Moin @ all
Beim nächsten Update der Contest-Tabelle wird der Teilnehmerkreis wieder etwas internationaler sein. Ich habe gestern den Startsave von Baltic Trader, einige werden ihn aus dem PatricianWorldBoard und dem Ascaron-Forum kennen, aus unserem Poatfach geangelt. Hier noch ein paar Infos:
Lutz Gollhardt <> wrote:
Hi Joseph,
my name is Lutz and I am a juror of the german savegame-contest 2005. My
nick in our community is Hopsing. It is my job to check your save.
It`s very nice, that you take part at our contest too. In the meantime
is it an international contest. There are not only players from Germany,
they also come from Austria, Switzerland and El Salvador. I am coming
from Germany, from a little village in the north of Berlin. Tell me
please, where do you come from.
The contest-table will be updated every sunday evening.
All the best
I know Jorge pretty well from the boards. I live in Texas, USA, and have been active on the PatricianWorld board, the Ascaron Forum and am a monitor on the Tavern´s Side Room fan site. I looked at your games before as Hopsing; nice. Bagaluth (Ralf) and I used to write each other.
I devised several contests here on the American Boards in the past couple of years. Not many here still play Patrician.
This game I played as a trader. I managed to capture a level three crayer early, and after repairing it sent it to discover America as part of my strategy. I set the arrow exactly in the upper left corner, and it hit an Indian village dead on, very lucky.
I have not used the moneylender at all, but upgraded crayers and used them for the Mediterranean wine to American Indian tribe trips, selling off pirate holks for cash. I believe there are seven ships on expedition in my game, each worth about seventy thousand on return. While this makes for a little slower start it should pay off heavily in 1301 as I begin to devote many more ships to the America trading. I employed a trick I discovered, forming a crayer as convoy, sending it off and immediately transferring all the catapults back to port. This permits the ship to carry 172 wine, an additional cargo of 40 which gives an additional 8000 or so profit with a 28 man crayer. I don´t think the German players are aware of it yet.
I have concentrated initially on building some of the slower industries such as the wool farms, workshops, weaving mills. I did build a school in Hamburg, and took out a pirate hideout. I joined the Novgorod guild early, and bought the existing hunter lodges by auction. Again, it depresses initial results but should quickly pay off in 1301.
One problem I noted with using the German game is that if I have exited, when I re-enter and receive a notice such as a Patrol or other information, the name of the city is frequently not present. Often you are also able in a pirate hideout raid to re-enter immediately and capture additional cash; I was not able to do so in the Alderman mission. Other than that it is working well with the American version, I haven´t seen any other problems.
I am curious how Gesil does his building technique. It is interesting, I haven´t been able to duplicate it.
I am of course aware how to swap files in and out of multiplayer. I haven´t used anything illegal like that in the game, all rules have been followed. I might start arbitrage this game year, Quis and I developed that technique which I notice many of the contestants have used (arbitrage uses a good trading captain, buying and selling the same goods in the same town and taking advantage of the captain´s discount to gain money on the sales; by the way, they could have gained additional money if they had sold at a loss.)
There are a couple of other tricks which I will use this game year which I do not think the German players are aware of. I think you will find them interesting for the 1302 submission. Overall, my submission is a different type of game from the other´s.
Thank you for writing. I know no German, speak some Spanish besides English. I wish I did, I could participate on your boards. Write me anytime.
...Joe Baltrun (Baltic Trader)
Edit: Vielleicht kann sich mal eines unserer Sprachgenies um die Übersetzung kümmern, ich werde heute dazu keine Zeit haben, danke!
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Hopsing« (6. Juli 2005, 07:17)