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By Gandalf (Nov 3rd 2005, 4:07pm)

10 13,066

By Sirius Delta

(Dec 5th 2018, 9:25am)

By Falko (Sep 13th 2011, 10:15pm)

120 139,499

By Falko

(Nov 7th 2017, 9:56pm)

By Falko (Jun 9th 2011, 8:36pm)

99 60,394

By Kaiser Ludwig der Bayer

(Oct 20th 2017, 5:48pm)

By Ugh! (Jan 11th 2014, 11:27pm)

25 17,289

By Frank van Knusen

(Apr 6th 2017, 10:13pm)

By SHG (Jan 13th 2016, 7:57pm)

3 3,650

By Dorimil

(Jan 18th 2016, 12:11pm)

By Falko (Sep 17th 2012, 9:54pm)

0 2,226

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By Holzwurm (Apr 17th 2006, 10:26pm)

12 18,169

By Micha

(May 5th 2010, 8:19pm)

By Micha (May 4th 2010, 12:14am)

3 5,383

By Josch

(May 5th 2010, 5:48pm)

By Brasileiro (Oct 9th 2005, 7:25pm)

18 13,997

By Josch

(Dec 19th 2008, 7:09pm)

By Baumstumpf (Jun 18th 2005, 10:44am)

5 7,586

By Koralan

(Nov 8th 2006, 6:13pm)

By Anakin (Jul 30th 2006, 3:45pm)

1 9,228

By Hopsing

(Jul 30th 2006, 10:17pm)

By keygenmaster (Jun 26th 2006, 9:07am)

1 5,381

By oernzz

(Jun 26th 2006, 9:12am)

By Johny-Walker (Apr 19th 2006, 3:39pm)

2 5,239

By Johny-Walker

(Apr 19th 2006, 7:11pm)

By Holzwurm (Apr 17th 2006, 10:09pm)

0 4,947

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