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  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Freitag, 17. Juli 2009, 04:30

Open Letter

Being the subject of a thread about some of my practices in the Game, I wish to express my posture.

As always, my pleasure is to explore and push the Game to its never reached very limits; and if there exists, having the fun to discover some easter eggs or tricks, always permitted in the "normal usage of the Game"... and therefore, use these tools for my immense fun!

So, since three years, I have a desire to gather 20 000 ships under the same flag, in a single Game. This time, I put my efforts for this "secondary" aim in my actual session; so I must be quick in ship gathering. 20 000 ships is difficult to be agglomerated by manual fights: I tried this at my last game some years ago.. not in my computer but in my mind the game was over, after nearly 16 000 ships.. So towards to end of the last year I undertook some trial and error learnings, to automate this task.

Theoretically, every fight in Patrician III (eng) may be concluded by an auto ship capture, whatever the ship or crew in target, between same one-to-one ship classes of course. I realized many times a cog 390 captured a hulk 550, both very well armed and staffed. Almost everybody must already see that, I admit the same in the versions of other languages. For automatic captures, at the very beginning, my principal aim, is to find the correct compilation of the Battle-ship/group. Once solidified this fact, the intermediate phase is to define maintenance elements and practices. And finally and most importantly, being able to (automatically) sort pirate units... thus provocating the *right* pirate to (make decide) to attack to the *right* absorbing group.

I made numerous essays with most combinations, the Logic and Parameters was given here, a couple of messages above. There are rather good performances, but my actual Game Log is now filled with too much captures of my own ships also. Of course, by pointing another group, I am mostly retaking my ships but this fact did not completely satisfied me. On the other hand, I actually have no desire to reserve some weeks (if not months) more to progress on these previous experiments... Playing my Actual Game already took me in so much fun that I don't want to make a stop and return to these isolating and not-so-lively laboratory tests; always without underestimating their values.

The trick Adalbertus mentioned, I did not know it; I thank to him for that. But this not seems add more about auto fights, as I already do very most of my fights in auto mode, even for Pirate Nest missions. I don't know by this practice of rendering a manual fight to auto.. will result by always winning the battle. If yes, this is really an exploit; if not:

=> I have to-date roundly 2 100 ships and maybe 80 to 100 times, there was overlapping battles while I manually action.. (Actually, the trend is towards lesser - because while bigger ships become abundant=> more auto engagement). And between of these 80/100 overlappings, already 70/75 were resulted "we captured"; the rest (mostly a 550 hulk as opponent) half of "we fled", half of is "they captured"... Very soon thereafter, most of "they captured" become "we recaptured".

In a vast and resourceful 40er City Game alike, possessing 2000 ships on hand in the opening phase is a blessing, and its benefits are tremendous; but it's clear that after reaching max. 10 000 ships, the rest will become superfluous. The point is that I don't look for an utility then; I am looking for 20 000 ships in a single game. What to do? Surely there will be some Mothballed Fleets at moorings... I do not know precisely yet. Maybe I will divert to equalize these 4 RegionalLager vis-a-vis the CentralLager, Göteborg. I imagine, there will be 4x1500er huge hulk convoys with huge numbers of goods in auto-dispatching between these. After all, this is great fun; either to have and share.. The actual problem is may well be, after a departure of 2 or 3 convoys of 500 / 1000er units, the Game behave rather slowly, like molasses on a cold day.


Anyway, will there be quad-core support for coming Patrizier??

Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Sonntag, 19. Juli 2009, 03:33

A not-so-small sign to complete above message:

Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Dienstag, 21. Juli 2009, 20:11

Riga's Disease: Restartitis

Well, due to some environmental factors, my actual Game was infected with Hanse-wide Riga's Disease, that caused a total collapse of neonate population.

Joke aside, recent discussions made me realized that I made a serious mistake... Afterwards, I really wondered how could this happened. In a Game with such a big pretention to expose a very rapid combustion...I completely excluded Town Pillagings apart from equation editor. Unwarrantable sin!..

After an extraordinary meeting between underground Pirate Partei High Council members at Bornholm Island, I was declared guilty. Any bribery or third party interventions accepted. The tough reality was imposed with below declaration of Verdict:

"MoS von Baulöwensburg,
While Council members appreciate your to-date efforts in the shining of Pirate's global image, they were judged highly incomplete in the making of your actual career. You have, after the declaration date of this document to you, to begin your venture as a Shopkeeper again, and later on, show all facets of the Game and of your style...in parallel with this purpose."

Viktor the Viking


Thus leaving my Mayor's Manor and all other mayoral attributes, I saluted my wife and daughter.. The weather was chilling; to spend the night, I climbed down to my sole possesion at one of the quays of the Port of Riga: My unique snaikka with 1000 gold hidden somewhere inside. And my only comrade: Smokey the Cat.

It's now time to choose and edit a new Map. again to the Reactor...

Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.


Anonymer Spender

Beiträge: 1 000

Dabei seit: 11. April 2005

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Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2009, 01:22

Hallo Mayor of Smyrna,

schön, dass du wieder an Bord bist und viel über dein Spiel schreibst. Ich drücke dir die Daumen, dass es dir gelingt, das Ziel des Threadtitels zu erreichen. Ich halte durchaus für möglich - es dürfte aber knapp werden.

Schön wäre es allerdings, wenn du - wie es hier üblich ist - deine Jahresendsaves online stellen würdest. Wenn du Sorgen hast, dass diese saves von anderen Spielern missbraucht werden könnten, um damit weiterzuspielen - das haben wir bislang eigentlich immer nachweisen und ausschließen können.

Bis dann


  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2009, 03:55


Originally posted by Roland
Hallo Mayor of Smyrna,

schön, dass du wieder an Bord bist und viel über dein Spiel schreibst. Ich drücke dir die Daumen, dass es dir gelingt, das Ziel des Threadtitels zu erreichen. Ich halte durchaus für möglich - es dürfte aber knapp werden.

Hallo Roland, it's nice to see you writing under this topic. I am happy with your words. Sorry for not being able to reply to you in German.


Schön wäre es allerdings, wenn du - wie es hier üblich ist - deine Jahresendsaves online stellen würdest. Wenn du Sorgen hast, dass diese saves von anderen Spielern missbraucht werden könnten, um damit weiterzuspielen - das haben wir bislang eigentlich immer nachweisen und ausschließen können.

Bis dann


With your immense knowledge and your inexhaustible energy and motivation, you are for me the best player by far of this Game. So my deep respect refrained myself to easily say 'no' to you.

But risking to always be impolite and antipathetic, I unfortunately must refuse your deal.

Naturally while examining the Final Savegame, all about this long progress may be tracked by studying all related curves about everything, since the first year of the Game...There will be no interruption or hiding on the curves, there.

On the other hand, if asked, I am ready to give clear answers to all questions under this topic, about my Game (I underlined: Any misdirection or dissimulation; Correct Facts only) and publish untouched screenshots as already seen...except about building style.

Naturally after reaching the Goal and publish the save, I can reply to any questions, building style included. No doubt about that... I wish to be understood: ...I am not in a contest nor in another groupe activity... So any unfair move to do from my side; at first, this is necessary for my own gaming pleasure. Just MoS in action... I am the lone wolf who plays for the Mother-of-all Records, against the very best and worthy players of this world.

In this Forum, I am in the consciousness that I am in your virtual territory and I receive a great hospitality and tolerance to my english written messages everywhere. I do not wish to believe that my telling style with much fun and modest humour (no offence indeed) may frustrate some people.

If I can continue to post, for precision's sake, I wish to publish all statistics of the Game at year's turns.

Very best regards to you, Roland.
Schöne abend.

Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.


Anonymer Spender

Beiträge: 1 000

Dabei seit: 11. April 2005

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Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2009, 09:44


Original von Mayor of Smyrna
If I can continue to post, for precision's sake, I wish to publish all statistics of the Game at year's turns.

Natürlich bin ich daran interessiert, dass du hier dein Spiel weiter beschreibst - jede ausführliche Spieldokumentation ist eine Bereicherung für uns alle. Und deinen Vorschlag, künftig jährlich eine kleine Jahresstatistik zu posten, halte ich für sehr gut.

Bis dann

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2009, 01:21


Originally posted by Roland

Natürlich bin ich daran interessiert, dass du hier dein Spiel weiter beschreibst - jede ausführliche Spieldokumentation ist eine Bereicherung für uns alle. Und deinen Vorschlag, künftig jährlich eine kleine Jahresstatistik zu posten, halte ich für sehr gut.

Bis dann

Thanks for your comprehension.

As you know and accept, any World Record was broken until now, by collaborating between competing parties.

I am not this strict and selfish in person, but here I must apply the elements of my Gaming Strategy; either to play but *again* to keep myself be able to play in full potential... this sophisticated, long ranged and absorbing gaming project... In fact, you are the first person to already know these events. Everyone who undertake such a big, pretentious and consuming project, must accept à priori, that he will invest one year of his life in there...


Because the Reward is Ultimate..._*The Citadel*_


I wish to keep this thread as lively and readable as possible. I also wish to accumulate here a compact collection of background items as Maps, images, brief notes about history, travel relations etc. that may be useful to others - just in case, if they find them interesting...Needless to say, everybody is welcome here. As you already well done, writing in German and replying in English poses any problems, as long as both party keep wishing that communication channels remain open. I wish also meticulously precise that my rather bragging style is here not for any offence of course; just to add a little more "spice from Izmir".. Some people may consider this thread as a one-man-show... Of course this is, as every AAR is designated to be. In addition this is in fact an In Action Report here, because I am writing (with great pleasure) as I am actually playing. Finally, I hope I will not finish this story by becoming MIA, in this adventurous voyage to the very extremes of the Game.

Thank you again, Roland; for your respectable approach, as always. I wish also to sincerely thank to all Mod.s here, to keep their good will on me: to the bad boy of the neighborhood.

So now I will leave to pick a favorable Start Save for coming Big Venture to 3 100 000 people. So tomorrow, if the reader can not see my post about Initial Directive of Front-line Tactics and Deployment, may he knows that I was banned... If not:



Best gaming experiences to all.

Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2009, 10:46

Initial Directive of Front-line Tactics and Deployment

Land Survey / Terrain Analysis:

As always, I wished to base this year-long Game on a -proven- solid ground. So I took Roland/Ugh! Map, latest version (Ro40_Stockholm_mod(ugh).kef). Then I modified it according to my estimated time and place coordinates. With all its +'s and -'s, here below a brief description:

Eisenerz.................10..mostly N of Scandinavia... Southern Baltic is without Ore.
Felle........................3..NE of the map, Nov-Lad-Rig.
Fleisch + Leder.......19..Widespread
Getreide.................25/5. mostly N of Scandinavia, Ladoga is without Grain. .
Gewürzimport..........4..SW of the map: Bru-Haa-Lon-Bos.
Hanf......................16.. Even
Holz........................0/35 No Timber at RL cities.
Salzimport..............6..Mostly RL cities: Sca-Grö-Got-Ste-Rev and Lüb.
Tran + Fisch..........12..Fish oil is above of Nwc-Rig (both incl.) parallel.
Tuch.......................4..Mostly SW of the Map: Lon-Bru-Grö-Vis.
Wein......................2..SW of the map: Bru-Köl.

Classical 6 + 1 prod. x 40 Town, 5 RL scheme. Grain is maximized to let "more oxidizer" to the map. In the end, I am not looking for a difficult Map; anyway, after possessing 1500 ships at the first year's turn, any "difficult map" will be devastated. Creating some big vacuums (ie. cloth, pottery, usw) will only serve to cause to some more delays to reach the Goal, so not interested. The road to 3.1Mio is already long and difficult, no need to clutter it any more. To make a daring test however, I added all imports after 280 prod. capacity. So there is 292 articles in this Map.

Zone / Axis / Phase / Wave and Altitude of the First Expansion Pattern:

1./There must never be a primary Zone. The 'Zone' is the whole Map. Soon after, Mediterranean and North Atlantic to be included.

2./With multiple ship captures, rapid elimination of the Fog-of-War and quasi-simultaneous action of Kontor Establishing/s according the rate of the given permissions...will advance coordinately. Priority is not proximity to Homeland, but rate and order of permissions. So rapid and wide dispersion of available construction material is mandatory. Earliest Med and New World Discoveries, by their huge rep. boost, must be taken into account. According to "Total Advance Doctrine", Every City and Every Ship is a permitted target. All Hanse region will be declared Free Fire Zone as soon as the Directive of Advance issued.

3./Every move and action to bring quick reputation benefits, will result in granted permissions. Frequent Guild memberships may do much good. If not successfully compounded by straight bribing, Ship Capturing and Town Pillaging actions will do more harm than good. The day of founding the 40th Kontor, will determine the end of the opening.

4./The production of the most beneficial goods, is either the most expensive one. So in the very first establishments, these items must be excluded. Beside precisely planned Iron Goods workshops, any "6 weeks+50 bricks+20 timber+20 IG" industries and farms will absolutely be postponed. Local decision makers will mainly focus on the immediate production of: construction and survival goods.

5./Without causing to any delay, "Economical Usage of Resources" will strictly be applied . The scarcity of every resource requires a careful multi-stepped planning. As reaching to each target in time presents a capital importance, coordination must be maintained in every layer of the hierarchy. If current economy is judged not sufficient to follow the advances in rapid expansion, according measures will not be delayed to be established, keeping also in mind all possible emerging developments in the near future.

Wasted time means wasted power.


Get ready now...It's time to weigh the anchor!

An ink drawing of a Hanse holk from a manuscript of the Town Council of Reval (Tallinn).

Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2009, 15:00



Originally posted by Mayor of Smyrna

Wasted time means wasted power.

While rechecking forum pages and browsing between thread messages, this above words stayed insistently in my mind. I inwardly smiled and tried to remember since how many years or how many thousand hours I invested - and now about to invest - my time to this adorable Game. Of course those moments leaved many indelible impressions, that I will never regret to live through.

Then I remembered an excerpt coming from many years ago:


from the Encyclopedia of Bizarre Animals

I wasted my time, the time wasted me.
(Disconnectus Erectus)

Remember me to him.


(Shaking briskly the head and rearranging the cravat and Desktop)

"Fully-equipped units are all pin-point positioned...Morale is very high and advance readiness is full... Until reaching very front targets, complete radio silence to be applied after this message... We will hoist the colours and sail on this Midnight!"

Riga, 9.May.1300
Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Montag, 27. Juli 2009, 13:40

The Expansion _ part 1

Hallo to all fellow players,

"Mobilized after the very first moments of midnight 09/10.May.1300, Naval and Paramilitary elements of unknown origin, turned waters along Courland Peninsula to an intense theater of war. As the red flames reflected from cloudy latvian sky, the night witnessed the wave progressing towards to Malmö-Reval corridor, main naval trade axis of Baltic Sea."
(Riga, CNNTurk, 10.Jun.1300 5.48 AM)

Above-presented newsbreak is from recent press meeting, and was mainly based on-the-record interviews of embedded reporters and photojournalists.

Operation Hanseatic Redoubt:

Since nearly 2 months, many barrier-penetrating platoons are causing a never already seen havoc in this part of the known world. Waited until ideal conditions were met, all trained and disciplined forces applied a carefully planned advance, without much loss of either man, material and especially, time.

13.05.1300 31.05.1300 Permissions

So ended Opening Phase of the Main Advance of Expansion... If requested, more data/details is available.


The Second Phase of the Expansion is actually determined with a rapid series of Town Pillagings. First attack was directed at Tönsberg by 01.06.1300 and pushed ahead with Oslo the day after. After more or less ten similar attacks, a second battlegroup were recently formed to 'double' the actual rate.

The timing and frequency of town pillagings were imposed by three emerging growths: Firstly most of the "Accusations" of white ship captures are now matured in a more quick pace. At the beginning, the bribings were scarce and cheap; but actually rather mass-happened and are not meant to a pittance... Secondly, ever increasing need to cash money for Guild Submission Fees... And finally, the actual desire to quickly transfer this awfully nice capital to immensely fuel all construction requirements. In addition, the advantage of the pillaged money (ca. 250 to 300K at each) pales in comparison with *huge* benefits that may be realized by Barrel-goods Manipulation.

As the main result of these Town Pillagings, the Town Coffers suffer a heavy drain in medium terms, beside being immediately emptied after attack... So I expect two related emerging situations: Firstly it is hoped a dramatic fall from the rate of the Landlord's Town Attacks... I will have an eye on it in the near future. Secondly, there is now no immediate need to encourage the towns for level-2 upgraded City Walls. However, there is a natural workaround about this situation:

The Town's Treasury is now changed hands. With this money, I am promoting an Early and Quick Construction Program in every Town. So in some months, I will begin to pay some rather big sums to every Town as Property Tax (as I simultaneously will keep incoming pots of gold)...Then the Money Cycle will again in order. My advantage from this story: I will be establishing ca. all my necessary Construction and Production Machine >>> even after the very first months of the Game!! This is really awesome... According to exponential progress, an action happened one day earlier in the opening phase... will result an advantage at the months' scale in coming years.


Between not-so-intermittent neutralization operations against white fleet, our intelligence teams once reported a convoy 'en route' to Mediterranean Expedition. Info message dated from 1.Jun.1300. A white Cog 045, sailed from Lübeck, was crossing Kattegat. While tracked it down silently, our forces let it exit from the Channel. A sentinel was put to the entrance for its return, however.

The middle image shows also a standing snaikka 12 on a Pirate Map spot, missioned mainly to get bigger pirate ships to the open, while some armed and manned cog 045s or crayer 23s will then say the last word. On the Public convoys list, a cog convoy from Visby to Novgorod, is also to be noted.


While being occupied by trying to conduct so many political and economical affairs, high-rise reputation bring a suitor in front of me, at 30.May.1300.

When the dust settled a bit, I realized that this is exactly what I actually need for, just in the beginning of my career. A prestigious First Lady... I did not cared much about the candidate... Until: :eek2:

Wow! More and more I am better realizing that I need a feminine touch to bring order to my life!...

Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Dienstag, 4. August 2009, 18:25

The Expansion _ Part 2

...somebody wake me, I have been sleeping too long...

Well, it's a little past August 1300, and here below some recent socio-ecopolitical growths:

Throughout July of 1300, intense and multi-dimensional operations have been conducted towards crucial targets. Some of them were already described at above messages. This Month of July 1300, may well be the most important month of the whole gaming session, in the basis of importance of events occured in.. and their projections to the future... To remember, I may resume these missions as:
*/ Founding a Kontor in each 40 towns.
*/ Immobilizing white competition.
*/ Rising reputation:
-- Pirate annihilating
-- Town Supply Network
-- Some festivals in target towns
-- Mediterranean connections
*/ Financial support.
*/ Supply tools and thoughts.
*/ Time-saving measures.

So Kontor founding already done at 30.Jun.1300, all Jul.1300 passed under heavy town shelling and pillaging... In total, 42 actions performed, lastly to Novgorod at 30.Jul.1300. Tönsberg and Rügenwald were pillaged twice, as those second attacks brought ca. 15 000 gold, beside great benefit on light-cargo manipulation. As a result, this huge income that entered to the system, was the main source for *very early* financing of the construction and production apparatus.

As aerly Aug.1300, any white target reported by the patrolling forces. Beside mostly individual attacks to white Cog Convoys, most of the white snaikka Bulk was absorbed by combined fleet attacks, by mainly 4 convoys (+2 replenishment) of multiple Crayers and Snaikkas, strategically allocated in the straits of Aalborg, Naestved, Malmö and Göteborg quadrat area...Then expanding towards to borders of the Map, by "broom movement". For more detail, cf.supra.

In the very beginning, the phase of designing the Map, I already traced imaginary directions of the Main Thrusts of Advancements, thus material availability (esp. bulky one) was not a great problem in Kontor grounding. Seconds after that, all surviving and building material was secured in the domain area of each city. Rapid enumeration of many ships, permitted a scalable supply to every town even after first months of the Game. After all, until a dozen of productions enter to the service, all cities with ca. 900 to 1100 people are self-sufficient in Region-wide. Just "from A to B" work in early moments.

This "from A to B" job requires many ships perpetually buzzing between these 40 towns however.. since not sufficient stocks of ships and captains available for all Town Supply Convoys yet!. Not surprisingly, from the very beginning, an extensive and determined ship gathering program was put in action. Actually no need to detail it more, cf.supra.

Naval Yard Expansion:

Extensive repair carried quickly this Edinburg Naval Yard to "Full Capacity" status. Since I have always many captured ships, and thus not in a status to be interested in rapid ship building, I wish to give some data about Capacity Development.

_6.Jul.1300 _ First Bombard, first Cannon. 230-340-520-650
13.Jul.1300 _ 250-350-550-650
20.Jul.1300 _ 700, finally.
27.Jul.1300 _ First black convoy (lvl-2, type cog 37), forcing Edinburgh perimeter.
Please note one week intervals. I suspect at this stage, the town must be well supplied by Cloth, Iron Goods, Leather, Pitch and Timber..After 20.Jul, all pirate ships are of standard gauge.

Rapid sending convoys to Med, has brought good news, Already in early August, 7 most adjacent centers discovered. As I projected this move later, I could see only 11 centers in total. So one is always missing. I think because I placed 12 goods exports on the main map, after 280 of normal capacity. I hope may this be the unique defect of this choice...Or this early departure of this white cog to Med?

In a lucky context, I hired a good number of 4/x/x captains in this early time. Thus some cog 045s are now used as arbitrage elements. But town pillaging, especially practiced this heavily in the opening section of the game, made any other finance options obsolete, I think.

Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Amselfass« (6. August 2009, 00:22)

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Mittwoch, 5. August 2009, 22:42

The Expansion _ Part 3

Personal Expansion

No, no.. this is not for shining player's ego... alter-ego, super ego, transient ego, reactive ego, etc... because I already do it in nearly every message. The aim of this message is modestly show how one may grow quickly in social status (as seen soon, I did not use a ladder this time, but a catapult !).

Immediately after first seconds of midnight 09/10.May.1300, why I need this badly to increase reputation? My stress was backed with the-quicker-the-better Kontor establishing. Even 1 day earlier makes sense; then I finally can conduct the *freedom of movement*, in everywhere I can erect a Kontorhaus. This is very important, because 40 days after founding your Kontor, it becomes operational and (beside others) you may check your Reputation Level in a given town.

So, after known arguments and tools, and under most near-ideal conditions, the player's reputation is often more pronounced in peripheral towns than her/his Hometown. It seems this "5 Month Incremental System" is not mandatory in other towns... It has been realized also that this rise is more marked in cities near to home than farther ones. As an example, towards to the end of Jul.1300: I was Merchant at Riga, Travelling Merchant at Edinburgh and Councillor at Reval, every 3 towns are treated more or less equally... then when I moved to Reval at 31.Jul.1300, at this very date, I would be Councillor there...as I was in midday 1.Aug.1300....Certainly to be promoted to Patrician in late-evening of 1.Aug.1300.

Promoted to Patrician status at Reval hours after moving there,

from a Merchant status at Riga hours before moving to Reval.

These two below images dates from 1.Aug.1300, hours after I moved to Reval. At left Riga screen, I am declared as "Unbelievable Patrician" (not being Mayor yet), and I am seen as Merchant. At right, Reval, I am "only" Patrician yet, on the eve of Mayoral Election.

Five days after being settled in Reval, I've been declared winner of the Mayoral Election. So bypassing "Travelling Merchant and "Councillor" stati and economizing 2 months!.. and then ... Lord Mayor 5 days after.

Below two images dates from 5.Aug.1300...Now global recognition of "Unbelievable Lord Mayor" status realized, but in Riga, even after 1.Aug.1300, my status did not progress to "Travelling Merchant".. Note also 'decreased reputation'. A side-effect of leaving?


In summary, all this course is a tricky and nice one. Now curious mind may ask such a question: Is this process may be revived one month earlier?? So, in the end of Jun.1300, a similar action can be demonstrated?.. Firstly I think only a handful of Kontors can be operational at this time. As my first Kontors were founded at 13, 14 and 16 May 1300, after 22.Jun.1300, a few Kontors can be in service... even one can go blind on this... even Kontor is not ready. On the other hand, It not seems very easy that at the end of Jun.1300 one player can accumulate such a rep to reach in a given town to Councillor status... Yes, maybe someone may reach to Travelling Merchant at 1.Jul.1300 and then be promoted to Councillor, hours later... but this will not be sufficient for him to be listed between candidates of Mayoral Election.

However, this is a burning question this one, but this is my second start of this actual Game and I can not support to burn my last 2 months of Gaming.. Maybe from a savegame around this time, I may divert about this, if I will say a temporary 'Basta!' from this turkish building continuum. But one thing is certain from now: If I begin for a new Game, at August 1300... I am Alderman.

Off-top: At Reval screen, have a glance on this strange combination of name+surname...no offence, as always.

Schöne Abend an alle.
Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Donnerstag, 6. August 2009, 02:48

Raison d'être

Sorry for double post (!), but I forgot to mention the main military utility of this situational exercise:

At Reval Town Hall, minutes after declaration of Election results, while I was accompanied to my new Oval Office, the runner delivered me the message that I expected to receive from the Older Man:

From now on, a Gate to the Fame and Fortune, but most importantly to sealoads of ships opened before me...
I want those ships !!


"- I am MoS von Baulöwensburg... Pass me Captain Polock!"


Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Sonntag, 9. August 2009, 12:28

Exercices in Social Status

Gute Sonntag,

As expected, I burned my last 2 months of gaming, and tinkered most of the dynamics of Increase in Social Status, under a fresh and slightly more cautious review of a new Pass... Question is very intriguing, time is ripe and motivation is full.

This was still a more optimized pass also, for general gaming progress. I started to town pillagings even earlier, and never missed any piece of Brick, that money can buy... before some Harbor or Wall Towers or AI plants were decided to be built.

So, all along the 01 to 30 June 1300, while I am always "Trader" at my hometown, Riga:

Under very self-sacrificing and tight corner-turning situations, repassing all those tricky and ahead of time planned and applied... bribing, supplying, constructing, festivizing, loan giving, church expanding, pirate+white competition mauling etc... nightloads of heroic efforts were only sufficient to bring me to at most "Travelling Merchant" status in some Kontor in service (of course) cities, at 30.Jun.1300...Dang!

So I expect now, at no-home Towns, whatever efforts one can make (may be revised more), one can not jump more than two ranks of Social Status, at a given moment.. And exactly here that all the process is stuck.

Attention! We are now in hypothetic environment:
From what could not be done, to force to be Lord Mayor in July 1300, I may guess:

- In no-home Towns, max 2 rank of Social status *advance* can be achieved,
- and only in the first day of Months, promotions are officialized,
- supposing ideal conditions were met and sustained in target Towns,

One must do two moves, at first days of June and July 1300...to be elected as Mayor in target Town, any time in Jul.1300.

Hometown---1.Jun.1300--from Shopkeeper to Trader
Outside-------1.Jun.1300--from Trader to Merchant (supposing from 20 days after beginning, only one rank advance can be achieved).

New Home---1.Jul.1300--from Merchant to Travelling Merchant
Outside-------1.Jul.1300--from Councillor to Patrician

So at 2.Jul.1300, get elected Mayor in target Town, and before 10.Jul.1300...winning Alderman elections...That is what would be understood as "Meteoric Rise".
Attention! End of hypothetic environment:

Double quick, the impossibility of forcing the process any more, became evident.

The first and sufficient barrier is Kontor inauguration date.. In my actual Game, my first Kontor was founded at 13.May.1300 and becames operational at 22.Jun.1300... So no possibility to Move somewhere outside at 1.Jun.1300.!

Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Donnerstag, 13. August 2009, 15:24


Just a small tip for the first day of the Game @ Patrician Level....and for the second. But third day is already a little too late.

-Plan to choose your Hometown from 8 "Kneipenauftrage" cities.
-This City must be close to another City.
-In designing/modifying the Map, choose productions in these two cities as: The Game opens with happy mood of the people. This will ensure more beggars.! More beggars means for you more staff to man your eventual 1+1 snaikkas (one will soon be captured).
-Pick an ideal StartSave in your Hometown that offers an Escort/Fugitive Mission below ca. 3500 of reward, then you will have a Pirate Crayer as opponent. In addition, this ideal startsave must grant you a Captain ( hopefully X/X/Good value).

-Now begin to your Game: As the Town mood is high, with a little S/L, you may obtain 8 to 10 beggars in two rows. If there is, say 8 beggars at the tavern, hire firstly 7 beggars to your snaikka (this makes 12 total), than immediately you will have another 8 beggars again at tavern. So complete your ship Staff to 20, accept the mission, hire the Captain, buy 2 or 3 cutlasses from the Armory and set sail...

-Now you have two options:
./ If your captain is x/x/4or5 value, you may capture a not-so-staffed and weak captained pirate crayer, straight from the shoulder.
./ If not:

-At high sea, immediately after Town's perimeter, cross the fingers that there will be any white ship around, then declare the ship as pirate and after a while, board a white snaikka. Now declare ship as civil again, and enter to adjacent home port, to supply the first and second snaikkas with the beggars from there. Always for second snaikka, buy some precious barrel-goods.

-Now you have 2 snaikkas, ca. 30 to 32 men, and set sail again together. It's now optional to declare again your first snaikka as Pirate again. Usually I do it for convenience for very near-future captures. Wait until Pirate Crayer attack to your first snaikka. At this moment, your 2 snaikkas must be near to each other on the main map. In this first battle, you have to flee without being hit. After Battle Screen closed, you must see this Pirate Crayer on the Main Hanse Map, now being deciphered.

-Now let the Pirate, attack to your second snaikka with "feeding goods" inside. Never surrender. He will plunder it and this will cost him some very precious personnel. Let the Battle Screen close.

-Again on main map, finally finish the Pirate Crayer off with your First Snaikka.. If you have still attack-readiness, and if your second snaikka was captured [(?) this never happened to me], you may shadow your "leased" snaikka to down it again too, this time right off the crayer, with fire-arms, finally. Now your "freed" first snaikka may capture other white snaikkas, while you may think of capturing white cogs with your newly acquired Crayer (this is another story)..If they are in close vicinity, send quickly these secondary ships to pick your 2nd and 3rd captains.

So one or two "Beaten Feared Pirate" victories in first or second days, all Hanse people will soon realize in a week or two, that there will be a "Dangerous Shopkeeper" around... I think the Building Permissions are mostly related to these arguments and tools of Global Reputation, otherwise, I could not obtain these shower of permits, beginnig just from 12.May.1300, at Malmö and Boston, and from 13.May.1300, at Ahus and London...As already mentioned, I always choose Riga, as my favourite Hometown.

You 'only' need to reserve two real days of your spare times, for this extremely immersive session. Great fun guaranteed, as already tested and approved.

Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Montag, 17. August 2009, 13:47

Addendum to above post


For the sake of clarity, just a precision:

While saying 8 'kneipenauftrage' cities, I meant this 8 cities, where Escort/Fugitive Missions are given:


Originally posted by Mayor of Smyrna, at 07.02.2006 14:23

There are 8 ports on the map that Escort/Fugitive missions are given: Firstly Edinburgh, the only city that cog-gy pirates can also emerge. In Bruges, Bremen, Aalborg, Rostock, Gdansk, Riga and Stockholm...that you may have Escort and Fugitive missions. These ports became naturally my Naval Bases, either for replenish my SECURITY cogs + crayers and for desarming + repairing + renaming all pirate vessels.

There is another group of 20 'kneipenauftrage' cities, this time "Avenge my Brother" or Pirate Hunter Missions are offered:


Originally posted by Mayor of Smyrna, at 07.02.2006 14:23

While pirate maps, those Pirate Hunter missions, there are another fixed number of cities. This time, the eventual distribution is made by the Game with alternation between alignated *seashore* cities. So in this map, Hunter missions are given in Edinburg, Scarborough, London, Haarlem, Gröningen, Hamburg ....and so on...

Originally posted by Mayor of Smyrna, at 31.07.2007 07:58

....... this information had earned me considerable amount of time in the gameplay while I looked for Pirate Hunting maps: In general manner, the Game delivers Avenge-my-Brother mission localities while ping-ponging between these couples. If you find a map, say at Ladoga, in *nearly* all the situations, the second/follower is the other City (Tönsberg) of the couplings... For Pirate Hunting Maps, all of the "handshaker" cities are: Visby-Haarlem; Stettin-Gröningen; Bremen-Gdansk; Hamburg-Königsberg; London-Ahus; Lübeck-Windau; Bergen-Pernau; Ladoga-Tönsberg; Edinburgh-Aalborg and Scarborough-Naestved..so 20 cities in a 40er Map.

Albeit a good idea, I did never try to begin to a Game with two missions altogether; as 1 Escort/Fugitive + 1 Avenge my Brother mission... In this case, your Hometown options were limited, just intersecting cities between two above groups, as:

Bremen, Gdansk, Edinburgh, Aalborg...

Aalborg, is too close, while Edinburgh is too far where the heart beats... So you have to choose Danzig or Bremen, not a third option..

I may vote for Danzig.. Already a little far from the busy lines, as necessary to be able to rise jolly roger... but still in the center of a sub-network cities... influence field from Stettin to Windau, 6 in total. Bremen, with nearly same geo-strategic position, falls not short however, especially with its nearby dutch harbours, from Haarlem to Ripen, as 5 cities in total..


In addition, heh, if you manage to "catch" another mission as a Voyage 'Traveler' more, to add to the duo above, your first departure will be with 3 Missions aboard.. whoa.! The only shadow that falls to the happiness, is to pick this ideal StartSave however; you may need many (and maybe many many) hours to spend before to find the right one.. Take care of your nerves...I frankly declare that for my start save, any spirit was hurt.

Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Amselfass« (17. August 2009, 17:39)

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
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Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Samstag, 21. November 2009, 15:03

From Stratch...not Optimized this time, but MAXIMIZED


Since three months, I worked hard @ real world, finished rundreise after rundreise; französisch sprechen gruppen after gruppen. Therefore I had neither much time to develop my old progress, nor keep contact and full steam with my old game dynamics and motivation. Wie schade!.. Admitting all of these past efforts as warming exercices, I begun a new Game from stratch, with all culminating knowledge and experience that I modestly gathered until now from the Gaming Communities, fueled and after-burnered with a solid motivation... After seeing preliminary results, my motivation doubled, and my joy to conduct this actual Game has risen to never explored heights.

Time is ripe for > while calmly waiting for P4; then all knowledge and experience is reachable, finally stamina and motivation is full... So let's begin!

Actual Game dates of 08.05.1301. One year of history, full of extreme fun. It is incredible, after all those years of gaming on these extremist and pretentious waters that a player can still push the Game in a way full of happy surprises and superlative values.

The aim of this Game is going beyond 3 100 000 inhabitants and obtaining maximum number of people that a single Game can address. All of other details and parameters may pale in front of this. As motivation oxidizers, these secondary parameters are also subjects of collateral records, if reached planned targets in time.

So, critical specs as of 08.05.1301:



I have actually no time to describe all the dynamics / tools / arguments behind these values. I still have 2 weeks/groups to guide after today, then I will have 2 to 3 months of spare times.

See you then, with analysis' and explanations ...
Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.



Beiträge: 3

Dabei seit: 12. April 2010

Wohnort: Portugal

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Dienstag, 13. April 2010, 00:51

well reading these comments makes happy, I'm in the track

any of u had cologne as the most populated city in game ? cologne in my game has 10k+ residents, u gotta love the amount of wine they make lol
So below as above and beyond I imagine . . .

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Sonntag, 18. April 2010, 21:31

Back on my tracks again...

Hallo an alle,

Well, a single and small ( 1d x 1d ) construction error, pulled me from my actual game to 22 Nov 1300... Seven game months of (every of its real minutes planned) gameplay reduced to volcanic ashes.

This game still impress me after all those years of play, as @ this new / last pass, I still have found some room to optimize the very previous gameplay.. This kind of depth that attracts me to play again and again, as wishing to be with a friend of personality like this depth or caliber...

The above paragraph is my definition to "langzeitmotivation".. Either in single Game basis, or the GAME's whole longevity... Whatever you are doing, but do someting easy to "grab" but very hard to "master".. please.

Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.

  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist männlich
  • »Mayor of Smyrna« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 181

Dabei seit: 31. Mai 2005

Wohnort: Izmir, Türkei

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Freitag, 23. April 2010, 22:36

Schöne abend,

Well, on the eve of 1301...

In most cities, 9 Brickyards + 3 Sawmills + 9 Grain or 9 Hemp Farms are fully in action. Most of the 3er IG Workshops were completed/populated or near this status... According the production pattern, 9 Iron Smelters or other 9er "10 days-to-complete" facilities are nearing/fully functional.. Precisely:
9 Brickyards or 9 Pitch Boilers
9 Grain or 9 Hemp Farms
3 Sawmills
3 Fisheries
3 Breweries
(1 or 2) x 3 of "10 days-to-complete" facilities
(1 or 2) x 3 of "20 days-to-complete" facilities
(1 or 2) x 3 of "40 days-to-complete" facilities are neared to be completed and/or populated.

Cities are around 4600 to 5200 population. After 5000 pop., another Construction Team will be added.

As usual, Tonnage and Money is not a probleme.


And some considerations about still optimizing this "blitz-expansion"..

To completely annihilate the "Brick Bottleneck", construction of 25 more Brickyards are of the first priority.. then 34 in total @ each 32 cities.. 1088 Brickyards.. 8414 weekly or 1202 daily bricks production.. For this period of the gameplay..!

According to this brick-flow, simultaneous 11 or 17 Sawmills construction more @ each possible city basis, to meet the [timber as raw material +/ construction +/ town+pop. needs] requirements..

Then, the series of constructions to complete every previous 3ers to 9ers:

Wave of "10 day'ers".. 6 x of Iron Smelters, Hemp Farms and especially Salt Works..

Wave of "20 day'ers".. Firstly 3 + later 3 Fisheries, 6 x of Breweries, Pottery Shops, Apiaries, Skin Hunters, etc..

Wave of "40 day'ers".. Firstly 6 IG Workshops, 6 x of Sheep Ranches, Cattle Farms, etc..

More fisheries... until reaching 15 to 18 @ each city..


As these construction orders will be applied "very" accordingly and harmoniously until August / September 1301... All cities will then have more than 15 000 inhabitants... with Two Construction Teams more..

With continuous "heavy" Town Pillaging ---> thus terrific..!! Barrel-Goods-Manipulation...Another revision will to be made around this timeline, and an interpolation to have 20 000 people at some Hanseatic Cities is not impossible to reach, with Mayor-interacted lvl_2 walls... when 1301 year is closing.


Inventor of the "Turkish Building Technique"

Game Ratings:
First time total population beyond 3Mio frontier:3 045 259
Current Game: P2_Herz andP2_Kanoneof course..

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt.
Lost are only those, who abandon themselves.