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Navigation Skill
Any way to raise this ability beside just trading?
Iv built me up a convoy of 4 cogs but to send on a Med expidition
but they have 2 game years of running a long route but still Nav skill is only 2.
There are trainers for fighting, navigation and trade in taverns of some cities, may be in Edinbourgh.
I see those inthe tavern but only for combat ( only once) and trading ( most of them )
I do not know, if a patch has fixed it, but the navigation-trainer-citiy is fix: it is Edinburgh. This I found with searchfunction of this board in the german section.
Ah I was only checking Lubeck. I thought it was just random as to which skill shows up.
@ Easy Bake: Please check your PM-Box. Thank you.
"Wir sind verletzt, aber wir stehen wieder auf."
Berlin - Breitscheidplatz, zum 19. Dezember 2016.
P2 1.1/P4 2.0.4