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Old Skipper - still on duty!

  • »bizpro« ist männlich
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Beiträge: 1 841

Dabei seit: 25. August 2005

Wohnort: Langley, BC, Kanada

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Mittwoch, 13. September 2006, 21:17

thread closure

The contest 2007 will become its own section with the appropriate threads. This thread will be moved there and is closed since new, more specific, threads are being opened. For reference, this thread will remain viewable.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein


Old Skipper - still on duty!

  • »bizpro« ist männlich
  • »bizpro« wurde gesperrt

Beiträge: 1 841

Dabei seit: 25. August 2005

Wohnort: Langley, BC, Kanada

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Mittwoch, 13. September 2006, 21:36

Note: This thread will be deleted and re-posted in the new thread.

Hopsing has posted a comprehensive model for the contest 2007. We would appreciate further comments and/or suggestions in the appropriate threads. This thread will now be closed.

I would like to present a model that would more or less eliminate population and company value from the contest. Population will only be a milestone.

The basic idea of the contest should be, as pointed out by Larsson, to attract as many players as possible to the forum.

Based on prior suggestions I have looked at the following scenario:
  • Map etc. A nmap with 12 starting towns. At least one of each goods will be available. There are no longer categories of pirate and trader and all known tricks within the game are allowed.

  • Categories Each player can choose from the following categories: newbie, advance, pro.

  • Objectives for Newbies[/b] Complete supply of 100,000 citizens with goods from own production with a social make-up of about 10% rich, 20% wealthy, and 70% poor, which is the normal average composition. The businesses necessary to completely supply the 100,000 citizens must be built and working at least at 70% efficiency.
    Based on the statistic mean for the contest1303, the population should be reached by 1303. This date shall not be the end point but rather a time frame.
    The necessary businesses, exclusive of building industry, amount to about 750 – 800.
    Med trade is possible and can be used to support the production. New production towns can be founded, regardless if they have optimized goods or not, but must have at least 3,000 citizens at the end save.
    Level of difficulty Trader without modifications.

  • Objectives for Advanced Complete supply of 300,000 citizens from own production, as for the Newbies. Time frame is to the end of 1305 and the social make-up should include at least 15% rich.
    All founded production towns shall have a population of at least 5,000 citizens.
    Level of difficulty Merchant, without modifications

  • Objectives for Pros Complete build-up and supply of at least 1,000,000 citizens with a minimum of 18% rich. Maximum 9 business in total of all import goods (cloth, pottery, wine); the remained must be imported from the Med.
    Level of difficulty Patrician without modifications.

  • Newbies Points for satisfaction of the population in each town, i.e. very happy = 4 pts, happy 3 pts, very satisified 2 pts, satisfied 1 pt, dissatisfied 0pt, annoyed – 1 pt. The new production towns do not count. If the complete supply level is reached prior to 1303 points are awardes as for the Pros, but calculated by months.
  • Advanced Same as the Newbies. For completion of task prior to 1305 points are awarded as for Pros but calculated in months.
  • Pros Same as the other groups, the level of satisfaction up to 1312. If the task is completed prior to 1312 the player the player gets the average of the prior years added to the current point. For example, if the player completes at the end of 1310 and has, to that date, accrued 400 points, he gets additional 80 points (400/10 x 2)
  • Awarding of points To the end of 1301 a save from the end of each quarter will be used, after that annual saves.

I hope that this model can form a real base for a discussion. It should be possible for jurors as well since they never have to view more than 12 towns.

There has already been some discussion about this model and, for one, it was identified that the time frame for the Pros may be a bit tight.
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
Wer niemals einen Fehler gemacht hat, hat noch nie etwas neues probiert Albert Einstein