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Hall of Fame

A short Hall of Fame
+++ Heute, Sonntag, 3. März, kann das Forum zeitweise nicht erreichbar sein - wir bitten um Euer Verständnis +++

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Over years the community of Patrizierforum organized various very popular contests.
In the following you find the contest winner's names 'carved in stone', remembering them and their extraordinary effort!

Patrizierforum Contests
ROLAND Contest Winner 2001/02.
In long-term contest "Raffzahn's Daughter" he succeeded in overcoming 2 million habitants and 5000 contest points.
ANTIGONOS Contest Winner 2003.
LEVON Contest Winner 2004.
UGH! Contest Winner 2005.
UGH! Contest Winner 2006.
WASA Contest Winner 2007.
WASA Contest Winner 2008 - "The Crop Failure".
PFEFFERSACK Contest Winner 2009 - "The Lubeck Tournament".
GEHTNIX In the long-term contest "Raffzahn's Daughter" he succeeded in overcoming 2 million habitants and 5000 contest points.