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Original von Baltic Trader
This current game, you can sell iron goods for 500. Not much difficulty in generating money. That is why I took additional handicaps, to make it more interesting.
Original von Baltic Trader
No offices except for the new cities and your starting office.
Originally posted by Baltic Trader
Davylad, I took out two pirates in eight days, both as Alderman missions. Then I began Windau. You need to take that time off of the 42 days. So, I will be Alderman in September 1301; should have first city recognition by summer. Meanwhile, I am up to the end of January 1301. I'd like to move back to Luebeck for the February 3 election, but the wall in Danzig is lagging badly. Luebeck's wall is coming along nicely, as is the wall in Windau, past the first gate now.
Original von Baltic Trader
Thinking about a real challenge, I would probably go along with an earlier suggestion here, and use a map of sixteen cities, scattered all over the map. That would allow for 10 new cities to be built. No offices except for the new cities and your starting office.
timber shortage will generate perhaps too many goods short. No pitch, no cattle/leather, no salt, no beer, no ceramics, no iron goods. Secondarily, no furs, no fish, no train oil.
Set it up for hardest settings, Patrician + level. As long as we cannot capture any ships, it has promise.
...but I would add that you should be able to earn more points from population in the hanse where you DO NOT have trading offices.
Send me a game with that map (German games work in the English version, but the opposite isn't true).
Originally posted by Baltic Trader
Wool and cloth should be okay, so too hemp, honey, grain, wine and ore.
Patrician+ is all the settings set to the hardest possible. The Landlord is more prone to attack, the pirates full crews. You can set one option to normal, and still be at Patrician difficulty.
Originally posted by Baltic TraderYes, I want to prohibit captures of pirates, either in tavern missions, or in the spawned non-adalbert pirates. No white ship captures either. It is possible, I think. But for compromise, we could start with 3 or 4 snaikkas (captured in a pregame with the save then sent out.)
Originally posted by Baltic Trader Lubeck would be fine, I think. Honey, pitch, iron goods, normal grain and hemp sound okay? Davylad? Nothing else is necessary.
Originally posted by Larsson
Any special wishes ?
Hometown position: central (Lubeck) or away (Bergen, Nowgorod), with useful productions or somewhat ?
Captain in Hometown?
Election dates ?
Tavern-missions ?
Original von Larsson
...there is only one normal (ineffective) timberproduction in Cologne (Köln) and only one normal Brick in Thorn.
Originally posted by Baltic Trader
So, no acquisitions of ships by violence (covers marriage, etc).
Originally posted by Baltic TraderSmuggling should be fair game, too. So should giving a ship to pirates, if you are so minded.
Originally posted by Larsson
What is violance on marriage ?
And what is violance on repayed credits ?
I think this should be allowed (to get some new ships).
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