lot of practice an easy task, but i am completely dumbfounded when it comes to ENDING endless rows unless you start from an inner corner -> run into another inner corner/another road or hit a wall. What do you do when you run out of road? as you can see i can't place any more buildings further down the line (like you would normally do to protect agains't road formation), if i did so that building itself would create roads. However i can't just place the last house there since that will also create roads.
Here is another example.
Nearly there, the optimum layout is just a few houses from being completed, but i cant.. So frustrating! I can't place the factory without creating roads and even if i did, putting the house there would probably create road too, right? I think i have, somewhere, missunderstood something fundamental to the process of turkish building. How are you supposed to achieve the optimum layout at all? i've tried touching corners (which sort-of work) but it completely ruins the layout.
Let's try and get this straight - The goal of turkish building is to first cut off access to the main roads in order to be free to unlock all the green space with a few temporary buildings. Then you start from some corner of the wall and slowly fill in the space, leaving only a small gap between the buildings along the roads, these gaps are then filled in last. Correct? Is there someone here who could explain, in broad terms if the lack of energy (or time) is too great to go into details, the process and the different "goals"? What do you aim to finish first and what do you aim to finish last.. etc etc.
Here is another scenario (just in theory), two rows of factories are coming towards each other and will meet around an outer corner, what do i do here?