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  • »Parzival« ist männlich

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Dienstag, 23. Juni 2015, 13:56

Just an e-mail will do,if you have an outlook mail.I registered the forum myself by an outlook mail.

Please notice the attached picture.

If you still can not register ,I can help you register an Baidu ID,just tell me your favourite ID name.
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Dr. Nodelescu


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Donnerstag, 25. Juni 2015, 17:07

I got it, thanks!
Gedenket den Schiffbruchsopfern der Estonia!

In der Theorie ein Genie, in der Praxis eine Katastrophe!
Alle Stadtgrundrisse auf einer Seite!



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Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2015, 12:41

i am highly impressed of this new style of getting an outside-corner be build without a street, so far as i understand.

i love you all guys and it's great to see that Patrizcian III never dies.

i will check this out when i have time, but it's so impressive that i just get one cup of coffee to realize it.
knolle :170:



  • »Parzival« ist männlich

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Sonntag, 16. August 2015, 08:49

New ideas requested

How to destroy a natural point road in Stockholm ?

Sandoabc said that the 9 square inefficient land in Stockholm can eventually be eliminated ( before water wells appears ), I failed to fufill this after seval vain attempts.

And also there is 9 square inefficient land in Danzig and Aalborg, those bad blocks can be eliminated in the very same way.Nevertheles I have to suceed in Stockholm firstly.

I prepared the attached file inclueding 3 phases of Stockholm closure for Someone who intend to have a try. Many thanks for your attention.
»Parzival« hat folgende Dateien angehängt:
  • 01.pat (754,23 kB - 322 mal heruntergeladen - zuletzt: 3. September 2024, 08:32)
  • 02.pat (753,53 kB - 330 mal heruntergeladen - zuletzt: 1. Oktober 2024, 20:37)
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Sonntag, 16. August 2015, 19:26

Leaves me clueless.

The instructions (translated via Microsoft Translator) remain a mystery to me.

Parzival, would you mind translating Sandoabc's paragraph (please)? I'd appreciate.



  • »Parzival« ist männlich

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Montag, 17. August 2015, 05:00

1.Once the 3rd level wall is finished, you can not pave the main road with bricks anymore, otherwise this natural point road can no longer be eliminated.

2.Building houses and plants along the main roads to isolate the point road from the main streets.

3.The key is the strict building sequence of houses.Building the first house adjencent to the point road, then build the second house to destroy the point road.

That is sandoabc’s detailed instruction ,however I can not accomplish step 3.
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  • step 3.pat (753,16 kB - 326 mal heruntergeladen - zuletzt: 23. September 2024, 07:42)



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Montag, 17. August 2015, 15:17

I am sorry for that hasty statment, in fact that point road can not be eliminated, because it had been paved with bricks as early as May 10,1300.

If I suceed in danzig /Aalborg/Ladoga in future, I will post the pictures here then.



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Dienstag, 18. August 2015, 07:37

can not be eliminated, because it had been paved

Icrayers picture shows this spot was obviously paved. Thus he coudn't succeed anyway. I noticed this on first sight. But none of the Chinese people around remarked that. So I thought of a slip in translation.

If I suceed in danzig /Aalborg/Ladoga in future, I will post the pictures here then.

I'm looking forward to! Don't omit it.



  • »Parzival« ist männlich

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Donnerstag, 24. September 2015, 15:11

Rostock is really a nice city for Turkish building.There won't be any "holes" in any corners in Rostock by using the point road method.

Original picture link: http://cloud.directupload.net/plugins/im…4b016cc&f=77429

Original picture link: http://cloud.directupload.net/plugins/im…dbdee4a&f=77430

Oslo ,with the aid of a water well adjacent to the office and the 2nd town wall, the point road method is available for this outer corner in Oslo.

Original picture link: http://cloud.directupload.net/plugins/im…506a0da&f=77444

Original picture link: http://cloud.directupload.net/plugins/im…2547e6d&f=77427

Original picture link: http://cloud.directupload.net/plugins/im…36359c4&f=77426

EDIT by Pinguin: Picture upload (-> forum server) for conservation reasons.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Pinguin« (2. Januar 2016, 18:15)



Beiträge: 27

Dabei seit: 27. Dezember 2015

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Sonntag, 27. Dezember 2015, 18:00

Hi there! I'm fascinated by this style of building and have done some experimenting wih it, i've figured out how to do those "Endless Rows" Mayor of Smyrna talked about but ONLY with houses!! I just can't get it to work with industries as the game just won' allow me to put them far enough apart, am i missing something here and how do i build "out in the open", as in, NOT right next to a road? Do i have to "unlock" the green area there by building a few temporary houses far apart? Also, does anyone know why it's called "The 'Turkish' Building Technique"? Is Mayor of Smyrna turkish or is there another reason? I found the name to be cool but a bit.. odd? Anyways, i hope you can help me, i'm a guy who loves to "min/max" in games. If there's an optimum way of doing something i'm AAAALL for it!! :170:



  • »Parzival« ist männlich

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Freitag, 1. Januar 2016, 07:25

Hi, MrBigCookie. Firstly, happy new year 2016!


Do i have to "unlock" the green area there by building a few temporary houses far apart?

The answer is yes, you have to unlock the inside area by building a few temporary houses/plants.


Is Mayor of Smyrna turkish or is there another reason?

Yes, it is because of Mayor of Smyrna who invent "The 'Turkish' Building Technique".


i've figured out how to do those "Endless Rows" Mayor of Smyrna talked about but ONLY with houses!!

There are two directions when building Endless row/colum of plants along the main roads.

One direction is towards Northeast/Southwest in the game view. It is quite the same with endless row of houses.

Take Rostock as an example:

Original picture link: http://cloud.directupload.net/plugins/im…5a8049&f=100274

Original picture link: http://cloud.directupload.net/plugins/im…549025&f=100275

Original picture link: http://cloud.directupload.net/plugins/im…1fa7bb&f=100276

But when building plants in the other direction(Northwest/Southeast) along the avenue, it is a bit complex. Also in Rostock for instance.


Original picture link: http://cloud.directupload.net/plugins/im…e84e88&f=100277

Original picture link: http://cloud.directupload.net/plugins/im…ae7936&f=100278

Original picture link: http://cloud.directupload.net/plugins/im…f487eb&f=100279

Original picture link: http://cloud.directupload.net/plugins/im…9e260d&f=100273

I have prepared enough bricks,timbers and iron goods in Rostock for your practice in the attached file. You may try it yourself later.

When a row and a column of plants meet at the inner corner, you may try this way to avoid artificial roads. For more information, follow this link.

Original picture link: http://cloud.directupload.net/plugins/im…7aec9a&f=100280

EDIT by Pinguin: Picture upload (-> forum server) for conservation reasons.
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  • Rostock.pat (572,94 kB - 323 mal heruntergeladen - zuletzt: 19. September 2024, 20:13)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Pinguin« (2. Januar 2016, 18:25)



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Freitag, 1. Januar 2016, 09:39

SWEET!! Thanks a BUNCH my friend! This helped me a lot. I really like this game, you wouldn't think patIII could be so complex but this is amazing. Now i have something to do all winter! :D Can roads form even after you've completely blocked off the main avenues? Also are there any tips you could share about game controls, is it possible to turn houses or do you simply have to fiddle around with the mouse? You have probably had to answer questions like these a million times but when i am looking into a goldmine of knowledge i just can't help my self but to grab a pickaxe and dig around. xD :crazy: I might try translating the tippsammlung, we'll see if i get the time and energy. It would be so good to have it in english. Google translate can give you a general idea of what it says but i would need someone who can read german to make sure it is properly translated in such a case.



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Samstag, 2. Januar 2016, 08:18

It takes me almost 1 year from a layman to a jouneyman in the "Turkish Building", good luck for you! :captain:


Can roads form even after you've completely blocked off the main avenues?

You are right ,if you do not obey the fundamental building rules, roads will form even after you've completely blocked off the main avenues.

The link I offered for you yesterday describes exactly how to build endless row of plants after the main avenues have been completely blocked off in Ladoga.


is it possible to turn houses or do you simply have to fiddle around with the mouse?

If you wanna change the direction of houses, for example, you are willing to build a house which is parallel to the road, but the house is always perpendicular to the road when you click the mouse. To solve this problem, you should build several vertical houses elsewhere until you finally find that the house direction can be turned to be parallel to the road.



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Dabei seit: 27. Dezember 2015

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Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2016, 03:11

Thank you, this game just got a lot more fun! :D



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Dienstag, 19. Januar 2016, 19:37

Is there someone interested in the layout of the 24 towns by using the Turkish building technique?

I created maps of the year 1300 of all 24 cities in the attached Excel sheets, and "built" houses and plants until no more available green land left.

The two samples for a preview.

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Sonntag, 14. Februar 2016, 06:16

A group photo of city buildings.

Bilateral water wells.

And in the attachment here are some old local pages just in memory of the former website of OKKQ (2003 - 2009).

Please change the file extension from "pdf" to "rar" after download.
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  • OKKQ.pdf (11,65 MB - 188 mal heruntergeladen - zuletzt: 4. Oktober 2024, 21:26)



  • »Parzival« ist männlich

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Mittwoch, 2. März 2016, 17:50

Point road in Ripen.

There are 3 special gaps in which a house can be built after closure process.
It means that the gap itself blockades the main avenues.

A point road has been created after the construction of house e.

Gap 3 is still empty after the elimination of the point road.

The layout for this quarter land.

Again in the lower part, gap 1 and gap 2 prevent the road from penetrating into the inner area.

I have collected ample building materials in Ripen in the experimental attachment.
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  • Ripen.pat (508,4 kB - 313 mal heruntergeladen - zuletzt: 26. September 2024, 19:23)



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Samstag, 19. März 2016, 11:18

The innitial green land in Edinburg.

Just like Ripen, there are several particular gaps in Edinburg where someone can only build a house to unlock the green land . But not always at the beginning, in fact, it is the very last house i built in gap z in the entire closure process inside the 1st town wall.

1.Creat a point road behind gap z by house g.

2.Build house h to erase the point road.

3. Done for the right part.

4.The closure process in the left part of Edinburg.

5.Represent the closure and layout scheme of 1st town wall's space in one picture.

6.Finally, the optium layout for the entire city of Edinburg, 450 plants and 326 houses in total.

Someone who wanna try it out may download the attachment to practice in Edinburg.
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  • Edin.pat (507,89 kB - 286 mal heruntergeladen - zuletzt: 2. Oktober 2024, 02:00)



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Mittwoch, 23. März 2016, 11:37

Scheme of closure and layout in Ladoga inside 1st town wall.

Start practice.

5 squared green land was lost in total.

“E space” in Novgrod:

As shown above, after building plant 1 and plant 2, the system had reserved 20 squared green land only for a future plant.

This situation is very special, no road was being created because of the 2nd town wall.

Lay down plant 3 and plant 4 to block off the main roads.

If someone wants to avoid that odd space, he would have to put down plants like the shape of letter E. So we call it “E space”, whatever you name it.

By far, this is all the secrets of “Turkish building technique” that I can ever imagine.



  • »Parzival« ist männlich

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Freitag, 23. September 2016, 06:01

Point road in Stettin within the 2nd wall.

Scheme in Tokay (The software "Tokay" was designed by A!die)





Layout of Stettin in 2nd wall.

Practical game savefile in the attachment. ;)
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  • Stettin.pat (274,77 kB - 356 mal heruntergeladen - zuletzt: 24. September 2024, 14:55)